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Everything posted by Bowie69

  1. If you as people to pay for something, then they will expect to have more of a say as to how that place is run -this is likely to cause more and more arguments which frankly we don't need! Plus if it is a subscription service, what about all the existing members? And doesn't it mean it turns the forum into some sort of business, if the subscription is compulsory... I think it's heading for dangerous waters if it ever went that way. Plus I don't think I would have joined if I had had to pay for it -just think, how would you all cope without me
  2. Having just been through this, some insurance companies do NOT cover you for greenlanes, even though they are part of the ROW network... some clause somewhere allows them to get away with it. Also, if you use your vehicle off road, a lot of policies are void once you return to the road -they explained this as trying to crack down on fraud, i.e. smacking your motor on a tree, then driving to the highway and putting in a claim as if you did it on road. It sounds petty, but I suppose they have to keep their own interests at heart.
  3. Yep, you are in the group of people that are really screwed by all this The first year VED, I believe, was to be added to a new vehicles purchase price by the dealer, it is almost like a 'special purchase tax' -this I would support, as it DOES promote greener vehicles onto the roads without screwing over 9 million motorists that bought their car up to 8 years ago.
  4. Totally agree, it is very unfair, which is why there is such an uproar about it, and yes, I expect pre-2001 vehicles will get a hike at some point to 'promote newer, cleaner vehicles onto the road'
  5. Ah... but they announced it for all post 2006 vehicles, now they are trying to slip it in for all post 2001 by the back door -this is what's winding everyone up! Good job I wouldn't have a new car if someone bought it for me!
  6. Right, finally got my renewal sorted -my last insurer refused to re-quote me for whatever reason, and yes I had been a good boy! I have a strange combination of needing Business Class Use, as well as being allowed to take the vehicle off road (even if you don't want insurance for it, if you take it off road they will want to know, and therefore hike the premium or refuse you cover!) I went through just about all the 'specialist' companies the only company to offer the combination of modified in more than 2 areas, Business Class Use, and off road use was....... Adrian Flux, BAH! and there was me holding them at arms length due to SOME people's reported experiences with them. Having said that they were very very helpful on the phones, knew what they were talking about and even allowed me to make a change for free after I forgot to tell them about something. £387 fully comp all in with only a £200 excess, protected NCB (10yrs+), 5K a year, Courtesy car, european cover, business class, LPG, suspension mods, winch(not fitted yet, but will hopefully be this weekend ) and mud terrains all declared, off road cover included as well as greenlaning (most insurers class this as off-road when it blatantly isn't). Thumbs up on the selling side anyways, let's hope I don't have to deal with a claim!
  7. When I did my lightweights quarter chassis I managed to thread some old caravan waste pipe that I had slit down the middle over the wires to keep them in a bundle -the pipe is corrugated and therefore you are able to move it around inside the chassis to keep it away from the side you are welding. You could use anything really -old hose pipe if it is big enough for example.... Once done you just pull the hose off the wires and they are all still in place ready for reconnecting -job done
  8. If it's the one in your avatar (and I have guessed properly), and it's an auto, there's 2 oil cooler in the radiator, both fit in the same plce, at either end of the radiator -you can see the big BSP fitting just underneath the top hose, and the header tank hoses, there's two more of these right at the bottom. The one in front of the alternator is the autobox fluid cooler and the one by the header tank is the engine oil cooler.
  9. V8s can definitely run under water: http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=29083 Wubly
  10. NFU might be clamping down on modified vehicles, they refused to quote for my Range, and it's not the most modded vehicle on the forums....
  11. Get it running on plain water first, you are bound to have a water leak of some sort, especially as you don't know if the engine is any good or not... otherwise you end up trying to catch £15 worth of antifreeze in a bucket which is blatantly too small Once you are happy with the engine, then go for the antifreeze, I normally go approximately 50:50, and use anything that looks OK from the local motor factors, there's not a whole lot between them all TBH, some have a better aroma, and some a better flavour
  12. The Goodwinch TDS range is getting good feedback from most parties, mainly because it is much better protected from water ingress than the EP9, but both are good.
  13. HFH, I'm just keeping quiet as I don't feel there is anything else to add
  14. I might pop down as a spectator one of the days, rude not to being only half an hour away... assuming I can find the entrance lane again
  15. Yep, I think the new admin team had to push the change through the court to prove it was actually counter productive and get it quashed rather than just saying 'no, we won't do it.'
  16. Pretty sure I read it was £400,000, and on BBC News site, but I can't find the link now :s But yes, good news, especially for Skidz
  17. Sounds a good combination If you are behind a decent router, and your wifi is encrypted (it should be by default on many home oriented systems nowadays) then you can disable the windows firewall completely, as the router takes care of it for you. One thing to avoid like the plague is the small games that are available for download, can't think of the names off hand but they often contain viruses, and because people want to play the game, they ignore the fact that they install all sorts of malware on your system -I have had a few customers computers go down just because of some crappy 10MB game they want to play, and then they immediately install it again, and it needs another reinstall. Some people just never listen
  18. 200W 0.68 Ohm resistor should do it then, which means pretty damn big. A 100W should be able to cope for short periods, say up to 3 minutes or so, but by then I guess you'll have a smoking compressor and a very hot resistor on the verge of burnout... and quite possibly a still under inflated tyre. For more continuous operation you'd be better off with a 24-12V dropper, for a 25A version they are around £40, plus give you the option to run other 12V stuff in the truck -that's how I would go about it.
  19. I don't know what the current draw on those is exactly, but I suspect finding a resistor of high enough wattage would be a struggle
  20. Avast plus Spybot Search and destroy does me very very well. That and using Opera instead of IE
  21. Ah sorry highway star, sounded like you were running without it! But yes, you are correct in disconencting the vacuum line when setting the timing....
  22. Just curious... why have you diconnected the vacuum advance?
  23. Aria are also very very good in my experience, however Technoworld have made a bit of a name for themselves with Laptops over the last 10+ years that I have been in the industry. For components etc Aria get most of my business, and Novatech as they have a depot near-ish me. Careful with the eee PC's, there is a new version literally out next week, the ASUS ee PC 901, can have Linux or XP on it (you trade some storage to get XP), it uses the new Intel Atom CPU, a better keyboard, more storage and same battery life as the earlier ones. They are listing on retailers for around £320, and will fit nicely on the dashboard of many a truck
  24. For LPG you should be running around 12 DBTDC, as it burns more slowly than petrol, I know some do run even more advanced, but 12 is pretty much accepted as 'right' for a Rover V8. I don't think the symptoms you describe are timing related though... but I am sure someone will suggest something
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