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Scooby Jim

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Everything posted by Scooby Jim

  1. As above. But make sure one wheel is on the floor though, as otherwise the planetary gears will rotate the opposite direction and with a broken shaft you'll be guessing. Another way is to undo the nuts on the outer part of the hub, and pull the shafts one by one. Atleast you will know which shaft is bust then.
  2. Rightyho. I have been and collected my diffs, and as I was there I mentioned about having to weld in a boss for an oil filler/level, so he threw in a set of old and battered pans Please excuse the workbench in need of a good clean.
  3. Sorry my mistake that is the 3.54 Disco diff that going to replace the broken one. That looks awesome!! Fair play have learnt a bit reading these comments, cheers guys.
  4. Right had a think and my conclusion is to try and fit a bsp threaded socket, as my welding skills aren't great, so if i were to mess it up I could get the pan replaced. My question is where can I get hold of the bsp socket and a matching threaded plug?? Also where can i get the data for the ideal height for the bottom lip for the right fill level??
  5. Cheers for the reply, IF they went to the expense of a KAM diff would they have uprated to KAMs halfshafts too?? Is there any way to check?? As they do look different metal to the standard front shafts I have. Sorry for appearing thick, but its my first ever Land Rover so I have no benchmark as to what's right or not.
  6. Thought so. Yeah. Thats exactly how the penny dropped in my head too, but will compare like for like when I get the 3.54 diffs.
  7. Well looks like mine failed as the planetary gears came apart, and jammed in. This is a better pic of the damage, worth keeping or scrap??
  8. God knows, I know nothing as to the history of this vehicle so at the moment nothing surprises me. Well they knackered KAM gears now, what was/is special about the KAM gears??
  9. Well thats that then!! lol. BUT it does look like it was reconditioned, and then the planetary gears, came loose and Robert's your mothers brother it jammed up. Put it this way, its in better condition than my Impreza diff I have as a spare, and that is only 10.
  10. Some other pics, and one of the stamping on the back of the crown wheel.
  11. I'm based in Swansea South Wales, and thanks for the offer but I'm in the process of sorting some Disco diffs, for the old girl.
  12. Following on from here -> http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=80988&page=4 This is what I have found after removing the rear diff from the casing, does this look like a series diff or something different??
  13. Think my idea of a dipstick may work
  14. Right call me mad but I had an idea. Drilling 2 holes (top and bottom of the face of the pan) then fitting a plastic tube between two 90 degree ends on hydraulic fittings to act as a level indicator?? But I think my dipstick idea would work, as long as I get the filling amount done right, then as long as the dipstick is inserted at the same angle to go infront of, or behind the half shaft and into the fluid, then it would be enough to give a rough idea on the right amount of fluid. I'm sure that would work. BUT in the meantime I have now had chance to remove my prop, and this turns freely, and with a smell of oily death the smell that you just KNOW something oily has died a hot horrible death.
  15. Also as for filling I've had a brain wave. Instead of drilling a hole in the pan and fitting a level check hole. I could use the axle breather for filling, all I would need is the volume of fluids to fill the axle and then could use a dip stick to check levels. Then eventually get the pan done if I need it.
  16. Hopefully I have tracked down a set of Disco diffs, guy wants £80 for the pair. What you guys think??
  17. I WISH I had a barn or garage tbh, as working on the Landy outside and in the rain is doing my head in lol.
  18. Without taking it apart I've had a little look at the rear. Both wheels spin with no reaction from the other wheel, the prop will not budge even with a crow bar in it and me bending my crowbar.
  19. Cheers buddy. I'm leaning towards having been told porkies about the so called history, will eventually get to the bottom of it.
  20. Hmmmm will have a look around then. Bloody gutted, yet another thing that has to be changed
  21. Right having now managed 10 mins spare I have her up on axle stands. Looks like the rear diff has deffo gone Both rear wheels spin freely, and the prop doesn't turn, and the other wheel just sits there when one turned Having previously removed the half shafts I know they are 100% ok, so may as well look for some Disco diffs seeing as I have to change the rear, and the front will have the broken end of a half shaft in so both have to come out, so may as well just swap them. Where would be the best place to get 2 rear disco/rr 3.54 diffs??
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