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Everything posted by Paul64

  1. I did have to clean out the engine breather and pipe down to air filter as lined with the wet black stuff. I was told this is quite normal on a 200tdi?
  2. Thanks Chris, no Halfords in Germany, buy they do have them in Holland, and I know there is a Halfords store in Enshede about 1 hour away. The oil info looks interesting. I will have a read tonight after work. Just out of interest which oil do you use? Cheers, Paul.
  3. I would have thought original was from Land Rover. So do you mean original as in designed specifically for a vehicle?
  4. Your right there. One of my favourite places near Targu Secuiesc is a dormant volcano, now a lake called St Anna's. A great place to spend a day, but the ranger insists that everybody moves on by 7pm as the bears come down to drink. There is a campsite up at the rim with a fence round it. The ranger also has his house next to this and has some heavy duty pack dogs. So you get plenty of warning if pooh is around! Unfortunately, a loan German hiker approached the lake from the other side about 10-12 years ago. Pitched his tent right next to the lake, and the rest is pretty unsavoury. He is not around to tell the tale himself. Paul.
  5. Thanks for that. I have decided to get a heavy duty set of sockets this weekend, as will need them for future jobs anyway. Cheers, Paul.
  6. Thanks for that. I did have a look in Media Markt. They have the older version, but I must hang on for the Romania coverage with new system. If they stock it before Amazon then I will get it form there. Either way I can ask for VAT free. You are more than welcome. We are here X-mas and new year. I will PM details. Cheers, Paul.
  7. No problem, I will keep you posted. You are right about respecting the bears. Looked after two shepherds at my time at the local hospital after being mauled by bears. Keep a big distance when they have cubs! They don't have the best eye sight, so clap every 200 meters when walking along forest trails. When they hear this they leave the path and into the forest. Most of the time they prefer to avoid trouble. Paul
  8. Thanks for that. I know they sell Valvoline, so that is a big help. Cheers
  9. Thanks Barbara, Sounds like a great life to me! This is my first year with the LR. Before I used to travel all over on hiking trips, so thought I would combine that with my other passion for LR's. It will be nice to carry my extended camping kit, and take my dog along as well. I always used to fly which meant leaving him behind. I spent most of my hikes thinking how much Mr Garspar would have enjoyed this path etc.
  10. Yes, I will keep you up to speed. There is a good chance I will be there in September, and any help at all would be welcomed. It will be important to put together trips that are balanced with driving and interesting sites and things to do. What may be interesting to me may not be so to others. If you are in the area you could try them out, or help me put together some from your previous experiences. One of my most memorable trips was a long drive into the mountains with a local friend that I worked with. We met up with a ranger, and carried on into the forest by foot. We sat in a little wooden hut and waited for bears to venture from the forest at dusk into a meadow. It was the first time I had seen a bear in the wild and really was one of the most memorable events in my life. These are the sort of trips I would like to plan for others. Cheers, Paul.
  11. That's the news I have been waiting for. You have made my night! Cheers, Paul
  12. Tried it, and it wouldn't budge.
  13. Thanks for the info. What grade of oil would you go for. Not trying to put you on the spot, but I know this is going to be a pig in the German car shop. My German is poor and nothing is ever written in the Queens own. Cheers, Paul.
  14. Thanks Matt, I checked the oil level totally cold. I bought the LR on 140 000 miles, and now it is on 141000, so this is the first check. Cheers, Paul
  15. Been out in the garage for a bit of routine stuff on the LR. Checked the oil level and found it 1/2 cm over the H mark, in an area marked danger! I know if there is too much oil then the engine is at risk of damage. This was serviced by a LR specialist before I bought it off him, surely he should know about an oil change???? Do you think a 1000 miles at this level will have caused much damage? Please break the news to me gently! Does anyone have any recommendations regarding engine oil? I decided to drain off some of the oil, but didn't have a big enough socket. Too big even for the wheel nut spanner. Is it metric or imperial and what size is it, as I will need to buy a socket tomorrow? (1994 110 CSW 200tdi) Then came the grease top up front and rear prop shaft. Totally dry! Kept pumping it in until grease showed. What is that all about? Surely a full service includes this? Many thanks for your help in advance. Cheers, Paul.
  16. I believe they are made in Germany, so I will ask around here for one too. http://cgi.ebay.de/EBERSPACHER-Standheizun...1QQcmdZViewItem
  17. Stay away from the Sushi bars!
  18. Nothing stopping me adding to it when I'm away
  19. Chris, I have to have Romania on it. This has been the main cause of my problems. However, this new device by Sony NV-U71T has 10 more countries covered by it compared to its predecessor. In fact most of these countries are within the East of Europe. Maybe Sony recognise the importance of such mapping with new countries joining the EU next year. Cheers, Paul
  20. Kezdi-Szentlelek (Sanzieni) is where I have my land. A village close to Targu Secuiesc in Jud Covasna. For map purposes refer to the name in brackets which is the Romanian spelling, the former being the Hungarian version. Predominantly Hungarian population in that area. I am aiming at starting the business within the next twelve months. Just setting up web site at the moment, which is fun when you consider how cr*p I am with IT. The most important thing is that I get out there and research the routes, which I hope to do next spring. How do you get 2/3 months off work? You must have a dream employer, that lets you go for such long periods. Cheers, Paul.
  21. Well he has been and gone. And he also has the laptop to GPS and downloaded maps. The only thing is my wife wants something she can use in her car on occasion, so I'm back to sq 1! I think I will go for the new Sony when they have it in stock. Cheers, Paul.
  22. That is a big trip. How long will it take you? Will you be going to a different area of Romania this time? Cheers, Paul
  23. Barbara, have a great time, sounds like fun. Cheers, Paul
  24. I'm keen, very keen! Every opportunity I am out in the garage working on the LR. I have learnt a lot from the Haynes, and from my youth keeping old bangers on the road. However, I have learnt loads from you guys. When I'm in deepest darkest Transylvania it is a reassuring thought that people like you chaps are at hand to give advice on line within minutes! Modern IT technology is so amazing these days, when you can communicate like this from most parts of the world. Cheers, Paul.
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