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yella 90

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Everything posted by yella 90

  1. yes the ignition is the same as a late 300tdi IIRC
  2. you have a direct feed coming up from the main fuse box which in turn powers up your ignition,dash lights and bulkhead fuse box, which then after the ecu fuse ( located on bulkhead fuses ) powers the ecu up are you getting a fuel pump ?? have you checked the main relay situated under the drivers seat ? if its immobalised you will have dash lights but it wont crank, or some will crank but not fire dan
  3. dont worry, most of them have already been smashed off
  4. im expecting adam to phone me anyday asking however.......as much as i like his disco, im not so keen on that ugly looking thing under the bonnet
  5. well done chris/john, im chuffed for you B) did the smoke clear in the end ? i was sure it would clear with it just running all day. glad i didnt decide to go the comp at the last min and pay on the day ect ect as i had a s*** load of stupid little teathing problems followed by alot of spannering ah well, atleast im used to running on 4 cylinders instead of more ill have a nip around to you this week mate and have a natter p.s john.....theres nothing to bitching is there i too dont no what the fuss is about dan
  6. if your towing with the disco then you would have been far better of spending your money on a re-map from ian (Porney) you'd get far more bottom end from it, unlike most plug in box's which concentrate on top end. just as you said, its more noticable at higher revs ian is very resonably priced and is a belting lad who helped me out a s*** load to get my td5 running, and will also be seeing it again to re-map it and intercool it dan
  7. as title says, im after the part no for the defender td5 dimdip relay that live's under the dash along with the wiper relay and flasher relay. its green in colour and has 7 connections ive got the siemens p/n for it but keep drawing up blanks V23134-A52-X141YWB10031 cheers dan
  8. i highly doubt there is a bus that would suit your needs chris im gonna get my entry off, didnt manage to try the td5, it was being temprimental
  9. where did you come to the conclusion about " 7 brain cells " let me see how the td5 goes this weekend, then ill speak to eric
  10. now, afink ill just come and watch this one, cant wait to see john trying to keep up with 7 cylinders
  11. your going to scratch your motor john, twiggy, carl....u hear that ? dan
  12. ditto, same happend to mine, and it was sorted without any questions or hassle which you would get from other companys got send mine back down again tho, as i broke them both at the weekend ah well
  13. ill certainly be sending a entry form off if they do change it to how we discussed earlier twiggy, i no of a few others that will enter if its that way too dan p.s no i dont want the v8 ffs, why would i possably want one of them ? 5cylinders is enough to haul my ass around
  14. if you could, that would be a big help
  15. i cant use a td5 90 tank, my 90 is missing 10 inches off the rear end ill be using a normal 90 tank looks asif they way to do it is a low pressure pump to act as a lift pump, feeding a swirl pot then to a high pressure pump this was the solution that devon used on there td5 90 when the removed the rear tank just been playing with a s*** load of wires, and, errm anyone got a weiring diagram handy
  16. in the next few weeks i will be ripping out the old donkey engine to replace it with a td5 ive seen a link on the net before by someone who did a pictoral write up on how he did his and how to overcome the fuel pump issues does anyone have it, or remember where it was ? also, any input from you guys will be much obliged im open to any ideas and ways to fit it......as im a virgin to fitting a td5, not played much with them yet ta dan
  17. just done a quick search for you steve, heres a link to a place that does them afink ours are only 6-50 though http://www.peterleonardmarine.co.uk/shop/i...products_id=473 if its any good i can send you one down dan
  18. ive used a witches hat, they are used to finish off holes that have been cut in boats for the cables to come through, cant remember what size hole they are atm, i can check tomorrow when im at work though do a search on goggle it should bring them up dan
  19. cheers gwyn, looks asif im going to be leaving the set-up as is, as try to resolve my clutch problems im pretty sure that the rear prop would bind as ive got long travel suspention on my landy that is unless you can make me a rubber propshaft
  20. cheers for that gwyn, the props ive got on already are 200 ones as its a box std 90 set-up just apart from the engine what about meeting everything half way ? and just moving the engine abit and shortening the prop abit ? space is somewhat lacking at the front end because of the rad being moved in to accomodate a big intercooler and also a twin motor 82 ontop of that
  21. everything is adjusted to the book, the slave cyl has been shimmed out flywheel skimmed d44 clutch ( basically a 130 afink ) dont no what the engine is pumping out got big cooler, 300 turbo, different injectors and a few other odds n sods, but it just wont bite hot nor cold i dont think stock gearing helps it out with simex, thats what ive been putting it down too over the past 2 years
  22. after going accross boothys the other night and having a natter, he got me onto auto box's which then started me thinking ive been lurking in the background for a whilst watching the auto vs man thread go on whilst trying to draw my own conclusion. however, im going to give it a go.....i can always go back main reasoning is, 1 i cannot for the life of me stop clutch's slipping in the 90 (200tdi ) ive tried everything apart from paddle 2 i like the control of the auto box and the smoothness of pull offs now my main concern was lenght, but having had a measure up, it measures in the same as a r380 ?? , now in theory i can practically fit one straight in as i used to have a r380 in my 90, but i removed it to move the engine back question being behind this post, whats the min rear prop lenght ideally on a 90 ? as i dont want to move my engine forward again as its nice and tucked up at the front now would taking 4 inch's out of the rear prop make a huge difference ? or would it be ok ? within reason ? dan
  23. twas a scoarcher carl wounder if we can twist twiggys leg ? he'd love the tuff trophy
  24. hmm, i suppose i best write it down on the calender, seen as i enjoyed it soo much last year, with such heat wave conditions just remember me not to pitch the tent next to john and carl again, i still have nightmares over his/there snoring dan
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