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Posts posted by jules

  1. Oh yeah big brother is watching

    I rember Jules once had his freelander insured with a company untill one day he got a letter from them with a photocopy of an article, on the car in one of the land rover mags. With a letter saying his premium was about to go though the roof :rolleyes:

    After all you number plate may not have been in the mag but did your name appear in it and even the idiots that work for the goverment can two and two together

    The Facts were the car was insured at the end of the racing season for road use as a run about for shows and if our road cars needed serviceing etc.

    LRO ran a artical seven months after the event and the SURETURM sent me a letter enclosing the artical saying although all the modification had been listed we do not cover insurance for compertion cars (they for basiclly they gave me a nearly full refund on my insurance) I told them that I was fully aware the car was not covered for insurance as it stated in the documents but they would not insure the Ex dakar Freelander because they said there was nothing stopping me haveing a crash on a competertive stage then towing the car to the road and reporting it there. when I replyed thats fraud they simply said we resurve the right...

    Snow Ball were much better and were very happy to cover the same car even after I told them it has won the 2005 super production off road championship and would be use for press photo's etc. They did try to sell me competition insurance....

  2. But it does have the diff lock just does not have the levers in the cab to ativate it . So could be slipping in on its own

    Try and see that some mud from your recent off roading has not got caught up and started to turn the lever on the box

    It has not don't it since then but I was thinking about possible mud but I did't get that carried away and only light playing in the disco. the Red bit worried me as its normaly yellow lights to signafy functions and red is just bad.

    the Yellow traction control light always comes on when the truck slips as normal.

    I was more worried about some kind of centre diff failure but it's still driving fine so I will leave it at that.

  3. It's a pretty good option I think, unless you go the extra mile and get a 4-post lift.

    There's also this lift, which I don't really like the look of but may inspire you to build something:


    I think the picture shows that by the time they've lifted their car 30cm, everyone else had finished servicing their cars and was out racing :lol:

    These are quite dear there not much cheaper then a set of proper hydrolic ramps or spec lifts

  4. If your going to use it of company work as well its much more complex unless you just by a normal 7.5t truck and put the car in the back. I don't know weather your insurance will cover you to use it for your weekend hobby as well and I’m sure you can prove to them that your competing is not Hire or reward which lets face it comp cars are money pits.

    This is what I did but I’m not a company

    For the BORC I had a 6.5m Campervan Fiat 2.8td (Ok I bought it new in 03 so its abit over budget) which could pull just about anything and if weren’t very careful could creep up to 80 fully loaded but it had a 2t towing weight limit and this meant I had to flog my Ifor plant trailer and buy a dedicated car trailer which was light weight as trailer must be the correct towing weigh for the tow vehicle no more. So I had a 600kg trailer and a book weight 1400kg freelander (in reality it was lighter than that) on the back of my camper van and in 4 years I never got stopped but I had worked on the principle that as I was sailing very close to the wind I had done the right thing by working out the correct set up to use. There are loads out there that don’t bother also a lot of the time if the set up looks professional and tidy the police were often not interested as if someone has gone to all that trouble they would not be stupid enough to be over weight. However I would not have liked to go on a weigh bridge as the two double stacked tool boxes would have pushed the train weight up some what. I sold that set up in 2006 and have been hiring a caravan and taking two cars to events but we are no longer competing in as many events.

    I have a friend that really wanted a 7.5t Horse lorry but couldn't justify it to herself although her horse box on the back of her Navara and the two children was becoming nightmare for her on a weekly trip to collect and drop off horses until we talked her husband into it and how much safe the kids would be in the proper seat mounted in the living area of the lorry and the flip side we can use it when ever we want and that's got big living area and room for four houses or a TMC race car I'm insured fully comp on it as a equestrian lorry and racer car service truck and it uses less fuel that the disco towing and car carry everything, it even has water tanks and pressure washer's etc.

    It took us along time to find a 7.5t purpose built horse lorry that can take a car as most of them only carry three horses which is not enough room for a car

    I looked into it some time ago and what Jez said is completely right as most people’s license quotes the 12,000kg train weight, well mine does

    When I bought the camper my dad who had lorries etc. was chatting to a Lady from the Ministry and she did pas comment that most people moving race cars etc around get away with murder because they don’t drive there vans and lorries during the week and the ministry don’t work on the weekend which I thought was priceless.

  5. Did you see Sainz' exit, and the car that nearly drove on top of him, just managed to stop about a foot from the cliff that Sainz was at the bottom of, and his co-driver broke his shoulder blade! That's a serious impact, shoulder blades are tough!

