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Everything posted by Simon_CSK

  1. Took mine for a run today to test drive it after fitting LPG and agree big smiles. I like my P38 very much but have recently addedd an L322 HSE to my collection which is so good that I am in the process of changing it to a TDV8.Range Rovers just keep getting better and better but think I need to do something about my CSK.
  2. Having spent the last 12 months getting the car running, curing the water leaks and converting to LPG I think I am just about there with only the cosmetics to spend time on. When syncing the windows and sunroof today I noticed that the sunroof wouldn't open. I think at some point I may have manually closed it and this may have diengaged the motor. Can anyone give me more insight into this and how to fix it. The motor is certainly working.
  3. Thanks guys. Firing order is wrong. Will fix it tomorrow.
  4. Stripped down the top end of the P38 to change the inlet manifold for one that was on a LPG converted car. Today I started the car on Petrol for the first time and the engine was running rough. It seems to be miss firing as well as popping and banging generally rynning as rough as a bag of spanners. The whole top end and engine bay wiring loom was taken from a donor car that ran very well. The inlet manifold was torque down evenly from the centre out. Where is my problem likely to be?
  5. Jeff I want to sell them to get some money back. I don't need 10 cars no matter how I try to justify it to myself.
  6. I think I need to get back to work soon and stop looking at salvage auctions. I have just bought another Range Rover L322 this time a TDV8 Autobiography this adds to 2 Discovery 2's, a P38 and an L322 HSE that I have acquired so far this year as well as having a Discovery 2 and a P38, CSK and a Mini Cooper Convertible which I have owned for a considerable time. My wife thinks I am nuts however as soon as this is over I am going to sell two of the Discoveries and the HSE.
  7. And that is one reason why electric cars in their current (no pun intended) form are impractical.
  8. Generating the heat without a fuel scource is not a problem. If you think about sunlight on glass a conservatory facing south even on a dull day is very warm. buy using that energy and storing it in a well insulated home over the course of a day a house can be very warm at no cost. In the summer reverse the process and think of how cold a conservatory is at night. That is a very simplistic approach to the problem.
  9. I am one person who likes to be warm particularly in winter. I would agree that humans are an influence however the Swedes have proved that the use of abitious use of insulation and create space that needs no additional heat input. I am really looking forward to putting the theory into practice.
  10. Snaggers There are much simpler ways of keeping the ambient temerature constant within a property without complex heat pumps etc. Think thermos flasks
  11. \i have been working for many years to develop low energy houses. There are a huge number of options and one where heating is not required at all. I have a design which requires no heating for a house other than natural scources i.e fridge, tv lights and body heat. The advantage is that while the house is warm in Winter it is also cool in summer. The technology is there for dwellings and it isn't expensive it just requires considered application. I have bought a site, just before lockdown, and intend to provide a number of low energy houses.
  12. Surely that would put a huge strain on the grid and would quickly lead to a huge breakdown leaving no capacity to plug the gap leaving even greater strain on the grid. I am no engineer but even I know you cannot run at 100% capacity 100% of the time.
  13. Electric vehicles rely on a supply of electricity for charging. If we all suddenly decided to do electric then I doubt there would be enough capacity in the grid to power 10% of the country never mind homes, offices and industry. I test drove a BMW 3i and loved it but practically for me it is impossible as I cover too many miles. As Pete said it is only a matter of time however electric vehicles were around in the very early days and the oil industry put that on hold until very recently.
  14. So far I have got a Disco 2 engine changed and running sweetly, I have changed the heater matrix on my P38 and am in the process of completing an LPG conversion, My other D2 is on axle stands getting a ball joint changed and my mini is on the trailer to go into the paddock, for a gearbox conversion, as soon as the D2 is off axle stands. I have recently rehomed my youngest son as my ex didn't think 2m of social distancing was enough between the two of them so opted for 35 miles he is settling in fine and don't see a problem as I rarely see him out of his room. (Teenagers!!) Have bought another D2 to play with and contemplating another P38 because it is cheap. Henry is getting plenty of walks too. This is Henry a dog who is never away from my side.
  15. Can't get it without the V5 and the car didn't come with the V5.
  16. I have bought a D2 V8 Auto, the immobiliser has been activated and the remote isn't working. Is the remote configured to the BCU and the ECU? I am asking this as I have an BCU in a TD5 and wonder if I could use that just to cee if the car will start and run.
  17. Filip Was only joking. I too like my P38 and am just about complete with my LPG conversion so finally after nearly three years of inactivity I will be able to use it. Certainly understand the simplification and that has caused much of the delay in getting it up and running. Also understand the rust on Classics, my CSK is nothing more than a pile of rust and still looking for a donor car for the shell.
  18. One where the value increases by changing the registration number and loosing all the historical documents
  19. What causes the book symbol and does it mean I need to take my dash apart again? 😲
  20. Flipping heck Filip you want to simplify a P38 probably one of the most technically advanced production cars of it's time!!
  21. Bowie I have just bought a 99 V8 D2 to add to the other two D2's I have and this is a Westminster P38 to add to the Classic, 2 P38 Vogues and an L322. 👿 Oh and a Mini Cooper Convertible. Buying them because they are extremely cheap and in very good condition. Plan to clear out when lockdown is over this is occupying my time and making a little money at the same time.😋
  22. Yes they are both Thor and this one seems to be in really nice condition would be a shame for it to go to the crushert because it needs an engine. Just a thought would one change the gearbox at the same time or is that just creating work?
  23. I have found a 4.0 P38 in need of an engine and happen to have a 4.6 car which has a sweet engine. Is this a straight swap or would I need to play with the electronics in some way to make it work properly?
  24. Nothing it just started working. When I tried the second unit with new bulbs that one too was working. Now am putting the dash back together. Hopefully by the end of the week the car will be running perfectly and on LPG to boot.
  25. That's new bulbs in and everything is working as it should. Now I can put the dash back together
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