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Everything posted by Paul64

  1. Yeah! I have just bought an XC70. Just can't get the wife out of it! I think this heater is a good idea. I am a bit more into the travel adventure side of LR rather than the technical. So something like this in Scandanavia would be great. I have friends in Norway and Sweden, so got to get a trip in before we return to the UK maybe next year???
  2. I do like the idea of it. Getting into a warm vehicle with no ice on it. We tend to have colder winters over here in Germany, so would be useful. What do they tend to retail at? I would have to get it fitted, as it sounds a bit too technical for me.
  3. Take at look at this road. Has anyone been along it? http://www.book-of-thoth.com/portalsupport...ngInBolivia.pps
  4. I get it. I thought it was something to do with when parked and running independently of the engine. So it is a supplement to the existing heater? I have a Tdi Defender, and mine is warm and toasty inside. No modification noted. So is it because not all Defender heaters are the same, or is it simply that I am harder than you?
  5. Sort of. You have all your seats in so its not for camping. So whats the point?
  6. What is the point of this bit of kit? It looks impressive, but is it simply a heater for cold camping conditions independent of the engine? Or is it some sort of engine pre heater for staring in extremely cold weather? Cheers, Paul.
  7. Great photo Leeds. When you have been in Norway, have you seen the Orcas in the Fjords? I think they are attracted there during the herring run.
  8. Thanks Jas, Senior Primary Care Nurse for two medical centres. 90% management these days, but I still try to keep my hand in. I used to do more acute stuff in the NHS, Neuro trauma ITU.
  9. I worked in the village Ojdula, the closest place I know that I have been to Bacau. No, I don't know Mike H. I read a thread about you somewhere on this site that you teach marshalls recovery and are very good at it?
  10. I'm not sure who is more satisfied, me or you!
  11. Thanks Leeds, Sounds great! Any photos? Did you camp on the trip? Where did you go in Romania? Cheers, Paul
  12. Thanks, I heard they are planning something not too far from Muenster next year. I have also heard civilians working with the army can join in too. Not been to Elmpt yet, but have got an open invitation. Looking forward to it. Cheers, Paul
  13. Sounds like you guys handled it very well with a good result. It does make you think though about the dangers, and basic prep (1st aid training and kit) in my opinion is just as important as preparing the vehicle.
  14. You are well travelled. Where were you in ROM 90 + 92? I also heard on the grapevine you are the best teacher in LR recovery around?
  15. Had a lucky break today. Driving back from work and had to take a diversion. Drove past one of the best expedition kitted 110's I have ever seen, parked outside a huge local company. Had to stop to take a look. LHD with everything on it. Interestingly shovels, sat nav and everything else on display. I never mentioned before that car crime is amazingly low in Muenster with little worry about vehicles being broken into or knicked. Anyway, got back in my car and was just about to drive off when I thought I would find out who it belonged to. Waited for 10 minutes but nobody came out to it. Two choices, it either belonged to a member of staff or to someone that shops like my wife. I went in and asked in my terrible German who it belonged to. The reply: "It belongs to the Director of the company." Next minute I am in his office talking winches and rock sliders! The best part is he has given me details of a LR specialist in a nearby small town called Coesfeld, and the name of the mechanic he swears by. The garage never came up on any of my web searches, so it was lucky I stopped. We will be meeting up soon to do some more LR chatting. Cheers, Paul.
  16. I suppose it is like a mechanic who would prepare for the worst regarding his vehicle. I am the same with health care. In Transylvania my friends always used to take the tiddle out of me for carrying a rucsac sized med kit with me everywhere. They soon apreciated it though when one of them needed suturing after slicing through his hand with a bread knife in a remote village! Had to suture myself once as well when bottle of beer broke in my hand when trying to open it with a lighter. One of my mates had to tie off sutures with granny knots, as only one hand available. He told me in a reassuring voice that his brother was an orthopaedic surgeon! Puked while doing it. Such a waste of beer!
  17. Kids will love it. We took our two girls when they were knee high with us to the arctic. We managed to find a perspex (not sure if that is correct spelling) bubble covered sled. Chucked the kids in there with a load of furs, then hitched to the back of a skidoo. They had a great time, especially ice fishing on the lakes. They are a bit older now, and want to go shopping for pink things. So most of my annual adventure trips these days are alone.
  18. Such incredible photos Ivan. Great adventures! Did you go as part of a club or tour company? It must of been expensive getting to Libya? Thanks very much for sharing the photos. Paul
  19. I see your point. Most people wouldn't see more than a couple of serious RTA's in their life time. I have seen the end results of hundreds. Worked in a remote hospital in Romania, and all I will say is you don't want to have an accident there! To be honest seeing so many has made me a bit paranoid about safety.
  20. Looks fantastic. Loads of space too.
  21. Yeah podcasts would be good too! Your getting into the spirit of things. As for the mobile connected to the laptop. Maybe stuck there in the wilderness with no masts and no signal. Might need a bit more heavy duty IT kit connecting to sats.
  22. That looks like a fantastic trip! Did you all have aircon with temps like that? Did anyone perform med cover if required in the desert? Great photos, and good advice about the preparation. Can be a make or break of a trip. Cheers, Paul.
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