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Posts posted by jules

  1. I have a 42,ooo mile 110 V8 and the speed reads very slow with 70 in the speedo only doing 60mph acording to the GPS.(it will go up to 90 on the speedo with out too much drama but its reving its nutts off)

    I have a BW transfure box in the garage but I think its too high for a 3.5 110 on 265's as I will be using it for towing..

    has anyone put a BW on a stock 3.5 with 265's and if so how has it been...

  2. Jules we will see what mat and I can come up with :blink:

    I'll bring my racer along and I can find a few mates that I'm sure will be happy to volunteer; all it needs is something like the Bowler do at Goodwood... ;)

    The Shire's may well be intrested in a stand

  3. There is no point in throwing money at something until your completely happy that’s the right way to go don't just listen to the loudest talker they may not be the best people to listen to loads can talk a competitive truck but few can build or drive them. what engines and drive chains have you use in the events you have competed in up to date what is wrong with them....I don't know what your using currently

  4. A mate of mine is building just for playing with a 440 yank engine with superchargers and NOS but he is more interestingly using the base engine gearbox and running gear from a Cherokee chief which he bought the whole car from a scrappy for a few hundred pounds and its all going into his 100" hybrid.

    Its the big chap my wife and I are always chatting to at the club socials

    a small note I find I have to spend a while getting used the cars manners when I have changed for a different engine this could also be worth looking into better the devil you know.

  5. Sureturm

    £50 to change anything but my mate has a policy with them which they charge him £100 to change anything.

    Don't get me started.

    The customer services is also carp even a new level of carp..............they can't get anything right the cover notes were all wrong and slipped in full thatchum immobilisers on the policy which had not been agreed (in the very very small print)

    I used them because I wanted to use a car and it had no cover so I rushed and got it covered on a Sat afternoon and have regretted because I will have to pay when I start modifying everything on the truck.

  6. Shire LRC

    Sunday 9th Aug

    Family Greenlane treasure hunt for Shinnies across the north of Salisbury Plain starting from a meeting place in Tidworth area (Sidbury hill) with cars being given a tulip style road book taking members out for a mornings laning till lunch time for a hill top barbeque/picnic location and followed by a afternoons laning and home.

    The numbers will be limited so please register your interest with Will Warn the events officer.

    It's £15 per car and this includes the barbeque and soft drinks at lunchtime (based on two per car)


    Don't forget the August Club social is at the Fleming arms in Swathing

  7. Me and a few mates that meet for a curry every Tuesday and have been for about fifteen years were chatting about a trip up to Brecon as it was 93 the last time we went so we were thinking of a weekend playing. having said that the Lightweight we went in has since long been replaced and he now has RR3 TDV8, I'll be taking the 110

  8. The Freelander 1.8 Racer we had was very good in water but having said that it was only every put through water at speed. Not so much wading but its was fantastic at sites like Slab common, Driffield and other notoriously wet comp safari tracks the only addition was the ITG carbon fibre induction kit which was placed up against the bulkhead out of the way. The timing cover is a bit carp as the small rubber seals fall out. The dizzy cap can be a bit iffy all I did was (use Gen part) use some non conducting grease around it to stop any ingress of water. I had my CT freelander float once which as it was in a very fast flowing flood on the A26 and the fields either site were lower than the road, was one of those seat munching moments as it was a tipper lorry’s bow wave washed me off the crown of the road I was two thirds of the way through when the truck entered the flood the tit..

  9. It’s a great guide but you don't need to remove the diff completely or remove the drive shafts to change the bushes

    just jack up the back of the car or reveres it on the ramps (ramps are easier) and simply remove the bushes one at a time taking car not to let it drop out but don't fully tighten them until all three are back in place then fully tighten them up.

    It is fiddly but very simple.

    Should take about an hour or so depending on how many cuts of tea you get through

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