    The last remaining works Lancer as well. Sainz was not on the stage (hence the crash) and the Mitsubushi was following his tracks... Doh

  6. Hello,

    I am a Disco V8 3.9 1997 user from Kazakhstan.... I like my car but my problem with Disco is the fuel consumption.... About 45-50 lt/100 km /city.......and the black smoke

    What can be the reason? What should i do or which parts should be controlled or changed?

    Thanks for your help....

    I the car suffring any starting problems

  7. I have been really impressed with Robbie Gordon - it wasn't until a couple of days ago that I found out it's only a two-wheel drive vehicle, as there had been a comment about him having tyre inflaters on the wheels.

    Yes only the two wheel drive's are allowed it they stopped the 4x4's having it years ago. but look at the size of the foot print on the of his tyres on the sand in comparison to the VW's.

    but when he gets a blowout the beed lock holds the tyre on so it seems to end up ripping off the whole wing instead of just coming off before it shreds..Remember the speeds there going I think the Evo 3 held the record on 230 kph on stage

  8. Yep, it looked to be a valiant effort, he kept his foot in and tried to drive it out... looked as if he was going to make it and then found a steeper bit ;(

    Good to see they were both OK though even if a "bit" shaken !

    Later on they were showing them towing vehicles out of that valley, didn't see them pulling the Bowler out - they were a lot further down it than any of the others.

    Robbie Gordon is the star of the Dakar (in cars at least) this year for me. When he talks about the car and the design ideas behind it, you get the impression that he's very much hands on with the car setup and design. It'd be great to see how fast he'd be if they took the intake restriction off :)

    On Tuesday night they said Lopez had been taken to hospital with what sounded like concussion but no mention of him at all last night, anyone know if he's still in the rally ?

    Watching that truck crabbing across the dune last night had my buttocks clenching, bet the driver was sucking up seat cover !

    Yep that truck was a little touch and go....

    Robby's qoute about the restrictor on the Hummer's V8 "its like running the New York marathon breathing through a straw"

  9. Did anyone see the QT Wildcat rolled eight times down the side of a rocky hill and over a Shogun in the process. The driver and co-driver although very shaken up were out and walking around. The car apart from panel damage looked in relativly good shape.

  10. Paul and his co-Driver were much more serious than Eurosport let on but Paul has now been moved but the co-driver is still on a ventilator to help his chest injuries recover....but I have only found this from trawling the news sites so please correct me if I'm wrong

    Hello Rebecca I'm assuming your Paul's daughter I think I met you when Paul was telling me all about one of the other Dakar's he did in the Kitchen at his house a few years ago. I was collecting his Dakar Freelander.

    Robby Gordon is a true competitor but he is 1 hour and 38 minuets down on the lead VW and he is in Fifth over all it would be grate if he can get on the podium but he has very little time to do it in.

  11. As said before, buying a prebuilt car is the cheapest way to get started. I started out in a 88" 3.5 hybrid and got used to racing and workout what I wanted and not wast time fitting and doing mods without the experience of why. I bought a old classic of my own to race after a line of accidents and self preservation and the guy I teamed up with just kept crashing the hybrid. the RRC was a grate car but I only raced it for one season and suffered a silly persistent reliability problem which resolved its self after I bought the freelander rally spec car. My racing took off when I got the freelander which was the best start up car you could have to learn in as its half way between a compsafari car and a rally car IMHO

  12. Only because all the works teams are running diesels this year.

    Anyway Robbie Gordon is going to win... you heard it here first ! He'd be leading now if they didn't keep shortening the dune sections.


    Yep and he is most upset they have shortend the rally by nearly 1000k


    I think it would be grate if he did all the yanks would come in then its a shame the No2 rider retiered Sunday after injuring his hand.

  13. Many years ago I crashed and wrote off a vehicle, one of the contributing factors was massive oversteer (from low tread rear tyres) when I backed of the throttle. The front dug in and the back slid and overtook the front. The other contributing factors were it was wet, leaves on the road, and I was going WAY too fast.

    So the actual reason was..... :lol:

    As you said for part time 4x4's its new on the rear and rears to the front but a full time 4x4 drives and streers and brakes all through the front axle.

    which to me would suggest the best tyre's on the front as there the only thing between you and the road :huh: .

    I've got some DVD's with some Cooper advertising stuff which has a feature on how you should rotate your tyres but I lent it to a local garage.

  14. I'm with Steve and Dave. I raced for eight years in manuals and challenged for two years competertivly with auto's then after a small crash knocked challenging on the head and stuck with racing. My current racer is older technoligy but the Auto is so much quicker and kinder to the drive chain meaning less time fixing bits, which is to me a massive factor when racing.

    I raced Diesel and Petrol

    Hated Diesel and love petrol I don't care how much talk they have the rev range is so small with an oil burner and unless your into sensors cocking up steer clear of any BMW diesels.

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