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Everything posted by Paul64

  1. Bizarre! Had a look at the Miller website to see if there are any suppliers listed here in Germany. Only one on the list and located 25kms from my house!
  2. I had a similar noise with my 110. I had it investigated and the half shafts were changed. However, the clunking noise was still there. It turned out to be the handbrake. I stopped using the handbrake for a couple of days, just leaving it in gear when parked and the noise went away.
  3. Thanks for the link. I noted they have a discount on the Mark 2 long at the moment £234
  4. How much did this cost you?
  5. If it is MOD it with be a Z4 RS22 tracking device
  6. I have to defend Jo here. Come on lads. The point he is making is that if you buy something to fit then that is what it should do. If it is brought to the attention of the supplier and he is given the run around for a couple of months that is poor customer service. That's it in a nutshell. I think this thread has been done to death!
  7. I have been informed that the photos will be up at about 6pm Cheers, Paul
  8. Bad move, you are addressing this to one of the best mechanics I know. If Jo says it aint right, then it aint right.
  9. The bottom line is that Jo has had the mess around here. Paul from Britpart should respond when he said he would and keep Jo informed of his progress. Why would you need to send the same photos over and over again. My understanding is that he has received a 3rd request for the same photos! No the customer service is poor on this occasion. If I were you Jo, I would send all of this info now to both Paddocks and direct to Snorkel. You have waited months for a response and you are no further forward than day one. You have given Britpart a really long time to sort this all out and they just haven't come up with the goods. Cheers, Paul
  10. Thanks for all the information. However, after traipsing around three hardware stores none of them stocked bigger than M10! I'll just have to hope me old mate rejo has some kicking about his shed! Cheers, Paul
  11. Thanks Jim, I have a 110 cross member. Does that make any difference? Cheers, Paul
  12. Hi, Just bought some M10x100ml bolts for the NATO hitch. Seems to be quite a lot of play around circumference. Anyone know what the recommended bolt is? Cheers, Paul
  13. I'm into my 5th day of a fitness campaign. My *****look much the same!
  14. Weird, the last time I was over from Germany in the UK, I stopped for a guy broken down in his Defender on the M20. He had German plates so I opened the conversation with a 'guten morgen'. He replied in English as was a Brit living in Nurenburg! Quite a scary encounter with 18 wheelers hurtling past only a few feet away. On the continent I always stop for anyone with UK plates on their vehicle. This has happened several times over the years and even though they don't know me from Adam, just the offer of help from a fellow countryman is usually appreciated.
  15. Drive is much better and more stable. It's nice being a little higher too! Did you have any problems with your MOT for having removed the self leveler? Cheers, Paul
  16. Hi Neil, I can't take the credit for the fitting, I was more Jo's apprentice. However, to answer your questions, the wheel carrier instructions were c**p. Jo had to improvise a little to get it on so it took a bit longer to fit than we expected. No we didn't use castor correction arms. The old springs and shocks had seen better days and the self leveler was removed too, so the before level was in fact below standard. I think that the 7.50x16 tyres also give the impression that it is much higher than before. Cheers, Paul
  17. Hi, At long last the suspension is complete! Eventually went for Old Man EMU springs and shocks, springs 751 front and 755 rear. Jo measured the distance from the axle to the wheel arch before (46 cm) and after (57cm) Before After Old spring coming out Replacement Jo is a total eating machine! He needs refueling every two hours! There was also time to fit a wheel carrier! Rear Jo's Disco Cheers, Paul
  18. Hi, Myself and Jo (rejo) will be driving over to Transylvania for x-mas. We will be taking all my kit over ready for my permanent move next April. We will be traveling with two sankeys too. Our only concern is security at night, especially the sankeys. Can anyone or does anyone know of a friend that could put us up, including secure parking in any of the following places, southern Germany, Austria or Hungary. Thanks in advance. Cheers, Paul
  19. Thanks Ged, My LR requires more of an overland setup so a little extra top end would be good. Also an annual trip from Transylvania to UK would be a little more bearable! I noted on the Matt savage website that a Disco T-box conversion is quite common for overland Tdi Defenders. Cheers, Paul
  20. Hi Ged What sort of speed are you talking about top end? I also have a 200Tdi. At the moment most of my driving is above 50mph and mine cruises comfortably at 60mph. How can you tell which T-box you have? Most other Defenders rip past me, so not sure if it is all this fuel tweeking, air filters and other stuff that makes the difference. Cheers, Paul
  21. I'm with you Simon, When I took the photos it never crossed my mind that this would cause such a stir. This LR appeared to be designed for overland use and for all we know this fella is planning a long trip across Africa. (I hope he is) It seemed to have everything needed for prolonged camping and getting out of tricky situations. Good luck to him. Cheers, Paul
  22. Faced a bit of a dilemma. Swivel hubs leaking grease everywhere, front discs worn and both callipers needed overhauling. As my mentor Rejo is down a salt mine in Bavaria I was left to my own devices! Too much to do and little time to do it all in. Rejo said it would be better to swap the axle for a TD5 one. I found one at Hayward 4x4 in Norfolk. They had two but said I needed the earlier one as there was a slight difference in length. It still had chrome swivels but were in good nick and the discs looked a lot thicker than mine. However, as mine has air lockers they had to split the axle and use my old Diff. They offset the price for the loss of the TD5 diff with the extra work to change them over. I suppose you take some risk going used but when I costed up all the parts required for the axle, Rejo's solution on cost was better. Replacement axle My old swivels Hayward 4x4
  23. It was great! Good weather and lots on. I thought the dog trials that anybody could enter with their dog was good idea. Brave though as some of them did not react the way the owners wanted with such a big audience!
  24. Shattered the illusion of a well travelled overlander that protected his pride and joy with his bare hands!
  25. Only just noticed the horns at the front!
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