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Scooby Jim

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Everything posted by Scooby Jim

  1. Using the standard figures, as all things being equal it shouldn't be too far out I'm looking at 348lb difference (approx 150kg, 24stone) between a 88 and 109. Now with my chassis being a HD Galvanized jobbie, that should add a few extra lbs, so although they are a bit large for the 88 I think they should be fine, as with the extra efficiency, you shouldn't need to slam on to get the brakes to work. Having upgraded brakes on road cars I know the difference they can make, but with me never having driven a Series, I should just get used to it as it will be. Same with my Disco diffs, I'll not know the difference until I do drive a bog standard series. But time will tell I suppose, don't suppose you can fail an MOT for brakes being too efficient can you??
  2. That is the plan as said above, about finding a remote location and testing them out. As for an MOT station report, it will have to go through an MOT before it can be used, so I'll get them to write something, but a test pass and brake test result should do. And tbh how many would even know the difference anyway, as its all genuine LandRover parts. Most people wouldn't even notice. But in all seriousness, I really doubt that it would be that bad, as the only difference between a V8 109 and an 88 would be weight, and would there be that much difference?? Mine has a V8 so that's the same, I'll have to look at kerb weights, and post up the differences.
  3. Cheers guys. From what I have been told and experienced with similar, was if I'd have changed just the fronts and the master, then that would be really grabby, due to the differing efficiency of front to back. By changing all the system it keeps it matched, so although there is less weight, they should work as if it was a lwb V8/6-pot. Either way, I'll take it to a car park and do some emergency stops to get a feel of how she will react, and take it from there. The only things not being changed atm are the brake pipes, being decent copper line, but seriously considering some braided hoses.
  4. I'm slowly getting nearer to the end of my rebuild of my 1972 `88. Now comes the brakes. I picked up a full set of V8 brakes 11 inch diameter 3 inches wide, all around Well I have lifted them up onto my workbench to begin the process, so had a nose around. I knew the rears were again larger than the standard rears, but my god are they more heavy duty!! The return springs are fudging mahoooosive!! Pic sshow standard `88 caliper and shoes, and a V8 version. Anyways when done the system will be a Servo assisted, single line setup, of twin leading shoe fronts, and single leading shoe rears, all using the 11x3 inch setup. So should be good for my little V8 `88 , with Disco diffs and these brakes it should be able to drive at normalish speeds and brake in a normalish manner.
  5. Just my 2p's worth. I do not believe in Electric cars you plug into the mains, simply because they still need fossil fuels to create the electricity, the knock on effect is higher electricity bills for us all, which as we are nearly at total capacity for electricity supply is this wise also?? Then there is the infrastructure to "service" these cars, yet more cost, the plug in points, the length of time needed to charge them....... list is endless. Hybrid cars also do not imho work. A small poorly engineered engine lugging around a heavy battery set, that wrecks the planet when being created, when used and when "disposed" of. The current car tax system should not leave new cars exempt, or have £30 tax, there should be a minimum like our older cars, and then the gas guzzlers added ontop. This money recouped into finding real alternatives. My main issues are as I live in the Semi rural area of dark South Wales, to get anywhere I have to use my car, as public transport is not viable. So assuming I want to go to Cardiff a 120mile round trip, an electric car would be useless, as with a G-Wizz if it rains or gets dark (happens a LOT in Wales) then range is reduced yet further. Also that I can do many short trips, or a few longer ones, especially in winter, which would mean I would have to use a multitude of vehicles if purely electric. My preferred option has been around for decades, but slightly altered. The Intercity 125 train is a Diesel Electric Train, so has Electric Motors to move the train, but a Diesel motor attached to a flywheel and dynamo to create electricity. Same as a lot of the massive Tonka type dump trucks, and cranes, excavators etc etc etc. Why can't they create an electric car that uses a small diesel engine to create the electricity, that can recoup electricity from braking, which wouldn't need a large engine to keep the flywheel and dynamo ticking over. Then you could use these handy filling stations dotted around the country, meaning you could drive happily drive from Lands End to John O'Groats without stopping for longer than 20mins. Then once these diesel electric cars have become the norm, then replace the power plant with a Hydrogen Fuel Cell. That way the technology is already out there, and all your doing is changing the way you produce electricity, and the only by-product is water, drinkable water. The filling stations instead of selling DERV or Petrol, would switch to Hydrogen same as they sell Liquid Petroleum Gas (Propane/Butane). There would be no need to add massive infrastructure, or to wait for 9 days for a charge, no need to replace batteries, cars could be a LOT lighter and efficient, and be rolled out like the withdrawal of 4* was. I REALLY think these electric cars, and Hybrids are a total waste of time and effort, as they are not solving the problem but patching it. I saw a guy from Honda talking ages ago, saying that a Hydrogen Fuel Cell, was so efficient, that one filling of the tank would produce enough electricity for the average persons weekly commute, AND power their home with all the lights and heating etc etc for that same week. So allowing us to nearly go Off-Grid. I don't understand the hostility to Hydrogen, yes it does require a LOT of electricity to convert Water into its gasses, but with the possible worth of the produce made would easily be recouped from a Hydro-Electric plant dedicated to Hydrogen production, or even a Nuclear power station dedicated to electricity for hydrogen. With all the Hydrogen fuel cell cars also limiting the total consumption of the electricity households use, then I'm confident the capacity could EASILY be found. And the second comment about a Hindenburg style apocalypse from an accident, we currently carry a highly volatile and flammable liquid around bolted in plastic tanks under our cars, and some even have bottles of high pressure liquid gas, yet no apocalypse.
