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Posts posted by tedsmart

  1. Hello all

    I was wondering about the decals on my Defender, which are looking very tatty in places, if i peel these off what is the best thing to get the paint work looking alright, would a t'cut be enough or would there be stripes where the decals had been?

    Anyone done this? what did it take to get the paint looking good?

    The decals I'm talking about are the Defender stripes on a 1996 Defender 110.

    Or would it be better to buy a new set of decals??

    Thanks ted

  2. Hello all.

    I was wondering that if you put the bonnet checker plate protector om the bonnet ( 1996 300 Tdi Defender ) would you still need the bonnet strengthener kit to fit the spare wheel? I know that I would need to make a bracket to fit the wheel to, but that shouldn't be too much trouble!

    Anyone done similar?

    Cheers ted.

  3. Hello all.

    Hope your all having a good time?

    I did a good service on my landy 110 1997 300tdi over the last week, also putting a set of light force 170 spot lights on, by the way thanks everyone for your help & advise.

    I was going to put dextron 111 ATF gear oil in, when I asked at my local very good LR garage MR Autos, who advised that they always drop the ATF dextron 111 out of the box's they service and replace it with Dura gear 75-85 manual gear oil API GL 4, so that is what I have done, my question is has anyone else heard of doing this, or is this something that is only done in Australia/south africa cause that was the accent of the mechanic?

    Cheers for any advise


  4. Thanks everyone, as soon as i posted this I found the topic covered very well by Dyna VT, From my understanding there is no need to up-rate the head light wiring if your putting spottys on, if you only use the existing main beam for the feed to to relay coil and take the load from say the air con wiring and fuse this? is this right? thanks for input!! :-)

  5. Hello all,

    I'm wanting to install a set of spot lights on my 1996 Defender110 and have heard somewhere that the original wiring to the head lights is not adequate and needs to be up-rated if installing spottys, I don't understand when installing the spot lights they come off a separate circuit other than the initiation of the main beam, all the draw will be through the switch if taking the feed from directly behind the high beam switch surely? If I need to up-rate the head light wiring has anyone done this and if so how did you go about it?

    Thanks for reading, hope this makes sense!


  6. Hello all,

    went to the local garage, a very good landrover garage and the first thing he said was where have you been filling up! I said why! well he said, there have been several people in over the last few weeks with the same problem, leaking fuel pumps! he advised me to stop filling up at Shell or BP, as they have diesel ultra which with all the additives ( lack of sulphur) to make the diesel clean, it seems that they have the affect of shrinking the rubber 'O'rings and so making the pump leak!!!!

    Has anyone heard of this before, I heard some guy on the radio a while ago saying that this new diesel was bad for older cars because the diesel has less sulphur than the cars are use to running on! Is this true?

    Cheers ted

  7. When you say Big nut ?....does it have a wire going to it ?....if so then yes try giving it a tighten..its the stop solenoid

    Its the big nut inbetween the injector stems? if that makes sense!!!

    it still starts after this morns delayed start, almost straight away???

    I have driven it today or the mrs would have strung me up if we couldn't get to the supermarket (Cole/Woolies)


  8. Hi all,

    Just got in landy to go to the beach and it wouldn't start straight away unusual! sounded like fuel starvation eventually started, I had a look under and there were drops of diesel coming from the bottom of the pump, so i checked the fuel unions to the injectors all tight! had a go at tightening the torq studs and they all seemed tight, could it be the big nut in the middle, didn't tighten it as do not know what it does!!

    anyone got any ideas or is it a case of whole new pump? how much would they be?

    mrs not happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Cheers for any help


  9. Hi Paul,

    This is a fairley easy job, if you don't have a press to get the ball joint out it may be easier to get the whole unit, but while at it I'd change the bushes at the other end of the arms, which may require a press/ or drill out the rubber and then cut out the sleeve! being carful not to damage the arm itself!

    Hope this helps


  10. Hello,

    I've been thinking about removing the mid section silencer on my exhaust, off a 300Tdi Defender and wondered if anyone had done this and what the out come was?

    I have the replacment pipe all I need is an hour to do the job!

    Q, do I need new studs for the flanges or will the old ones come out?

    Thanks fort your input.


  11. check the idle revs too, [750 to 800rpm] if lower the oil light will flicker, mine has done in the past, adjusting the idle stopped the flickering light.

    Thanks everyone I will put new switch on and get the oil pressure checked, if want to up the revs how do I gauge the revs as I've not got a rev counter? cheers again


  12. Hello all,

    I recently had a problem with the oil pressure light flickering on when on a long journey, just when the engine was at idle, after some good advise from members on here, and some very scarey advise, I changed the oil pressure switch and everything was good no more flickering light, that was about4 months ago, now the same flickering light came on the other day!! my question is could it be the switch being faulty(OME) or is it something more sinister? also there does seem to be a oil leak from around the area of the switch which I'm trying to track down! it seems to be coming from the oil cooler pipes, not a great big pool of oil say a map of britain on a A4 sheet of paper! could this have an effect on the oil pressure? and if so what is the advise for changing the oil cooler pipes ( and maybe flushing the rad out at the same time?) I'm pretty keen with oil changes I use Dura blend 10w 40 oil, and the landys done 172000 klm or 107000 miles.

    Thanks for any advise


  13. Thanks for reply!scared me off trying it myself! Imay take to garage and let them do the deed.

    I had a heater plug snap in the block, and the hole wasn't pretty in the end, I too uased a dremel to get it out put wasn't too accurate!!!!

    I was going to suggest you use a shorter bolt if you had 5 mil of thresd it could of held!!

    Cheers ted

    Or am I being a girl?

  14. Well here I go again! after washing the engine bay down with degreaser, I have got a squeak on the water pump I first thought it was the tensioner bearing so changed that but the squeaks still there, so after listening to it again its coming from the water pump, I know this because when I spray at the back of the pully with lanolin the squeak goes away for a while!!

    My Q to you is I noticed that there are pumps for as little as 17 quid from say britpart, and some spanish manufacturer, oh and Allmakes, and one for about 56 quid being a Landrover genuine, anybody any experience of these make and are they any good?

    Also before replacing anyone know of a cure for a squeaking pump bearing!

    Also the three long bolts in the water pump what are the chances of these snapping, can't remeber who said it but I'm sure someone said the can snap if your unlucky!



    Thanks for any advise.

  15. Hi all,

    The problem I had with the pressure switch, nearly giving me a heart attack, has got me thinking!!

    I can't remember who suggested it but it sounds like a brilliant idea, to have a pressure gauge fitted instead of the pressure switch indicator!

    Does anyone know how & where to get one of these pressure gauges and what would the cost of one be?

    Thanks in advance!


  16. Hello all,

    On a drive today I noticed that the oil pressure light came on when the Defender 110 with a 300tdi engine in, was idling ( when I came to a stop ) soon as i press the accelerator pedal the light goes out is this a sign that the oil pump is going? or an electrical fault?

    theres plenty of oil in her!

    Cheers ted

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