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Everything posted by NRS91

  1. if me and you could cad it between us it would be ideal as im thinkin spicer box will be a plan soon lol
  2. before you put it all in could you get it drawn up as a pattern?
  3. good man... im tempted to do the same as you when i pull all my engine and box out tbh haha
  4. haha when i get a new chassis mine will be made sexy too haha and from the crank pulley to the mounting face on the LT230 (where the input is) on mine is 63-64" Wittys is 61.5" ish lol
  5. thats tight on a 110 tbh... combining them is the best option by far... especially when done as neat as Mr Witty:
  6. Mr Witty has the benefit of mine and Tom Davies' experience and hindsight. Also the close coupled method him and Tom used is only suitable for the older Spicer box as it replaces the back plate of the box. Though that box isnt as smooth as the ZF. Though the Spicer has the benefit of being easier to mate and a couple of inches shorter overall. My oil seal leaks due to the poor finish on the spud shaft but i will sort that when i take it all out.
  7. Could get 750hp and over 1200 lb/ft of torque without touching the bottom end of a cummins... what im running now will easilly spin the 37s (that are 12.5" wide) on dry tarmac. i dont make a habbit of doing it though. Believe it or not the truck gearbox is probably my weak point now as the ZF s5-42 is only rated to 420lb/ft.
  8. agreed... getting the turbo sized and fitting it so all the pipes work is the easy part... controlling it to dance like you want to is ALOT of work. the months you spend pissing about with vane control will make that 1200-1500 seem cheap i bet. the main point about going for a big truck derived engine is the economy and reliabilty. Mine will churn out 200-300hp and silly amounts of torque all day long (the engine i fitted was VERY ropey and 190k Miles and after a new turbo and I.P it performs faultlessly. god knows what it used to be run on :/ ) and it will do 30-35mpg towing a caravan
  9. i know of a bowler tdi running stupid power too... but the engine was like £6,000 worth of internals haha
  10. Intercooler £450 VNT Conversion £1200-1500 200Tdi Engines are around £400-500 now So thats already over the cost of a Cummins swap... and half the torque lol
  11. that sounds more expensive than the silly engine swap lol
  12. basically the way the back half of the casing bolts together... the spicer has a flat plate on the back which is easy to replace with one you make to take the LT230 and my ZF gear change is a modded LT77 gear lever
  13. haha the 130 and cheap daf will be easy... engineer just use your local friendly MOT tester to do the engineers report
  14. ZF S5-42 off the Daf 45 but most other people use the Spicer varient as its much easier to mate to the LT230
  15. if i keep it below 2000rpm when im cruising about 35mpg... still pretty spirited driving though if i get above 2000rpm when cruising and im driving spiritedly about 20-22mpg... the same as my 200tdi disco engine used to manage. full throttle is scary so rarely used, half throttle is enough to move you along at a fair lick. full throttle makes an Audis decision to overtake quite futile lol
  16. got my mates engineering company to turn down the prop yoke and press the FTC 5090 into it with 10t force and then weld them together and then turn it down to provide a smooth seal ready finish... though a custom shaft would be preferable tbh
  17. not sure but their LT230 Short Rear Output is £390 inc Vat and Ashcroft FTC5090 is £44 if that helps you sort of gauge where its at. Best bet is to ring Rakeway they dont reply to emails.
  18. close coupling is a pain but it solves a lot more issues... having them close coupled and the engine righ back would give nice weight distrubution and long props in a 110... so personally thats how id do it lol
  19. the LT230 is 5" further back as it is... the props 100mm shorter than standard and needs to be a wide joint version with a small tweak to the rear axle to improve the diff joint angle. Divorced LT230 simply wouldnt work! Transit Mounts are the next task to give it abit more rubber support and theres have been a few tweaks ive done as ive gone along to make it better as you will have seen on my FB Rakeway short rear output with x-eng brake for the lt230 to gain 70mm more room will be the next mod (if rakeway ever pick up the phone or answer emails) and Roamerdrive t drop my revs to 1800rpm at 70mph for 35mpg cruising in quiet will be essential i think. HX35 turbo and the injectors were a good mod and well recommended i know how i will do it next time (101 needs a big diesel i think ) but trying to recolect on all the little tweaks ive done over the year is hard lol
  20. GMC V8Ds are paper weights... Cummins is a great engine... glad i did the swap into my 90 now! mine started life as a 130hp DAF 45 one. Now got a 160hp pump (with 3200rpm spring), +40hp fuel pin, +40hp Injectors and a HX35 Holset running 40-45psi if i get a bit frisky with the throttle. should be in the 200-300hp range and approx 500lb/ft of torque. Will pull a 5ton trailer in 1st high no mither but needs an overdrive to get the best economy at top end. a 1800rpm at 55mph i get 35mpg but if i push her above 2000rpm (65-75mph) it only does 20mpg (what i used to get out of the 200tdi) so a roamerdrive should drop the 70mph revs down to the magic 1800rpm theyre a heavy old lump and its some heascratching to get her in but as they say Prior Prep and Planning Prevents tiddle Poor Performance. Heres some vidyas for you to wet you appitite:
  21. Tiny-Tach Diesel... good bit of kit, easilly installed and has the handy use of an hour counter that you can set service intervals with. also definately accurate! mines got a dodgy earth at the mo i think... I installed it in the dark though haha
  22. because any lower the engine will hit the axle... and its nicely up out of harms way atm... dont want a rock crackiing me 1:1.003 LT230 lol i have a cunning plan... and i think i can make a flat bad work nicely... these aussies have inspired me lol IIRC that used to be green? if its the same one i saw in a landy mag yonks back... theyre nice but i dont have the patience to get it as neat as id want it tbh im looking into doing this as well if i fit a flat tray back as there will be no body in the way then... but i dont like the radical cut arches on some trucks tbh good plan... i have a rough idea of how to lift the bulkhead whilst building in roll frame mounts etc just finding pics or info on the seatbelt mounts is what i need now
  23. if you google "doing the impossible cummins NRS91" and youl find my full write ups ive done... probs should of done one on here as its a techy forum lol they sure do mate! never fails to make me smile! haha they are a fair weight... IIRC its 42-44" between pulley and end of the flywheel housing, which is 19" diameter, and the engine and box come to 63" long.
  24. rear x-member would be easy... tubular ones would be an issue... but im thinkin on Ute Tray and tube wings now... but lifting the cab would give nicer gearbox tunnel clearance lol
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