  6. Hi guys, after some help. I have a 3.5 V8 and have these senders on the oil filter adapter. So I would like to know what does what. I am guessing one will be the pressure switch, one will be oil temp, and one will be oil pressure. BUT which is which? I have a Lucas oil pressure gauge going in, so will only need to know the switch and the pressure senders. Anyhoo here is the pic. Assuming the top centre is number 1, working clock wise, number 2 and 3. My guess would be; 1, Oil Pressure. 2, Oil Switch. 3, Oil Temp.
  7. Yep, your right. Didn't take me long as I was brought up around cars and lorries.
  8. Doesn't affect me at all. But still have to be careful of the train weight though.
  9. Address comes up with GMogger?? Not from my account, I tend to put the one up blanked off. Just surprised to see it here tbh lol.
  10. Where the f**k did you get that from?? lol Thats MY Vin plate Before I cleaned it up.
  11. Strange isn't it?? The parts catalogue I have is for 1972 on, so I don't know.
  12. Having looked through loads of pictures now for ideas and solutions to problems, I have noticed little things that are different on my Landy and when I look at the parts manual and other pics they confirm the other pics. Take the gutter rail on the front of the bulkhead where the rear of the bonnet is, in the parts manual it is just above the openings for the electrical holes. And here is a pic of a Landy from Facebook. Mine on the other hand is fully across the bulkhead Is there any reason for this, or did Land Rover like changing things randomly?? And what other differences are they??
  13. Even more reason to get it looked at, as scotchlocks cut the insulation and strands, so need re-soldering and heat shrinking. I hate them as they corrode and fall off, and then the exposed wires cause shorts and in bad cases fires.
  14. IMHO get an Auto Electrician to give it a good going over, as once an Electrical fire starts its nigh on impossible to stop, and will consume the car. I see a Scotchlock in there, and ANYTHING that has a scotchlock in its wiring needs attention, nasty horrible, terrible things they are!!!
  15. Nah couldn't do that lol. What I have done is asked for a new price based on what I actually need, so no spares of anything so will see what this comes back as.
  16. This brings me to the next problem The pots that I put the screws into all nicely labelled up, well my cat got in and made a nice bed in the window, knocking the pots over. So I have a larger pot of mixed screws, which because I have so many, I am not entirely sure what goes where . So you can see my problem
  17. Without wanting to say anything on a public forum, I did think that was a bit much, at nearly 1/3 or the cost of a whole kit. But it would sort a lot of head scratching, and running around. So I dunno.
  18. This is the reply from my initial email. SO sent them the long list above and they have come back with a price of £103 delivered, which was a bit more than I was expecting. BUT I did add extra of every nut/bolt/washer as no doubt something will go wrong with one lol.
  19. LR fasteners got back to me and they need a part number of each screw/washer/nut etc, and they want quantities. So a quick look through my Parts Manual and come up with this lot. More than what I need as asked for extras, and some stuff I'd not thought about, can anyone see anything I'm missing?? Just hope they won't charge the earth!! Screws. 257020 x 4 77941 x 6 78348 x 6AB606021L x 30 AD606051L x 10MRC4859 x 15 MRC3054 x 8MRC3056 x 13 AB608031L x 15 Washers. WM702001 x 15 AFU1248 x 16 MRC1978 x 10 MRC3051 x 14 MRC3052 x 6 MRC3055 x 8 WM702007 x 6 WC702101L x 30 4030L x 6 Nuts and others. RTC3748 x 15 RTC3745 x 20 RTC3744 x 8 HN2005L x 10 RTC608 x 5 313385 x 2
  20. Cheers guys, have sent off an email off to LR fastners, so will see what they say.
  21. Where can I get replacement screws that hold the dash to the bulkhead?? Basically am getting nearer to the end of my rebuild, and would like to use some nice new screws rather than random ones that came out. Just that I can find packs of floor screws, and light screws, and various other nuts and bolts but no dash ones. Anyone know where I can get a pre made pack, or what type of screws are they??
  22. http://www.paddockspares.com/nrc5707-self-levelling-unit-top-ball-joint-gaitor.html http://www.brit-car.co.uk/product.php?xProd=126380 http://www.rimmerbros.co.uk/Item--i-NRC5707
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