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Everything posted by Quagmire

  1. I don't have power steering on my 90- you get used to it, and then it's fun watching other people (my Dad springs to mind) who are used to theirs having power steering and then straining like hell to turn the wheel when parking...
  2. I have to everyday .... in my v8 90! Hurrah! :)
  3. My 90 used to have a 2.25 in it- now has a v8. The 2.25 was a good reliable engine but did not pick up speed too well! Was fine once you were cruising, until you got to a hill. Sound was fine- better than a diesel I imagine the 2.5 is the same but a tad better. At the end of the day I fitted the 3.5 for a reason and haven't looked back! A 200tdi should kick the 2.5 petrol's bottom easily...
  4. I have Wipac ones (plastic lenses) on my 90 and they are excellent! With them being plastic I was worried that they might get scuffed up easily from rocks, salt etc hitting them but so far no marks on the lenses that I can see around a year after fitting.
  5. That looks the same as my Dads I reckon, although from a much, much better angle!
  6. Was going to post then thought that it could be a bad idea if either my Dad or brother checked this thread!
  7. Sorry about quality of pics, but our lane has no street lights and you cant really photograph what you cant see too well... Basically alternator and power steering pump are on two different belts. Neither have any kind of tensioner, you just wedge them out til you get the tension you need and then tighten up.
  8. Does this help at all? http://en.wikipedia....r_V8_engine.jpg *edit. That actually looks like a weird setup to me. My Dads factory carbed V8 110 has the alternator on a bracket attached to the driver side head. The power steering pump in the wikipedia pic looks to be in the same place on the passenger head though. Sod it, I'll go and take some pics. back in a min!
  9. You got special whizzy wireless HT leads then too Nige? They look quite nifty...
  10. I would look into possibly using another router as a bridge or repeater, certain models of router can be flashed with better firmware that will give your existing equipment better capabilities. Google "dd-wrt". I flashed a spare linksys router I had with dd-wrt and now the PC's upstairs connect to that via ethernet cable and it talks to the other router at the front of the house over wifi. No more dropouts!
  11. The gearcutting company I used to work for would sometimes make propshaft yokes for GKN and others, the yoke and tube were splined and then electron beam welded around the top. The spline took the force, the weld held it all in place with minimal effort. You could do that with your HROG/Intermediate bit. I would recommend the work that my company did, the stuff the guys turned out was stunning, however the owner was a bit dodgy and if your job was not deemed "important" (i.e. not a huge order) then you could be left waiting for months and months....So for that reason I will not hand out their details.
  12. I cured a severe judder (from standing start only) recently when I replaced the spigot bush in the crank. Turned out the people that fitted my gearbox last not only didn't replace it, but did a good job at mullering the one that was in there too! This affected forward and reverse motion from stationary.
  13. Thanks for the heads-up Dave, I have some left which were included in the rebuild kit I bought from you on 05/09 this year- will these be the hard ones or not? Cheers Jamie
  14. Thanks for the reply Simon- was in dire need of a tumbleweed smiley until you came along Disassembled this evening. Look what I found: The little pawl thing had dropped out, think perhaps the synchro had shot up too far? Appears to have worn the selector fork as a result of it being held in that position. At least I hope thats the cause- it definitely didnt look like that when it went together! So any ideas why that might have happened? I don't think I replaced those bits on 4th- if they were worn I suppose they could get sloppy enough to allow this to happen?
  15. Update. Its not the shifter mech on top- took that off this morning and all is well there. The box itself is totally jammed for some reason...
  16. Two weeks ago I fitted an LT77 to my 90 that I rebuilt myself after the last box starting grabbing 4th and not wanting to come out easily. All was well with new box, and it has been bedding in nicely. Tonight I did my 500 mile oil change, and that went fine. Found nothing untoward in the oil, just fine iron filings stuck to the magnetic drain plug. Drove the 25miles home from my parents to my house, the shift was getting better all the time... I was actually beginning to enjoy driving it again. Until I got to a roundabout and wanted to go from 4th to 3rd. Found I was totally stuck in 4th. I was only a mile from home so have made it back and parked up, and no amount of jiggling can get it out of gear. Clutch in or out, engine on or off, transfer in low/neutral/high... Seeing as my last box did this , and my rebuilt box has been fine with not a single crunch or bang could this be something to do with the selector mechanism? This is the only part that is common to both boxes. Help! Thanks Jamie
  17. [Hijack mode on] Sorry for the mini hijack here, but whilst we are on the subject- I have a B-reg 90 that needs a new front axle, if I pickup a Disco axle will I need the hockey sticks too? I seem to remember reading somewhere that they are a different width at the axle end on later models... can anyone confirm? Cheers [/Hijack mode off]
  18. The Flagship vessel of the company I work for burns massive amounts, but then it is fairly large: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saipem_7000
  19. Thanks for looking Ralph, much appreciated. I'll order the FTC265 and see what happens, failing that I know someone who does grinding, so will ask them to grind my existing (And luckily thicker) shims as a last resort. FWIW it turns out my box is a suffix D...
  20. Following the LT77 manual to figure out the selective washers for the front of the box I need an FTC0264 (1.42mm) spacer, however cannot find it anywhere? Also, Microcat doesn't seem to recognise the part number. Looking about the web, the closest I can find is "FTC265" but this states its from Suffix F onwards. Mine is a lower suffix (although I can't remember what exactly). Does anyone have any ideas? Many Thanks
  21. Another Petrol Station trick is that the bad guys fill up a mahoosive car, usually next to a small thing like an Aygo then walk in and "accidentally" pay for the Aygo pump. They then drive off and if they are pulled up on it they say it was an honest mistake. They have in the meantime driven off with a not insignificant amount of fuel unpaid for...
  22. Ditch the holley and get some Su's on there, or better yet fit efi. Check V8forum.co.uk for V8 specific advice...
  23. I don't like it, and the thing is that this (not to start a flame war here or anything) is THE LR model above all others. The Defender is the one that has the most DNA from the original design and so they need to be very careful how they play it. They must be able to stick a new engine in, keep the current shape (or tweak a little) and redesign for ease of manufacture just as easily as they can put that thing together...
  24. I'd drill a hole at the tip of the crack to stop it travelling further while you figure out what to do...
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