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Everything posted by Simon_CSK

  1. And what it looks like tonight. Now just need to put the interior back together and get the back door and rear wing resprayed to match the rest of the car.
  2. What it looked like the day I collected it.
  3. There is nothing worse than friction marks on your balls.
  4. Not to mention the fact that you loose 10% of the fuel
  5. I was just about to correct that sorry. 😚
  6. My neighbour was telling me that. Mix the petrol with the dyed water agitate it then let it settle. Then able to remove the ethanol as the water floats on the petrol.
  7. I never really gave it much thought as I am mostly driving diesel but still have petrol vehicles. I am inclined to agree that petrol will be around for a long time yet and despite Boris's proclimation to ban new petrol and Diesel cars by 2030 I cannot see how we can create the infrastructure to provide the necessary power in 9 years. The logistics just don't make sense.
  8. All of my road going cars currently run on diesel so this didn't affect me until I got to thinking about my P38 and ny CSK. With the introduction of E10 fuel the ethonol in the new fuel is chorosive to the rubber in the fuel lines and in the seals. The CSK is a long term project so when I get round to rebuilding it there is every chance that it can be upgraded however I have just checked the government website and Land Rover say anything older than 1996 is not compatable. Like leaded petrol I am sure there will be fixes coming along but am interested in know what others are doing about this?
  9. There was only two types of CSK. 4 door models which were sold only in Australia and 2 door models sold only in the UK. There were only 200 CSK's made and they were all either Manual or Automatic, the manual ones were more rare I will concede however they are all basically the same car and I am not aware of price differentials between Manual and Auto but then I haven't really looked into it as I have an Auto and Manuals don't interest me as the clutch on any Manual Range Rover classic I always found to be heavy and uncomfortable in traffic.
  10. Sid Just re read what you said. In terms of monetary value no. A well restored 2 door Vogue probably has a value of £30k where as well restored CSK's I have seen for sale at £150k. A good CSK is a well sought after car in the Range Rover world much like the pre production Velars and the Press Cars. I am specifically looking for a donor vehicle to get my CSK back to pristeen condition even though I have no intention of selling it I just want to have it in my "collection" as a usable summer car for high days and holidays.
  11. Unfortunately the fragment it or cube it and it is melted down for new steel. Mrs CSK is much more forgiving and have to admit I have yet to find the limit to her understanding or maybe tollerance of me. I was lucky I had 5 hours after she had flown home before I got my flight so I had plenty of time to play. Unfortuately they wouldn't sell.
  12. This one looks to be a nonb started as a project and the owner of the scrap yard isn't selling it but it was a bit of fun on holiday. Am back in the UK now but have left my phone number just in case. I have been told that the best places to get them is the dry areas of Spain and Portugal but want one that is complete so that I can get as many original parts as I need and then (Fridge Freezer listen carfully ) I will sell what I can.
  13. One of the Greek Islands which adds to the complexity of the project.
  14. The two door ceased production in the UK in 1987 but continued in the rest of the world up to the end of production of the classic. Landrover tested the market in the UK in 1990 with the CSK for a two door sporty model. They took 2 years to sell and never repeated. The two door shell I need for my CSK was made between 1988 and 1991 and is specifically those years because of certain features. The beauty of Greece is there are loads of very old rust free cars lying around everywhere. I saw a Renault 5 yesterday but thinks like lights and windows were broken but the shell appeared solid. As my shell is a basket case I am very hopeful for this one. Shipping will be interesting however I wouldn't want to move it to the Scotland until spring as it would most likely dissolve in shock over the winter.
  15. Am on holiday is Greece at the moment and was passing a scrap yard a couple of days ago and what did I spot sitting against a fence...................a Range Rover Classic. Now I am looking for a two door body shell to restore my CSK so decided that I should have a closer look. Passed it this moring and decided that it was probably a 4 door but would stop and look properly when I could. Stopped this evening and it turns out to be a 2 door shell with a concealed hinge bonnet, for those that don't know rangies, exactly what I need. Wife is very understanding, the girl who lets me go to Grand Prix's on the birthday and on our honeymoon. So the next potential problem will be shipping it home anybody up for forum relay?
