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Everything posted by Paul64

  1. Thanks for all your comments, what a fantastic response. Trying to work with a friend on a few of your ideas already. Many thanks, Cheers, Paul
  2. Thanks Nige, No offence at all. These are the comments that I am inviting. I want to get this right, and if all I get are polite responses then it won't improve. If you were looking for an exciting trip to Transylvania, what would wet your appetite in those first 15 seconds? Cheers, Paul
  3. Thanks Neil, Yes, I know what you mean about the team page. I will sort it out tomorrow. Thanks very much for your comments. No need for discounts, if anyone wants to combine a trip with some on ground route planning for future tours, you are welcome to camp on my land as a guest. Weather is great in the summer, fantastic for BBQ's. It is a long way, but worth it. There are some great places to stop and camp on the way. Cheer, Paul.
  4. www.transylvania4x4tours.com Come on guys, tell me what you think? I have sweated my bo**ocks off with this project. My brain has never ached so much for years. There is still a long way to go with it, but it does seem to be coming together. If you think it is total ****e, please tell me. I am going to have to make a living from it, so need to know what you really think. Remember it is not finished yet, but if you think I need to change direction, all comments will be greatly appreciated. Cheers, Paul.
  5. There is a sale on in my local electrical store (Media Markt) Garmin street pilot 510 for 199 euro. Has anyone got one. If so, what do you think of it? Cheers, Paul
  6. I really do like the idea of one of these warmers. In the experience of those that have one, do they tend to be reliable?
  7. That is a crying shame, if it was due to a lack of axle stands. Everyone is responsible for their own safety, and what Les does is his own business. If he drives off a cliff in his LR we are hardly likely to follow. What is happening with all this damn PC?? In my experience of this forum Les is a top shelf chap, and should be encouraged for all the time and effort he puts in with these threads. Please don't be put off Les, your posts get the thumbs up from this novice every time. Cheers, Paul.
  8. Got to get me some of these snow chains for Transylvania! Still 6 oC here in Muenster. We will be lucky to get snow now before Xmas.
  9. Why did you remove this post Les? I have this job coming up soon, and it would have been good to see. I find your photos and guidence far easier to follow compared to Haynes.
  10. No snow at all this year so far in this part of Germany. Most unusual
  11. Just a big thanks to all those that have helped me out so far with LR, website and contacts for business venture in Transylvania 2007. I have been given some great contacts including staff at the British Embassy in Bucharest. The website is far from great and a long way off completion, but it is a start. Again thanks for all your advice and tips. The registration of the business is another matter. I am still not sure whether to register in the UK or Romania. RO join the EU on Jan 1st 2007, and I am not sure if this would be the best time to register it there when all the news rules come out. This is bound to cause a lot of confusion. Loads of advice on kitting the LR and GPS systems. All of which has been useful, and greatly appreciated. Cheers, Paul.
  12. I agree with the others. This site is so easy to use, and not fussy like many I have seen. Progress cannot always be measured by change. Cheers, Paul.
  13. Everything was going well, but mail forwarding has stopped working and cannot work out why. I have sent a request to Telivo my Domain hosting, but they are closed for the weekend. Any ideas? Cheers, Paul
  14. I always used to insure with Adrian Flux as a youngster. Always thought they were a local company to King's Lynn. Never knew they were so large. Great news though on your speedy settlement
  15. Getting the hang of this now! www.Transylvania4x4tours.com Anybody know how to get a counter integrated on my site? Cheers, Paul
  16. Thanks. I have just worked out the e-mail system, with forwarding to my aol account. Not sure if it works yet, so please try it out. Cheers, Paul.
  17. Yes, your right there, I just haven't worked out how to do it yet. I will get there in the end, I hope. cheers, Paul
  18. How can a head gasket be assessed by getting the engine looked at?
  19. Yes it works! Thanks guys. Needs a bit more work on it now though.
  20. That's what you should name your home page right?
  21. Thanks for that. I contacted my web host for an ftp address which I got and put in. Managed to connect and then transferred files. Guess what, the site looks no different to before. I really don't know where I am going wrong. I am using Dreamweaver 3. Cheers, Paul
  22. No, but it does have a service and repair history. I would have hoped something like that would have been included.
  23. Thanks Roger for that. I am a bit further forward now. It is connecting but not with ftp in front, so I put my domain in the ftp and it seems to connect. However, it says there is an error with the remote host, which can't be found? Cheers, Paul.
  24. That's very good to hear Ralph. I've got some big trips coming up in 2007, and I don't want that time bomb feeling under my bonnet. Cheers, Paul
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