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Posts posted by wkw90

  1. Ah - but there's prestige in a Q-plate reg. If you have done the work yourself, got it SVA'd, etc, then you have modified a vehicle that the government regards as being still safe to use on a public road. Passing the SVA test would mean a lot of pride for me anyway.


    Good way of looking at it :D

  2. Don't know about Stombergs but SU HIF you can adjust the mixture with a screw not factory set only?

    This proved very usefull to me on both my V8 Land Rovers but might not be important to you as I had changed my exhuast systems from standard.


    Planing on an exhuast systems change so that may be of help .

  3. Hello,

    As regular overseas visitor, could one of you tell me what is the current situation with the sortout and if there is a good alternative offered?

    thanks, Henk

    There was a post on here a few days ago about one in oxford i think , 22 March i believe


  4. Where's this from, and has anyone set them straight on the views of those of us who legitimately participate in our hobby? We should be educating these reactionary idiots and potentially even working with them to channel their irrational babbling hatred into something useful like trying to stop idiots chewing up lanes.

    If we were half as organised and vocal as this bunch we wouldn't have half the problems we have now.

    Agree 100%

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