  16. I have looked into electrifying a Discovery 3/4 and calculated that the space taken up by the gearbox and transfer box would allow a Tesla model "S" engine and diff installed in the same space. There is then space unter the bonned and floor for a considerable amount of battery space. The Tesal engine in question is equivalent to 500BHP. As the Range Rover Sport is the same chassis and I have two am thinking of playing around with them and seeing what I can come up with. Am looking to extend the chassis and add another axle.
  17. I thonk the problem is caused by the wind turbines!! Because we have so many of them globally it is slowing down the planet by 0.00000012435 seconds every year and this is contributing to global warming. Becuase the planet is slowing the earth is heating more rapidly. If we do not stop the spread of the wind turbines now then the planet will in 1.1 billion years come to a full stop and we will all be fried. We need to start protesting about this now. I'll get my coat.....
  18. Ah there in lies a dilemma My brother is in the motor trade and that gives me access to salvage and trade vehicles. At the start of lock down it was a project to keep me busy but I noticed that I could buy a vehicle and run it for a few thousand miles and not make a loss. I cover 20 to 30k a year so if I bought a new car it would be a basket case very quickly. I am generally running the cars after I have sorted them however in running one sport I blew the turbo and now I am breaking the car as the easiest way to get my money back and provide parts for other cars I have bought. Sometimes my heart rules my head and I pay over the odds for a car but in generall I am not loosing but I am sure if it was a business and you factor in all the associated costs I would be. With the Range Rover Sports I am trying to get to a car I want to keep. I have had a 2.7 and a couple of 3.6's but am really hankering for a Supercharged preferrably a 5 litre. My current HST I brought home from Bury St Edmonds last week and I must admit I really enjoyed the 400 mile drive home. It also had a better sound than my current 3.6 TDV8 so am looking forward to driving this one for a bit after I have replaced the near side rear quarter and rear door. I suppose it is a bit like Wheeler Dealers meets Scrap Heap Challenge
  19. My current count is 12 cars as follows:- CSK in need of new body shell P38 needs the ECU and the bEcm to talk the same language will get it done soon D2 V8 in need of some welding to the chassis 2 RR Sports and an L322 I am breaking D2 that needs taking to the crusher RR Sport HSE TDV8 just had the clocks fixed and when I get back from hols will be prepped and sold RR Sports HST TDV8 just bought needs a rear quater a ns rear door and some paint, will run of a while but really want a 5l supercharged. RRL322 Vogue TDV8 that needs a(nother) gearbox some minor bodywork and a little fettling anf then sold. finally 2 D3's which need some minor work and then I can get them sold. The difference is I run my own business and bought these when we went into lockdown to keep me busy but my work exploded for some very strange reason and have spent week days working my socks off with the day job and weekends playing with Range Rovers and Land Rovers.
  20. I asked my wife if I could buy my CSK and she said no. I told her I was buying it anyway. lol 20 years on I have replaced the wife but funnily enough I still have the CSK.
  21. Would have thought you could get one around the £500 mark in that condidion. The prices are slightly higher and will rise more next year with the introduction of the new model but this one has no MOT.
  22. Doubt I would need to go that far and doubt it would be cost effective.
  23. HNow here's a thing. I have just fitted and old black tailgate on to my sport that I bought 12 months ago. It was black and was for my V6 sport that I sold in March. When I fitted the frame I found that the black had the blue sparkle and tbh with it sitting next to the Java black yes I could see it but only because I was looking for it. WHen I fitted the outer tailgate last year I can honestly say I didn't see and difference. I think it was noticable only because the sun was directly on it.
  24. And I will probably have had my fun found a 5 litre one and sold it by then so it will be up to someone else to worry about it.
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