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Posts posted by tedsmart

  1. STC439 is correct if your chassis number is within this range From (V) HA 455946 To (V) VA 104805

    maybe the cancelling ring on the back of the steering wheel has moved round & not sitting equally to cancel the indicators when the turn is complete


    Its more a case of it won't stay on when driving in a straight line! it keeps just flicking off?

  2. u state it needs to be at tdc, i'm just tryin to establish where that is.

    to insert the pin into the injection pump, its only 3 screws to take the cover off and you're there!

    Yeah I guess so, If the air conditioner bracket wasn't attached to it. All I was doing was asking the question(and hoping) that if i rotate the crank till I can releases the vaccum pump, without having to take anything else apart! I understand that if i were doing a timing belt change then I would want to LOCK the engine in TDC.

    But I've never done this so am asking for advice?

    Thanks Ted

  3. so with slot central to hole, and pin in pump, with cam aligned with marks, all as per when u put new cambelt on, its not put on at tdc?

    Sorry could you explain! All i want to do is remove the old not working vaccum pump and replace it with a new one, I can't see why Id have to take the Injection pump housing cover apart and put a pin in there to do this? If the fly wheel is in the right placethe vaccum pump should come off? should'nt it

  4. which engine?

    assuming a tdi then if u look up into the bellhousing hole, tdc is when the slot on the flywheel is central in the hole

    Thats great Tonk, Sorry m8 the engine is a 300Tdi so all I want to do is remove the vaccum pump< and the engine needs to be at TDC to remove it. so getting the grove to the centre of the hole will do it then?

  5. Hi,

    This may come across as a numb Q, but when changing a vaccum pump, the manual says to get the engine into the Top Dead Centre position to begin with! The procedure in the manual goes in to detail about taking the air con compressor off and the injection pump hub cover, then turn the crankshaft & insert a pin to locate TDC! Surely if I undo the bolts on the vaccum pump and turn the crankshaft until the vaccum pump becomes free, then withdraw it and replace it with a new one! Without the need for taking the A/C off and injection pump hub cover! Could this be done?

    what would the best way be to replace the vaccum pump?

    Cheers ted

  6. A simple test of the vacuum system is to pump the brakes a good ten times or so with the engine switched off, then apply the brake with a reasonable amount of force and whilst holding the pedal still applied, start the engine. You should feel your foot getting sucked down as the pump builds up it vacuum and the servo starts to operate. A simple cheep vacuum mater is available from Halfrauds. Even the sort intended for petrol heads to moitor fuel consumptiom will do for checking the pump, especially if you have a friends car you can compare you reading with..........

    Yeah Thanks,

    The wife took the 110 down to have it tested, he said it should be pulling 20bar or what ever, and wasn't pulling any so bobs your uncle its a new vaccum pump!!!!!!!

    The garage said it was $450 AUD for the vaccum pump, $550 fitted!!!!

    Ebay had one for 94 pounds roughly $217 AUD+25pounds postage! $280 all in all 7-10 days delivery

    So I ordered one, only to be told about the postal strike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

    Such is life :)

  7. Just had/have this problem; vacuum pump didnt seem very strong compared to a friends, uped the revs very slightly and sucked the same as his (if that makes sense?)

    Didnt think there was a problem with servo as it had been tested.Any way fond a small piece of flaking paint on front of servo and when scrapped off found a crack abut 1" long in it.

    No cheap alternative to brake vacuum pump either!!

    hope this helps.


    Yeah cheers Graham, very interesting about the suction picking up when you revved the engine! I think I'll get the vaccum pump tested before the expence of replacing it!



  8. put your finger over the end of the pipe with the engine running and see if theres a vaccuum.

    I put my finger on the end of the pipe with the engine running and to be honest there wasn't a very noticable vaccum a bit mybe! how much of a vaccum should there be?

    Cheers Ted

  9. Hi Ted - mine' STILL on the 'to do' list :lol:

    The thing is, it's functioning perfectly (the brakes are better on this Disco, than on my other one which has no oil leak), so I'm living with an oily axle & track rod (well at least they won't go rusty!!!) for the time being.

    Looks like the web-links don't work any more, but from memory it was simply a case of drilling out the pop-rivets that hold the cover on, then sealing it up with gasket sealer and bolting it back down again (that only addresses the oil leak, not a functional problem, though).

    Sorry I can't help more - try giving Google a bashing..... or maybe someone who's done it will be along to enlighten us......


    Cheers dunk. fingers crossed its the valve. haven't got time to look till Sat.

  10. The last time I enquired about DIY work on the vac pump, somebody mentioned that it might not be such a good idea - imagine what your insurance company would do if you have a crash and they find out the vac pump's been 'tampered with' (they'll use any excuse to get out of paying up!).

    I'm sorely tempted to fix my vac pump (it's got exactly the same leak), but the wider ramifications keep me wondering...... maybe I'm just being a big Jessie :lol:


    Hi dunk,

    Just wondering what exactly you had to do to fix the vaccum pump on your rig? I think mine has gone I put a new servo on last weekend and they are still not much better so me thinks it may be the vaccum!!! I still have to check the non return valve and pipes but know its not going to be something simple! That would be too easy!

    Do you have a link to how to repair the vaccum pump.

