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Everything posted by Turbocharger

  1. I was looking at a spaceframe racer today with an Audi 1.8T 4-cyl in it? Not strictly a conversion but there was a Ninety in Bath about five years ago with a 2.8 BMW straight-6 which sounded gorgeous.
  2. Well, I went for a wander round there today and I'm glad I didn't drive from Denmark for it! There were a number of retailers and I really liked diversity of marques and the competition to vote on the cars on show (a very eclectic mix!) but I'd seen everything I wanted to within 3hrs and I was on my way home. I was also disappointed not to see some of the bigger retailers (Craddock, Paddock etc), but only because I wanted a water pump. Overall, it was an enjoyable show but it certainly won't replace Billing...
  3. A mate has a 1985 Ninety. He's just restored the lift-handle doors and they look lovely but the local parts supplier says the catch assembly is discontinued - which is a bit gutting. The nearest he can get is a Series 3 anti-burst assembly but that has a lift-handle on the inside too. He parks it on-street at night so he's about to drill his nice new door frames to take a garden gate bolt (and climb out through the passenger door) Does anyone know a supplier who might still sell these, or anyone breaking a lift-handle Ninety? Any other bright ideas?
  4. Looks like a recipe for a quick game of "catch the towball with the back of your neck". It's your truck but I'd be looking at the risk of breakage and the reward of ... umm ...
  5. If you haven't got the spade out yet I'd really recommend a flat floor and lifts or a powered ramp. If you must have a pit, make sure you can vent any falling vapour, that you can get out of it quickly in an emergency, and that you can cover it up so you don't fall in it! You could form a slight lip in steel around the edges so you can "feel" the chasm as you drive on, though it will obstruct access slightly. If you've got the option I'd take wheel lifts instead every day of the week...
  6. I've seen that on Top Gear - one caravan on top of the other, but I wouldn't want to make a tower any taller than two 'vans on the public road I think, unless the bottom van was on a commercial trailer chassis.
  7. The first one looks like the result of some weird Scrapheap Challenge parlour game, where the team leader is given the task but can only describe what he wants by telephone. I can imagine his face when they pulled back the curtain at the end... "It's got most of the things I asked for, but none of it's quite what I expected...!"
  8. It's purely so you think better of it and feel a little bit dangerous, and so that high-and-mighty types can pour scorn on the cowboys at Kwik-Fit etc who don't drain all flammable liquids from the vehicle before inflating a tyre. Les makes a good point re dropping tools etc though.
  9. Surely you're unlikely to bend a LR axle in that axis anyway, and you're adding plenty of unsprung weight?
  10. Ok, more helpful suggestion. At this scale and stress I'd seriously consider adhesive bonding instead of brazing or welding?
  11. I am aware, but they're unlikely to chase a vehicle with a new MOT, and the fact that they have to ask must mean you've got the option to refuse. As I say, I do fully support the good work that VOSA etc do, but I don't think I'd volunteer my truck for their practice work.
  12. I don't see how it can't affect your existing certificate. If your tester had happened to be blind, tapped around your car with his white stick and then issued you a certificate, Mr VOSA would have to rescind it or issue a prohibition if he found something major. Otherwise, he's knowingly watching an unsafe car drive away down the road. Obviously I'm not suggesting that there's anything wrong with your car or that you spent the test feeding biscuits to his guide dog, but I think I would have made my excuses and left.
  13. I think I'd have said no, they couldn't re-test my car. I'm fully in support of maintaining high standards of inspection, and I am pleased that the testers are audited, but I'd be gutted if I was holding that certificate after a standard MOT inspection, and then they found something pernickity (headlamp aim, pedal rubbers, different "opinion" on steering play etc) and they rescinded the certificate!
  14. For going round Europe, don't leave home without AA Relay and a credit card. The rest is just to make your life cheaper or easier.
  15. Thanks guys - seems opinions vary depending on price, and how much of a hurry you're in. Since we'll be going September-ish, and will be making a big loop down through France to Spain, across the Riviera to Monaco and then back up home again, I think we'll take the autoroute and a night in a campsite or cheap hotel then.
  16. I bought a "guaranteed used" LandRover - he guaranteed it, and by hell it'd been used!
  17. There's no chance that a head-on will push a pole into the passenger compartment? I have the dents to remember my last challenge!
  18. We're planning a European holiday at the end of the summer, and weighing up the ferry to Bilbao vs driving down, to see Barcelona and the the French riviera. Has anyone used the ferry or have any recommendations? It's either £400 of incarceration and vomit, or a quick and relaxing route to get to Spain for the beginning of our holiday, and we can't decide which...
  19. Looking good Charlie. Rather than bars all over the car, have you thought of not driving into everything? How sturdy are they? Would you recommend a similar design if you started the whole thing again? I rather like them, actually. Don't believe you about no further mods though...
  20. If it's only 3ft long, does it matter if the tubes are slightly rippled? Apart from the aesthetics (aka p*sstaking) it would probably be strong enough with the tubes cut at 45' and butt welded at right angles.
  21. Crank rear seal... My mate's got one in his field with the same issue too, common fault on that vintage I believe...
  22. ... But how many lb/ft? The shaft in a turbocharger is delivering c.80 horsepower and they're quite spindly...
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