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Posts posted by Roverdrive

  1. When the flanges are parallel to each other like on the rear axle, the yokes are in phase.

    When the flanges are not parallel, the yokes are arranged at 45 degrees like the front axle.

    If you look at the front diff, the nose actually points up towards the transfer box.

  2. Trying to come up with other ideas here, so don't shoot me!

    If the engine is up to temperature, and you bring the revs up high in neutral does the temp still shoot up?

    I think I am right to say there is no instrument pack regulator on Defenders ( Western? ), so it might be worth checking your alternator output voltage is stable.

  3. With regard to the battery isolator, is it an FIA approved one with the additional four terminals on the back?

    These are designed as engine shut off switches.

    When the key is turned, the battery connection is opened, together with one set of contacts that the fuel pump solenoid should be connected through. The other auxy contacts close at the same time. On this circuit is normally a ceramic resistor which shorts the engine side of the switch to earth via the resistor.

    Hope this make sense?

  4. Hi

    Not wishing to hijack the other thread, I have an issue with the charging on my 300tdi.

    On starting the charge light goes out, and when left at tick over the voltage gradually recovers to about 14.2Volts.

    So far so good.

    If the revs are increased, the voltage will gradually reduce

    The higher the revs, the bigger the drop. Typically down to 13.6 Volts without lights,heater etc, and 12.8 Volts with all auxiliaries on.

    I am suspecting worn brushes, but any other ideas before I start taking things apart?

    I had thought of upgrading to the 100A alternator at some point but will the original cable handle the increase in current?

  5. IIRC I had Volvo 343 seats in my lightweight which were comfy, and my mate has Smart seats in his 90 which are good.

    Just a case of trawling the scrappies to see what is available, with the possible benefit of heated seats!

    I have fitted Exmoor trip high backs to my 110, which were a bit spendy, but do the job nicely.

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