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Posts posted by dorky

  1. sorry chaps had to go 88" to compete in C and D Club ALRC, chassis cut and shut all body fittings and outriggers arae off as well as rear end waiting for new cross member. Now thinking of making it mid enigine V8 to help balance of car(centre of gravity ) and all that!. anybody done it ?


  2. Sounds like I have opened a can of worms here, just about to take the plasma cutter to the chassis in the morning to go 88" and now haveing second thoughts. think I will get in touch with Terry Shepard to go over ALRC regs.


  3. got to get my head around all of the facts here, have just received MSA blue book and race licence so will go over all rules.

    going to speak with QT services as well in the morning now all the bank holiday stuff is over.


  4. cheers for the info, looks like ALRC 88" it is then. Mainly going to be with Cornwall and devon club events as I live in devon. going to be on a budget as I have just completed my V8 90 nut and bolt ,chassis up rebuild. So defender/Series body with a few extras from QT services (roll cage) hope to have it up and running later this year.

    cheers again for your help

  5. Afternoon, I have just aquired a complate rooling discovery chassis which I wish to convert for comp safari racing in Devon. Has anybody got pictures/notes on how to shorten the chassis to 88 Inch or do I leave it at 100 inch. and how about the rear does it get the chop if so where?

    any help greatly appreciated.


  6. Evening, I have got a pair of Cone filters from Britpart and will put them on the end of the V8 elbows from my Carb V8, they will not fit directly to carb as some do. With all the air box gone what happens to the crank breathers and such like? I have seen small filters that I can put on the end of the lines.

    any thoughts wellcome as going to engine dyno soon and want the filters on in place of std box, Etc.



  7. it will go in engine bay but with out water works up front going to have to go the Tomcat route and mount rad in back behind truck cab with Twin kenlows. gaerbox will be adapted LT85 or R380 with uprated lt230 transfer. Props will be adapted De Carbon heavy duty. Exhuast system will be tube primerys to step down in 4 exit pipes or maybe 2 side exit exhaust pipes like old fashion cobra classic.

    I will keep posting any updates

  8. does anybody have know what the Tornado Motorsports space frame is like compered to Tomcat and Whitbread? thinking of a road legal comp safari build and Tornado only seem to advertise/sell on ebay and own website.

    Help please as all around £2500.00 GBP inc body work parts so not a small sum to start build


  9. Hi Anybody have an idea of where I can purchase anti rattle springs that are the wire type as shown on Page 175 green 90,110 Defender workshop manual, Fig 9.6. The type of springs i have are in the calipers in the lower part of the picture(wire type)No 3.

    Have bought the earlier ones as shown in the upper part of the picture but they have different pad shape. tried to search but all show part 606688 and they are not wire type.


  10. Hi ,Just gone for a fire up on v8 defender conversion. I have VGC battery from range rover 12v, 70 ah , 570cca, problem is that I need to add my other car via jump leads to start engine, once started disconect my car and it runs fine. left running until all upto temps, turned off and went to start again and starter motor just clicked as if there is not enough power to turn over put jump leads back on and it started fine. do I just need another battery with a bigger CCA. there is one i can get 12v, 90 ah, 800 cca genuine land rover defender.


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