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Everything posted by Paul64

  1. I was at the Midland Game Fair at the weekend and saw this great bit of kit. Does it belong to anybody on here?
  2. Thanks for all the information Chris, I will give it a go. Just out of interest who is SimonR?? Cheers, Paul
  3. Thanks for the information Diff. This sounds like a possible cause. Could this actually slow me down or cause damage to anything? cheers, Paul
  4. Thanks Diff, Now you mention it, it all started when queing for the ferry going to the UK. Tried to pull away with handbrake on. Quickly released it, but the noise was particularly bad straight after. Any relation to that do you think? What is the solution if it is the handbrake? Cheers, Paul.
  5. Thanks, A frame ball joint has no play in it and polybush reds were put on rear radius arms 3 weeks ago. What bothered me about the half shafts was the really bad wear on the splines. However, if the male end looks that bad, what are the female ends going to look like which are still in there?
  6. Hi, On my way back to the UK I developed a clunking at the rear of my Defender. It usually happens at low speed when the clutch is put down at the point when there is slight deceleration. I initially thought it was the prop shaft but all seemed well on inspection. As rejo is sunning himself somewhere in eastern Europe I took my LR to Haywards 4x4 near Fakenham in Norfolk. They checked it over and said after some looking that they thought it was the half shafts and or the end caps. These were replaced and all seemed well until the long drive home today. The noise returned! It seems to be much worse when on a long run. Any ideas? Cheers, Paul
  7. I have three of these reinforced plastic cargo boxes. They carry loads and can be used as work surfaces too.
  8. To the Mods Hello, I'm a bit confused with these recent changes to the forum as have been away for a while. Have I put this in the right place? I'm in Germany and Rejo in Holland, so is putting this in International forum ok? Paul
  9. Hi, Rejo was over this weekend. The Army REME workshops said I could use there bush press but are closed at the weekend. So Rejo decided to knock up an improvised press. This involved a 15 Tonne bottle jack, a steel housing, two metal blocks and different size socket heads. It worked really well! Cheers, Paul
  10. Do you know which ones? Would I need one for Turkey? Is there such a thing as a countries who require a carnet list? Cheers, Paul
  11. Absolutely fantastic looking bit of kit! Where have you been in it and what are your travel plans? Cheers, Paul
  12. What about this Chris? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...bayphotohosting
  13. Looks really good. Wonder how much it cost to put together. Cheers, Paul
  14. Thanks Les, rejo probably did say Teflon. Better get that straight before the abuse starts!
  15. Saw one of these when I was at Nene Overland http://www.neneoverland.co.uk/4x4services/artica.php
  16. Thanks for all your comments. I can see that the steel surface has taken several stone chips in the surface and this has roughed up the edges of the seals. I have cleaned it all up and there is little to see overnight, so hopefully all will be OK. I think it was rejo that told me the later swivels were titanium coated so surface damage is less likely? Would eventual replacement be expensive? Cheers, Paul
  17. Hi Chris, Roads are improving all the time in Romania. However, its the potholes which arrive quickly especially after the winter that you have to be on the lookout for, as can become quite deep before they are refilled. Catch one of these even at 40mph and you feel it right through to the bones! There has been little that I have seen that a sankey wouldn't cope with though. My main competitor (about two hours away) has one and he swears by it. He uses it on his tours as well to carry customers kit. I would like one too but would prefer something that can be properly secured rather than a simple canvas cover. The countryside, villages and even small towns are fine but when visiting the cities problems can occur (much the same as half of the rest of the world). However, if you are carrying kit that you are relying on for your tour it would be a serious blow to loose it to some opportunist. Cheers, Paul.
  18. Hi, can anyone tell me at what point do leaking swivel hubs become an MOT fail? You know the old steel ball type that gather stone chips which then knick the seals? Cheers, Paul
  19. Hi Chris I like the look of the Maggiolina roof tent and I think Lone Wolf are using one. However, there does not seem to be much room for anything else up top. I suppose this would be offset with having the trailer. Also I'm not sure there would be much left of the fridge after being on a sankey for a while? If you unhitch from the LR and go off for the day the security would have to be pretty robust, like chains to a tree and raised enclosed steel box construction maybe. Cheers, Paul.
  20. What about drilling through the gutter and padlocking it on. They could then use bolt cutters but it would slow the most determined down and cut out the opportunist.
  21. I am really sorry to hear about your loss. Not able to do much from over here, but very sorry all the same. Is it not possible to insure tent and rack seperately? Seems a lot of money to spend on kit that can simply be removed. There must have been more than one person involved to remove it all without a fork lift. Lets just hope somebody saw something, and can help out. Regards, Paul.
  22. Now that is service! I use RAC via Norwich union. Never had to use it so cannot comment on quality. I live in Germany and although usually very proficient, weekends as you say are a bit hit and miss.
  23. Done! http://www.transylvania4x4tours.com/html/links.html Paul
  24. Your right! Thanks for the HTML but it bamboozled me! Went for the easy option. Thanks again
  25. Thanks Tony, I have set the activation of accounts to me, so I do have control over who can join. I take your point regarding spammers. Cheers, Paul
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