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Posts posted by wkw90

  1. Yes, that timing cover is toast .................. although I have seen worse and you could probably get the oil pump to work ok ish, it will never be 'right'........

    Judging by the scoring on the LHS gear, and also the scoring that you posted on the crankshaft, it would seem that this engine has been poorly maintained at some point in its life. Unfortunately Rover V8's take exception to this and always come back and bite !..................

    Post up a picture of the oil pump cover ................ I bet that looks a treat as well ........................ also check the condition of the camshaft bearings.

    Definitely something nasty has been allowed to circulate in the oil system.




  2. Not really freelander related though it will be going in one. Anyone got a sat nav? Thinking of purchasing my first sat nav and I know absolutely nothing about them.

    I just want it for mainland Britain. Do they all warn about speed cameras and do they update themselves automatically when new roads are constructed or do you have to throw them out and purchase a new one.

    Been told Tom Toms are good. What do I need? Any advice greatfully appreciated.


    Tom Tom 1 GB , got one works well and does the speed camaras , you have to buy updated maps, they come on a micro/sd .


  3. I've done some googling on this and if you look for Dual Mass Clutch Faults on the Ford Transit you will find no end of information on it, unfortunately it looks like this problem may have also have been inherited by our new Defender's.

    Look at the statement on the bootom right of this page.


    Are there any Transit drivers out there that no (experienced) any more about this issue?


    I owned a Transit for 3 years from new 53 plate . In that time i had 2 flywheels , 3 gearboxes , and a problem with the crankshaft sensor that took 6 months to sort out , the pick up came loose and it would just cut out, wait a while and off you go it only got sorted because it did while in for a sevice .

    I would never have one again ..


  4. That has led a hard life, but I've seen worse............................ I doubt whetrher the score is motre than 10thou deep...........I suspect the the bigends have also worn slightly oval............ have you measured the journals

    That crank needs a 10/10 regrind..................... about £50 (ish)...........



    How would i go about measuring them ?
  5. Just found this on RPI website. Re-grounded Crank and new bearings, new piston rings, new mains bolts, new oil pump gears, gaskets as required, the Crank is ground 10/10 to ensure RPi highest standards. £295 . seems ok


    Any thoughts on this ? :unsure:

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