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Posts posted by Frax

  1. Check the oil filler cap for ice cream if that is OK you may have lost compression in one or more cylinder. I doubt that the timing will have moved if it was running OK before but not impossible.

    Depending on how confident you are that the timing has not moved you could let it run till up to temperature and see if that makes any difference.

    If it has a turbo check it has not blown.

    If glow plugs are not working it will start with difficulty and run rough till it fires in all cylinders but if compression is fine that should not take it long.

    What engine do you have?

    Someone will come along with more checks for you to do with any luck..

    Frax ;)

  2. Hi I just did mine – it’s not that hard and you don’t need any special tools, you would be better to remove the half shafts to make it easy to knock out the bearing case but you may be able to do it without doing that. I did remove it as I was doing all the bearings and seals.

    I used the same shims but it should not matter if you fit the new ones or a mixture of them both as the pin will sit slightly higher than the ones you have in probable as everything will be new.

    On the half shaft at the moment I have no shims as I replaced the brass rings and have no play in the shaft.

    Plan to run it for a while and then recheck and fit shims as required.

    Just make sure you give the hub a good wash before starting so you don’t get dirt in your new bearings and grease.




  3. I had a set of RECAROS from an RS 2000 in mine and found them very comfy but really hard to get out of.

    I have now changed them for Rover 75s as well and they are a good seat the only disappointing thing was that they do not fold forward so it’s hard to get in behind them.

    Frax ;)

  4. Well the chassis is already powder coated so I will have to find a good point to fit an earth bolt.

    This should have been done before the galvanising I suppose as I dont really want to drill any holes if I can get away with it so I might just have to clean an area where a bolt already goes through the chassis, might use the gearbox crossmember.

    Good idea about isolating the body from the chassis and I dont think it would be hard to do, but to do without an earth path would be an achievement but it is worth a go.

    Frax ;)

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