    Cheers Ted

  11. Hi all, Landroverace.com is my website, i havent updated it for a while cause i have been building 4wdcentral.com.au which is the other site that was quoted.

    I did the vac pump fix on mine after another LR owner did it to his defender, he had done 10000km on his when i did mine and now i have done over 10000km with mine with no problem at all, brakes need bleeding again now but still stop really well, you could feel the difference in the pedal as soon as i refitted the pump and bled the system, felt like new. I was hesitant aswell, but thought what the hell its gunna save me $500 dollars so lets give it a crack.

    I cant see it being a problem with insurance unless it is the cause of the failure, and unless the end blows off it, which given the 6-8 bolts holding it on, it will only slowly leak again, meaning its no worse than it was before and then the brakes will just fade and loose efficiency.

    Go for it, it works fine. Matt

    Hi ACE,

    Just wondering what exactly you had to do to fix the vaccum pump on your rig? I think mine has gone I put a new servo on last weekend and they are still not much better so me thinks it may be the vaccum!!! I still have to check the non return valve and pipes but know its not going to be something simple! That would be too easy!

    Do you have a link to how to repair the vaccum pump.

    Cheers Ted

  12. Servo is the first port of call (they crack and lose vacuum) and if you have done that then I'd look at the vacuum pump (and hoses) next.

    Also make sure that vacuum feeds to things like the EGR modulator (if fitted) haven't come adrift.

    How can you tell if the vaccum pump is faulty?

  13. Have you checked the vacuum hose to the servo for leaks?



    Not yet Graham, It did appear to be OK, when I was trying to get it off the Servo unit, in the end I had to leave it all attached until I removed the servo. Then it wouldn't come off the pipe. Maybe the next step would be to check the valve is only blowing one way!

  14. Hi, all.

    A quick question (fingers crossed) The brakes on the 110, were said at the last service to be lacking assistance by the servo (brake booster) meaning that if I'd needed to do an emergency stop I would have to put what I would consider a fair bit of pressure on the brake pedal to get them to work effectivley, after not driving it for a while (the missus has been driving it) I got in it and to be honest the pressure I had to put on the pedal was shocking, they are quite hard and don't give much so it can't be a hydraulic leak! I changed the brake booster (servo) this weekend and they are a bit better but still not a great deal of bite when applied, could there be somthing else?

    anyone with any clues or experience with this sort of situation?

    Cheers Ted.

  15. Hi Ted,

    You should be able to convert tracks into routes? however i am not keyed up on your unit.

    If you really want to stack and store route cards, your best bet would be to link your gps to a laptop or similair and run a program such as Ozi-explorer, this would allow the you to convert happily and will add or subtract waypoints to your routes as you desire.

    Sorry i can not help more. Maybe on Outer limits someone might be more clued up on this unit?

    Best of luck

    Jim :)

    Thanks for the reply! Quite a few have suggested a PC laptop/ tough book, I'll have to look in to it. Thanks again

  16. Hi everyone hows it going?

    Does anyone know or have experience of plotting tracks on a GPS unit?

    I was wondering if its better to put a waypoint at the start and finish of a track or at every turn, or possible turn on a map? Does it matter! I guess it does because I'm limited to 500 waypoints on the unit I'm using (Garmin nuvi 250) very cofusing I know.

    For instance if I was driving on a track and there was no turn offs I would only need one at the start and one at the finish or is this too simplistic!

    Makes sence to me but there again that doesn't meen much!!!

    Any help would be great Thanks, Ted.

  17. Hi everyone hows it going?

    Does anyone know or have experience of plotting tracks on a GPS unit?

    I was wondering if its better to put a waypoint at the start and finish of a track or at every turn, or possible turn on a map? Does it matter! I guess it does because I'm limited to 500 waypoints on the unit I'm using (Garmin nuvi 250) very cofusing I know.

    For instance if I was driving on a track and there was no turn offs I would only need one at the start and one at the finish or is this too simplistic!

    Makes sence to me but there again that doesn't meen much!!!

    Any help would be great Thanks, Ted.

  18. Similar to Ali's suggestion, OziExplorer on a PDA, I've used an Acer n35 and Compaq 3630, gives a really good solution. I run two systems, which are very similar.


    built in GPS, and good too, don't need external aerial much, mmcx connector. Has SD slot so a 2GB card holds all the maps I need at the moment. Also have tom tom on there, there are australia maps around, so you could use that on a day to day basis and for off road days.


    Compact Flash GPS, s**ty built in aerial, nearly always needs the external, again mmcx on mine, Problem is that as standard this one only had 1 compact flash slot, I got a jacket that gives it two, but these are like hens teeth now.

    I'd get one with built in GPS unit, the Acer seems good and was a good price when I got one, but compaq build quality is v good. Dead easy to slip these into your pocket or wifes handbag which is difficult with a laptop :)

    I take it that you run the software on a PC /laptop, but don't understand about the Tomtom bit! Can you get the software that runs TomTom and load it on your laptop????????

  19. mmmm have not tried it, but you can put an external ariel on it

    Can borrow mine if you want to have a play with a really basic one

    Thanks for that!

    I'm going to make time and go to Anaconda at everton park and see what they have got.

    If you are heading out on a drive in the hills or beach's any time let me know and if possible we would tag along!


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