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Everything posted by JeffR

  1. I thought the same when the dead rodent turned up in my washer bottle....
  2. Now this is a scary proposition see item 1!: https://www.lrdirect.com/ERR4802-Turbocharger-300Tdi/
  3. The best prep I can come up with is to put it in my garage..... Got me coat and exiting stage left.
  4. Yet I've had two GKN's, one on a 200 TDi Defender which did over 250k without a problem (still on the vehicle, but vehicle being rebuilt) and another which put up with a hell of a lot of abuse use on a V8 110 - sitting quietly in the garage till I decide which vehicle to put it in....
  5. Question is, has your local A&E "requested"(nice way of putting it) that you cease and desist doing home repairs on yourself yet? Both Hexham and Carlisle A&E's have told me to stop, next one on the list is the all singing all dancing Trauma Centre they opened in Cramlington, that's my next port of call. Wonder how long it'll be before they have a sense of humour failure.....
  6. Hate to say this, but you can cut yourself through those gloves, takes a fair degree of effort, but not as much as you would think!!!! Yes I did, yes the afore mentioned gloves now reside somewhere in the garden shrubbery......
  7. Use the dishwasher at your bloody peril...... Go on then, ask me how I worked that one out..... In the good old days, before H&S , I used to beg/steal or borrow a 25 gallon drum of Genclean or 111Trichloroethane, that stuff really did what it said on the tin, that is if it didn't take the paint off the tin. These days I use a small household stem jet thingy (Aldi special) for small stuff up to and including cylinder heads, or petrol/diesel, and if the wife ain't looking Kerosene 28 from the heating oil tank.....
  8. On the mobile heap of ferrous and ferric oxide that pretends to be a family hack we have at the moment, I tend to wire wheel back to bare metal, then rust killer, then etch primer, then normal primer then top coat. Seems to work.
  9. A At this moment in time I really wish it would disappear - handbrake mechanism has just decided to fail in toto leaving vehicle totally immovable and the bloody drum will not come off, regardless of how much violence is used.
  10. Have you tried putting it on vehicle and using it though
  11. As the vehicle is rapidly coming to the end of it's useful working life, that is not an option!
  12. www.spannermonkeys.co.uk/ Nice, helpful folks in Washington
  13. Do not, under any circumstances, buy a Britpart exhaust, the one I fitted last year appears to have been made out of rust....
  14. http://viralmega.com/awesome-gadget-removes-rust-like-magic/
  15. Be thankful you ain't in my area, the old dial up in Devon was quicker than ADSL is in Plenmeller! Looked at fibre optic, yeah like I've got a grand or so to spare....
  16. I recycled the bairns tubular metal bunkbeds for my bench. Top is made from two 10mm sheets of ply that were in the garage.
  17. The bloody cheek of it , I will have you know that Jordan has been 4wd (ish) for a couple of weeks now, front diff might be howling like a banshee and the front shocks might have decided to puke the oil out and the sills have dissolved, but it is all wheel drive........
  18. Look, you are talking about a company who's QC system failed to spot solid brake pipes, I think your optimism is unfounded... I occasionally use BP parts, but only as an emergency, they get changed ASAP for a decent quality part.
  19. My wife uses an AA card........
  20. He needs to remember that Britpart can mess up a wet dream.........
  21. I really must turn the autofill thingy off
  22. So bit the bullet on Friday and decided to change the very rattly front output flange bearing. Even built a slide hammer out of an old training arm and a bit of propshaft. So never mind crawls under Disco in a howling gale to remove the output flange only to find that some previous owner had decided that a nylock M20 was superfluous, a plain M20 split washer and half a gallon on Lactate would suffice.......... No bloody wonder the thing came loose. New nylock, new oil seal and lots of anglo saxon later and the bearing that was in place seems fine!
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