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Posts posted by barriesheene

  1. Apart from all the other issues that my Rangie is experiencing at the mo I do have one big concern. It's down on power. I've been told that this is probably down to the mass airflow sensor. It would make sense as I removed a blowback protection flap and she ran well for a few miles then returned to lack of power, ( as if the airflow sensor was resetting it back to a **** setting ). My big concern is the white smoke !!!!!! It doesnt do it all the time but I'll be driving along and suddenly plumes of smoke out the back !!! This then clears and no smoke ??????? Few more miles then smoke again ????? No signs of normal head gasket problems just a lack of power. I'm going to put the power down to the airflow sensor but what about the smoke ???????

  2. Hi, guys. Sorry its been awhile I'm upto my eyes at the moment. UPDATE. Had new stainless exhaust fitted from y piece back. Gaskets changed ,( down pipe and manifold ). It is a machine gun sound which is what made me suspect gaskets but I cant seem to find the leak !. It is down on power tho and I pressure tested the bank of cylinders and the one closest to the bulkhead was reading 80/100 psi while the other three were all showing 150psi. Can the head gasket go from cylinder - out if there are no other symptoms ? No loss of water, never overheats, no signs of water in oil or vice versa. Dont want to get head done if no need but why would I be down on compression in just 1 cylinder ?? Please help.

  3. Hi guys. If got what sounds like a blowing exhaust on my disco, ( '95 V8 ). I've changed the downpipe gasket and manifold gasket and it hasnt changed at all. There are no signs of cracks or leaks. Any idea's ? it's the drivers side bank. Thanks in advance, Baz

  4. Quick update. I bought a new calcium battery ££££££ which lasted a week but I'm back to square one again. Advised by Richard, ( ebay willyoutakecash )to check the fuse box. I've removed the fusebox and found scorch marks on the circuit boards and plugs so this is being replaced with a new box from Bearmach. I'll let you know how I get on.

  5. Hi, guy's. I've got a bit of an odd one for you :D . Put a new battery on the P38 today and now if I try to lower the rear nearside window the horn blows !!!! This happens with both the front and rear switches but only when the window is lowering when its raising its fine :rolleyes: Any idea's ? lol

  6. Paul, I'm the last person you should ask for advise on buying rangies after what I've just bought :rolleyes: But here's my 2 penith worth :) When your talking about cars of this age it's about what its worth to you. My rangie is worth far more to my wife than the £1800 that I paid for it :) Colour seems to have a big influance as well. If its all straight and running well then even on a 2000 plate it's alot of car for the money. At that price tho it should be 100% with no issues what so ever. If your not 100% what your looking for try to take somebody with you that is and nows Range Rovers. They are complicated cars, ( overly imho ) but get a good un and you'll never want or need another car again :)

  7. The Rangie is fine.......... change the wife :rolleyes:


    Class :)

    Countryman. I had a steering box leak on a classic a while back. I bought a box from a scrappy which although didnt leak, did mean that you had to steer it " using the force ". Sounds similar to yours so I'd say if all else looks ok then maybe the box is a good bet. Dont know about the self centreing tho ???

    P.s. The wife hated the classic with a passion but loves the P38 and its not even running at the moment ?? It must be a size thing :rolleyes:

  8. Hope the mods get these posts in order :) Update.

    Rf amplifier disconnected

    Alternator disconnected.

    Still wont go to sleep.

    Anyone know what the main sensors are that are monitored so I can start pulling fuses to try and narrow it down. Oh and the 0.56A drain killed my battery within the hour so although it'll hold charge without a load on it I'm guessing it's goosed :(

    HHmmmmmmmm, Just a thought, would the voltage dropping cause the car to keep waking up ???????

  9. Anything that is wrong with mine !

    1) lack of power, ( check the kick down )

    2) Wont run on gas

    3) coolant in drivers side footwell

    4) rain pouring in on passengerside footwell

    5) dicky key fob

    6) only one key fob

    7) suspension works as it should and that the car isnt lop sided

    8) warnings on the dash that only show when the key is inserted but not started. If he's keen to start the car for you then thats why !

    9) All electrics work included all seats etc, If theres a button then press it :)

    10) sagging head lining

    11) major oil leaks. Check for signs of recently being cleaned.

    12) Give the brakes a good stomp

    Any more I'll post as I find them :(

  10. Oh, and Mr Sparks, Thanks for the heads up on the RAVE files. Been looking everywhere for a workshop manual. Thinking of sending an e-mail to Haynes and asking why they dont have a manual for a car as common and unreliable as a P38. They could double their profits overnight ;)

  11. Hi,guys. There is a bit of a delay at the moment on my posts as I'm a newbie and they are going thru the mods,( as it should be :) ) Ok, sleep test , was permenately awake, now sleeping for about 1 min before waking back up after disconnecting every wire from the rf amplifier. The dash was showing an alternator fault before the drains began. Didnt think anything of it as I had no battery light and no signs of any problems. Alternator is putting out 14+ Volts UNTIL you put a load on it. It's then dropping down to just about 12v ? Diodes ? I'm going to disconnect the alternator and see if the car will stay asleep. I'll let you all know :)

  12. Hi Molly. I'm having the same problem. I've disconnected the rf amplifier in the boot. This has now allowed the car to sleep for about a minute before waking up again,( was constantly awake before ), I'll let you know If I find out anything. I need to find out why the car is waking itself even tho it has no reason to anymore.

  13. Hi all :) newbie p38 owner.I've just bought a P38 after previously being a classic owner and I've bought a bad un :( Seller wont answer the phone or return answer phone messages so I guess I'm stuck :( The first problem that I have, ( of which there are many ), is a severe battery drain. This did not appear for 3 or 4 days but now the battery is dead within a couple of hours from full charge. I've read the posts concerning the remote aerial but this seems to take a few days, mine is flat within hours. I've checked the current drain and it's 0.56A. Could someone check theirs for me to see how excessive this is. I've left the battery overnight disconnected and it remained charged. Any help appreciated cos untill I sort this I cant start on the other problems :(

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