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Posts posted by millhillbilly

  1. I need help from anyone who has managed to get DVLA to reclassify their station wagon from utility vehicle to estate car.

    Since July I have been trying to persuade DVLA that my 1993 200tdi 110 County Station is wrongly classed as a Light Utility Vehicle and should be described as an estate. To prove the point I have sent them photos, a copy of the original build card and a letter from Land Rover confirming that it was constructed as a Station Wagon and as such a passenger vehicle and not a goods vehicle. Unfortunately all a waste of time as DVLA has point blank refused to reclassify my Land Rover. They have stated that they do not use the description ‘Station Wagon’ and as far as they are concerned it is correctly classed as a Light Utility Vehicle and unless Land Rover categorically state that it is an estate car then it should stay so.

    I have serious issues with this as it will mean that in 13 months time my Station wagon will be subject to Low Emission Zone charges and most likely will have to be sold to someone with the good sense to live a long way from London. I know that some owners out there have been successful with applications to DVLA to class their Station Wagons as estate cars. What I am asking is, please can anyone who has done this e-mail me at with their details and the details of their Land Rover. I want the information to try to force DVLA to recognise that they have already done for other owners what they refused me and as such their decision is perverse and possibly unlawful. If DVLA still refuse then I’m going to get some legal advice on the issue. I can’t see how they can allow some applications and turn down others.

    I do realise that all this is like banging my head against a brick wall but at least it will be nice when I can stop.[/font]

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