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Posts posted by ellebarto

  1. A bit longer than usual this film but well worth it.

    I went out with a local fella and a GLASS rep on a day covering the Shropshire/Herefordshire border area. A great combination of lanes but a brilliant little group that ran through tight scratchy valleys with axle twists, big leans and some fun water crossings.

    I get bombarded with requests for lane info so just for something a bit different I’ve also included some basic lane info in the video description. Just enough I think for someone who can read a map to go and find them.


  2. After hearing a lot about it, I went out to film Chainsaw Alley in Shropshire at the weekend. I’m not sure the video does it justice but what a brilliantly technical lane. A bit of everything and incredibly tight almost all the way through. I think almost everyone took a few knocks.

    Embarrassed to say I wimped out of taking my lifted 110 through and jumped in with someone else!

  3. Last weekend I got involved with the Lowrangers All Terrain course at the Northwich festival. Each year it gets that little bit better and this year instead of lots of improvised obstacles, we had a lot of professionally made steel ramps.

    Lots of fun and trickier to drive than you’d think. We took hundreds of people over the course. Probably a little bit too busy at times but it’s great to see the look on people’s faces who have never done anything like this.

  4. I went to this place a few weeks ago. http://www.cyfanneddwoods4x4.co.uk/. Basically overlooking Barmouth. Space to camp and a great location to go on and do some of the major lanes in that area.

    I'm not normally a fan of pay and play but this was different because it was massive, had great scenery and felt very much like you were laning. The only difference being where you’d usually see a track cutting up and not drive it, because it was pay and play, you could let yourself go a bit and test your motor.

    I’d highly recommend it.



  5. This will be my last film of the year and the footage was shot just before the Christmas break.

    The Oldham area trip is our bread and butter local day out but this one was a bit more special because of the weather. The morning mist was still swirling around the towns so we got some pretty impressive and atmospheric views as we climbed out of the city and into the hills.

    Happy New Year to anyone who has watched and enjoyed my films in 2014. With a Portugal laning trip a Coast to Coast run and a possible French Battlefield tour in the planning, 2015 should be just as exciting.

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