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Posts posted by Zaag

  1. And back again...

    Called in the help of a befriended logically thinking human being who also spent an hour or so under the car trying to find a "dedicated culprit" but nothing.

    Yes, the majority of the bushes are due for renwal and that will be done but there should be an identifyable "something"... we drove the car in the snow and couldn't replicate the behaviour anymore... the only variable that was really different from when it went into the irradic oversteer is that it now had spent the night in our garage.

    We decided to wander onto the ever-so-wonderful path called "logic" and the times that the car displayed this behaviour, was when it had spent the night outside at temperatures of some 10 degrees centigrade below zero which lead us somehow to the possible conclusion that the rear shocks, which of course also show a degree of wear, might have absorbed some moisture over time which, at the mentioned temperatures, freezes up inside the shocks and severely hamper the well functioning of said shocks. When the car spends the night indoors, they won't "freeze up" which explaines why we couldn't replicate it anymore...

    Ordered some Terrafirma shocks from the UK and when they got in, I went to undo the old ones when the LH top mount decided to snap when I tried to undo the nut...


    Ordered a new top mount from the UK, put the Terrafirmas on and... can't feel a huge difference... but the roads are clean now, temperatures are above zero... and an oil hose developped a leak...


    Before I had the hose replaced, somebody slammed into the O/S door mirror and broke it... of course without leaving a note...


    Took the mirror off while awaiting a new one from the UK and had the hose replaced...

    On to new suspension bushings now! :-D

  2. Spent some time under the car, together with a friend, and although I admit that many of the rubber parts, if not all, are up for renwal, we can't find anything so terribly wrong that it would cause this, yet unexplained, behaviour...

    I also can't really think of what could possibly cause it... I'm inclined to think that if it goes wrong in left turns... it must be on the right side of the vehicle... or something so terribly wrong in the rear diff that it auto-locks under certain loads in left turns?

    Took some more pictures of the left side and A-Frame (bearing in mind that the car was jacked-up on the right side of the vehicle thus putting some strange loads on various bushes):









    We stuck a pry bar into almost every nook & cranny but apart from some very minor sideways movement of the front bushes of the a-frame which appears to be in line with what I know from other cars, there's nothing out of the ordinairy...

    I'm not afraid to spend money or time or effort on it as I've sworn not to let go of it before it reaches 500.000 km (it's on some 436.000 now) so I intend to get to the bottom of this and if it takes all new bushes, so be it... but my gut feel tells me that I haven't found the real cause yet.

  3. Sorry that it took while to get back with photos but a pneumonia prevented me from spending much time with the Disco... :blush:

    I did some further checking today but can't locate any noticeable play / war anywhere on the right side of the car...

    Took some pictures with my phone so the quality is not all that but at least it gives some idea of the condition...

    Trailing arm --> axle: can't get it to move with a pry bar...

    Hub: I thought I noticed some bearing play with all wheels on the ground but can't notice any play that I can feel with the wheel removed:

    Sway bar --> axle: nothing unusual:

    Sway bar --> body: the bush does open up a little with the wheel off the ground but it looks as if that is due to the amount of "lift":

    Shock absorber --> chassis: doesn't look unsual to me...


    Trailing arm --> chassis: nothing unusual?


    The problem persists as before... GF almost lost control ths morning on a frozen over road in a 90 degree left turn at 10 MPH... it just slides out of control...

  4. Hi all,

    My 1996 300tdi auto has developed somewhat odd behaviour... It became apparent during the recent snowfall here in Holland.

    When there is little grip (ie snow on the road), the disco shows a tremendous amount of oversteer in left turns but shows its normal neutral / slightly understeered behaviour in right turns...

    I consider myself an advanced driver with tons of miles on RWD cars, always enjoying their oversteered character but this is getting out of hand...

    The problem already shows when rounding a roundabout at 10 mph In the snow (which go CCW here, hence a left turn).

    The front axle has no problems and in right turns everything is OK, just those left turns.... My girlfriend already stated that she's too afraid to drive it like this...

    Any obvious suspects?

    What would be the first things to check?

  5. I'm not exactly a specialist but the symptoms are very similar to what my 300TDI had when the head was cracked and was consuming coolant... temperature dropped from time to time and simultaneously it produced ice cold air from the heater etc.

    Same thing happened again a few months later when the waterpump was leaking.

    The vaporiser of the LPG system does draw a lot of heat from the coolant and given that the above symptoms occured when mine was loosing coolant, I would check that level first and keep a close eye on it. If there is not enough coolant to heat the vaporiser, it will literally freeze up and cause poor running.

    Overhere (The Netherlands that is) it is mandatory that both the LPG feed line and the gasoline feed line have an electronically operated cut-off valve. Switch to LPG and the gasoline line is cut off (before the fuel pump) and v.v. Switch the engine off and both are cut off. Mainly done for safety but it also prevents the engine from running on two fuels.

  6. Hi all,

    Thanks to this forum I got rid of that nasty queek under the bonnet which was the tensioner bearing (probably never would have found that on my own so many thanks!).

    The above was tackled about 2 months ago and it was pretty quiet under the bonnet since then (as far as a 300 can be quiet...).

    The last two days a similar squeek has developped and I wonder what the next "logical culprit" is... A quick inspection showed some noticeable play on the aircon belt idler (the fixed one).

    Is that indeed the most logical one? How about the bearing on the aircon belt tensioner arm?

    I see that there are loose bearings for the fixed one on Ebay as well as as a complete kit which comprises the above two + a bearing for the other tensioner arm which I have replaced already.

    Are these bearings indeed as easy to change as the sellers claim?

    Being located in Holland, I would like to get the right parts as they are not that easy to get overhere and having them shipped over from the UK takes a while.

    What is the wisest thing to do in this case?

    The old lady has almost 250.000 miles under her belt, if that is of importance.

    Would be grateful for any advice!


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