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Everything posted by pinny

  1. not telling you to suck eggs but you aint left the fuel stop solenoid wire off as i done this after taking wire off to undo crank pulley belt just a thought chris
  2. as i only have one fob single button discovery 300tdi n plate 96 ive seen these for around 25 on e bay if i buy one of these will a lr dealer be able to program this or am i better off going to a dealer and buying one over the counter i know this aint going to be cheap but if i lose the only fob i have i take it im knackered thoughts please
  3. try www.robinson-race-cars.co.uk
  4. we use pirtek not cheap but thay normally can make a hose to suit your needs thay are nationwide i think
  5. nice one emailed them today awaiting reply cheers chris
  6. im looking at making one of these got valves etc just need a tank ebay no 300000122340 what do you think even looked at a gas cylinder but had a nasty experience striking an arc on one a few years ago
  7. have you got to be a registered company or will thay deal with public
  8. ive had two 9 litre afff 12.50 and 8.95 delivery one as nearly new 2006 other was 2005 9kg powder 15.00 8.95 delivery i thought it was reasonable chris
  9. after 2 hours of sweat bit of blood and nearly tears finally got bead to seat trying to put a 205 on a modulad found a little easier way by putting a ratchet strap around tyre which pushed tyre onto bead plenty of wax paste and eventually got a seal looking at making a bead seating tank from either a lorry air tank has any one made one of these and what did you use chris
  10. ive never had any probs always been fair see how thay go chris
  11. maybe not a be a fault last night 02.15 alarm went off got up looked out of window all looked ok reset back to sleep 10 mins later going again looked out this time reset and sat looking out of window to see a person pop up from the blind side after a loud bang from bedroom window and a lot of shouting thay were on their toes pity the dogs training pistol only fires blanks maybe some one wants it or something in it the moral is not to just look out of the window its a pity my 3 gsd dogs are out the back at least now its in the garden with an escort and fiesta jamned in front of it
  12. i enquired about a bcf ext thay were a little cagey which is understandable but i keep looking ended with another 9 litre afff cheers chris
  13. that story checks out ive just had an email after i waited 2 days for a reply been on hols
  14. maybe because im only 60 mile away but always been spot on chris
  15. following recent happaenins i have used and do still use a guy who sells extunguishers on eblog always been spot on usually delivered in 2 days always been in good condition hes got good feedback his member is 123safer4u based in hemsby norfolk worth if your looking for extinguishers chris
  16. around town im probably looking at 24mpg on a run 28maybe better mine locks the same as you have described if you lock driverd door with the key i think it disables the sensor movement so you can leave dog etc in vehicle with out alarm activation yes the rear door striker is adjustable as i adjusted mine fuel tank i think is 70 litres probably wrong but someone will correct this chris
  17. i use a diesel transfer pump from sealey at work it will pump approx 90 gallon in about 8 minutes i think it was about 100 quid not cheap but i use it almost every other day i have used it at my cousins to empty her heating oil kerosene tank no probs sealey do state its not for petroleum based products but worth the money although my employer bought it for filling tracked excavator also includes a petrol station style trigger i run it from a jumpstart pack or 2 clips direct on machines batery chris
  18. yes it would clog up valve i use it on the boys minimotos as these are always getting punctures being tubeless if i kept plugging them thay would be like a hedgehog so its far easier to let the sealant to do it i wouldnt use it on a road vehicle
  19. your spot on its like that tyreweld stuff yes its a pain to repair a puncture i know from experience if its a larger hole then normally you can plug it to get you home but with the sealant coming out the vulcanising solution wont work so its tyre off and clean thinners etc you know the score
  20. i use it on my kids mini motos yes it does work seals hole with a green solution with particles as far as i am aware it is illegal to use on a road vehicle maybe someone else will know better but yes it does work providing the tyre is turning when i get the bottle ill post the name chris
  21. can someone tell me will the alarm module detect a drop in voltage eg short or earth fault somewhere
  22. i take it the alarm module holds the last triggers i didnt know that ill get it sorted at our local lr dealer disconnected horn at present cheers for info chris
  23. i have a 300tdi n plate last night alarm went off 12.45 shot up went out nothing vehicle all ok opened up re locked went back to bed 1.15 going again repeated procedure this time sat at window 1.35 going again no one around yes it was raining now disconnected horn has anyone else had this prob would taping up passive sensors inside vehicle stop these from functioning so at least i can eliminate this suggestions please chris
  24. thoughts are with you chris
  25. i know people laugh i carry a 9 litre afff and 6kg dry powder dont take up much room but there if needed just my opinion
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