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Posts posted by Baz2236

  1. I have near had enough of this. Today I have changed the Master cylinder and the vacuum pipe with a new one piece and still I only have one shot to stop the brake get worse and worse. I have bled the system 3 times and still got long travel on the pedal and carp brake on the first go at brake it still will not look up.

    I need some motivation to get me out there and try something else or I think it might be on ebay by the end of the weekend.

  2. I have now tried 2 new servos and 2 vac pump but still I have rubbish brakes and only 1 chance to really stop. The more I try and brake the harder the pedal gets and less servo assistance I get.

    My orginal servo works better with a split in the seal which looses vac once motor is stopped.

    Do I have a problem elsewhere but where do I look.


  3. After fittibg my servo this weekend I only have good brake on the first press of the pedal every time I press pedal after that the effective ness of the brake is reduced and the pedal gets harder. I have swap the vac pump and same surely my servo should do better then that.

  4. After fittibg my servo this weekend I only have good brake on the first press of the pedal every time I press pedal after that the effective ness of the brake is reduced and the pedal gets harder. I have swap the vac pump and same surely my servo should do better then that.

  5. After fittibg my servo this weekend I only have good brake on the first press of the pedal every time I press pedal after that the effective ness of the brake is reduced and the pedal gets harder. I have swap the vac pump and same surely my servo should do better then that.

  6. Hi Got a little bit further and throught I had fixed my issue by replacing the servo brakes were good very light pedal.

    Went off roading this weekend first long trip with the new servo and I noticed through out the day and especially on the way home as approaching a round about I brake a little coast brake a little more then start brake hard my brakes get less and less efective until It feel I have no servo asistance and can bearly stop.

    I swap the Vac pump today for another thinking it could be that but its still the same it seems the more I pump the worse my brakes get.

    Have I been sold a Dud Servo you think or do I have another problem.


  7. I have pulled the MC out a little and can clearly hear the noise is now coming from the servo the rubber around the rod that comes out is split if i wobble it I can change the sound of the Hiss.

    So new Servo time or can I get a repair kit.

    does it have to be from an older 90 or would a newer defender one fit does anyone know before I spend hour looking on inter web

    Thanks guys for your help. This forum is awesome for help and advice.

  8. Hi I have a strange problem with my truck once I have turned it off you can hear a hissing coming from the engine bay which get louder like them old kettles that whistle at the end.

    I think its coming from the VAC pump or the servo if I disconnect the pipe that goes inbetween the two the noise stops if I press the brake pedal when the noise it happening it stops straight away.

    The Brakes work ok for an old landrover but I want to sort out the problem before it gets worse and manifest into somthing serious.

    Anyone got any Ideas

  9. Hi I got a 200 disco engine in my 90 and its a pain to get going in the morning.

    When I try and start it it fires straight away for a split second then dies it then takes alot of cranking to get it going again. to the point where it flattens the battery but if I put another battery on it will start.

    I have replaced the battery and tried disconnecting it during the night and connecitng it in the morning this has no affect I also changed the fuel filter cleaned all the earth points and starter has been replaced twice.

    Once it has started in the morning it will be fine all day but if I leave it for some time a few hours it somtimes struggles to start again. I do get it some heat before I try and start it usually about 20seconds before I crank it.

    Anyone got any ideas.

    I am ordered some glow plugs as I have never changed them.

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