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Posts posted by CosZuki

  1. There is loads of adjustment at several points in the fiddly and unnecessarily complicated linkage system, yes.

    You have a fore/aft thingy* on the selector which has a splined end, and an arm which bolts on, so you can rotate that on the splines, then you have the same affair at the bottom end. I think it's a right pain the yaris to get to on a Disco. First stop would be to check the lever at the top hasn't got full of snow/ice/mud and jammed up, then check that if you can get to the bottom actuator it goes into gear if you move it.

    * = Technical Land Rover term

    the fore/aft thingy sounds like what i need to adjust. just need to shorten its throw a tad.

    Sounds typical that it be a yaris pain. will try investigation the morra, yay more lying in the snow and wetness!! woop woop

  2. Engaging low box has ceased to happen on Lumpy, Is there anything i can adjust in the linkage?

    it used to spit it out of gear if you didnt give it some grunt into gear but would always engage, now after sitting up for a few weeks waiting on Wazzocks to supply a starter motor it wont select low box? lever feels like its in with that usual clunky thing it does but there is no drive.

    Have tried slecting forma stand still, while rolling with difflock in and out but no, it gave drive for a split second last night then popped out again<_<

    could something have frozen while it was sat up? nothing looks out of place?

  3. mmm seems it is the season! while waiting at the airport the other day (engine running) i noticed a whiff of leccy burning odour, looked around couldnt find much then gave up on it being mine, how foolish it is a landy after all!

    later tried to restart and only got a clunk of solenoid.

    Removed the starter today and found a most pleasant surprise





    am not sure but i think it may need a bit of contact cleaner and a bit gaffer and it should be good to go?

    First question now is, is there any starters to be avoided or any that are bestest, this car lives a hard life between here at the top of the Alps just now and Russia in summer. Reliability is needed

  4. I just ought in Finland a Defa heater, its mains run but has loadsa heat output and is small enough to fit in a footwell, if you sort the power supply side of things i would say its your best bet in heat for size stakes, although mine is 1700w they do come in several sizes

  5. OK my Disco has started slipping clutch symptoms now in third and fourth, i have just arrived in the french alps and will be doing a little bit of up and down driving. New clutch was fitted in June. As some will know I be new bod to this LR field. My Disco was broken into and few bits robbed including my Haynes book of lies :huh:

    Do you think it will help to adjust the clutch? action has been a little high on the pedal according to some of my LR minded friends. I have just driven from Finland down to here but was mostly easy motorway driving but never noticed anything on route even when giving it what beans it has to pass things.

    Any help or advice greatly appreciated, also any tips for what to do with the old girl for all this alpine driving and conditions.

  6. i think it is written somewhere "let he who is without sin, cast the first stone"

    I think that to judge this man or his pain on an open forum is less than in good taste, even by my somewhat lowly standards. None of us can ever know what happened that day.

    I would say it better to let this man and his family move on from the incident rather than have them read or hear anymore about it and peoples judgements online.

  7. Anyone know the belt sizes for the alt and i guess the water pump belt :blink:

    anyhoo in simple terms the wee short yin and the big long one on the front of the engine. Its a 93 L plate disco. PAS present but no AC if that helps.

    The monkey in the Finnish halfords told me there is a choice of 8!! :huh: WTF that cant be right but removing it in the car park in minus 15 is not an option right now!!

  8. alas no power point for block heater, and yes daddy is still in the boot, He looks a little swollen though :blink: although levels are fine. probably worth a dose of Bat Aid pills. The problem is the lack of space to move it around to get it out. the cars are pretty close front and back and the snow is the lovely crunchy kind that while it makes a nice noise when compressed becomes super slick at the same time

  9. INvite to go play yes but when you cant get out the parking space cause your recovery shovel is in the other car its a ittle difficult! however on its way to the parking space some playing was done so not entirely wasted, its a little different lobbing this big thing about on snow and ice to the little Suzuki but still fun getting things very snakey goin up the street.

    oh and just for the record, no schools were closed and public transport still ran despite the weathers best efforts :P

  10. "My experience with landies is that they need regular cheap maintenance (oils, gaskets, bearings, seals), whereas jap stuff only goes wrong once in a blue moon but rapes you in the wallet when it does."

    So the continual nibbling at the wallet versus one big chunk every so often you say? How is that clutch holding up?or was that just a little nibble? :ph34r:

  11. for me it would read you will compromise towing ability and safety by selling the disco for a vectra?,

    Consider the long term benefit of taking the test, as has been said, skip the lessons download the test book. i am sure their will be lessons online also. and go straight to the test! I would say they are only going to make things harder and worse in the future so if you wanna keep towing in the future get the test now before they change it again then make you jump thropugh even more hoops or make lessons compulsory.

    On a side note i think wear and tear on a smaller vehicle is going to add upto more than the test cost in the long run? happy to be corrected but the Disco will last much longer than a vectra will when hauling a large lump around!

    nb: this is defence of a LR is not to be used against me in a court of jap vs LR discussion! :P

  12. Aye - we have the 109 for big bits anyway. Although I'm not carrying the pump-action jizz pistol again, ever. That blummin thing can live somewhere else <_<

    strange it never wanted to leave the car but yet a full size jerry can sneaked out the back door? :blink:

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