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Mr Noisy

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Everything posted by Mr Noisy

  1. And before you mumble and grumble, I specifically used crimpers here so that if I want to remove the tachfix I can put the tacho wiring back to original in a jiffy!
  2. Not too difficult! That fast idle valve relay socket which is now going spare has proved very handy so far for extra power and earth connections! Yayyyyy!
  3. Yeah I expect there is about £7 in components from RS, a relay should be easy, so could be done for a tenner. Anyway as above with all the diagrams I was confused but now we have nice pics of a finished item. Will see if it works later! Tbh I wish Shaun hasn't fitted the other half of the Superseal connector to the wiring because I would have pinched that and used it elsewhere
  4. Oh yeah, fully aware of the markup, but the numbers confuzzled me a bit and I DID NOT WANT to blow up my ECU so I thought if take the plunge for the purposes of the build thread and show people what a finished item looks like! Also I get my rev counter working without needing a new ECU
  5. So, after a somewhat unfortunate delay in the Christmas post, finally my Tachfix box arrived from Shaun at Extra EFi! After a moment taken to admire the build quality and time taken to make it pleasant to look at: I opened it up to see what was inside: Seems we have a relay coil, a transistor and a resistor Cheers!
  6. right so heres nige's tweaked table and here's my tweak on that
  7. So Just got back from a fantastic day's offroading at Silverdale near Stoke-on-Trent. Renowned as a car wrecker and an impossibly slippery site, we did indeed have a fun time sliding around in the mud It was ALSO the first day where I have not been frantically looking at the laptop screen every 2 seconds and have been using the car for its intended purpose rather than a very expensive way to draw pretty coloured lines on a computer screen! AND I'm most pleased to say my newly squirted V8 did not miss a beat and was truly wonderful throughout the day. Not too much fuel used either, not 100% sure if it has better economy now but time will tell. Enough of that though, today I had POWER, I had RELIABILITY, I had INSTANT STARTING, I had WATERPROOFING, I had THROTTLE RESPONSE, and I even had SMOOTHNESS. All this gave me many many smiles per gallon for sure. Backtracking just a couple of days, *ahhh, just opened a beer* Nige very kindly looked at an msq that I had produced from his base map using a couple hours on MLV and a couple hours on TS. I thought I had it pretty damn good after TS because it certainly made some changes to the MLV version! However, Nige had a look for me and made a few tweaks. He said it might feel different, and it did in places. Perhaps I did notice it wasn't quite as defined when it came on cam, more of a smooth increase in power. Perhaps not, but boy was it smooth! Couple of jerky bits before, on his tweaked msq it was lush! Yes, maybe not quite as raw sounding at certain ranges, but very smooth all over, felt like OEM quality tbh! So then I opened up VE Analyze Live in TS and let it do its thing, this time with the cell change set to HARD, to restrict TS making as many changes to nige's 'human brain tweak' (what I mean by this is that although TS had done lots and lots of clever stuff, it just takes the human brain to take the msq to the next step, sorting out the areas that TS cannot 'see' basically) After around an hour of mixed driving, I had hit 123 cells and was struggling to reach any more. My cell weighting was not bad, had visited most cells many times, the harder to reach ones less so. I was aware of the fact that I had to get results that night because i was offroading today!! The cell change table in TS indicated that the majority of the TS tuning operation was leaning the table. Some areas such as midrange high MAP had been richened, but the overall appearance was leaning out. I stopped at the lights, burned the final tune to the ECU (TS updates the tune every 15 seconds anyway but does not burn it so it would be lost if you switched off the ECU) and then stopped and restarted VE Analyze Live. This clears the cell change table, so you can see again where alterations are made. I drove back to the garage and only three cells were altered, low MAP around 2000rpm, all three were richened by 1 point. I was therefore happy that TS was now happy with the tune as it had not chosen to change any more cells. Pulled into the garage, turned off the car and switched ign back on, then opened my VE table. Spent a few minutes looking through the numbers trying to spot any oddments. Using the 3D view also helped here. There were 6 or 8 cells probably that I though were a few points out, a few I changed by two points, a few by 3 and the other couple 4 points. Maybe just one by 4 points. Anyway, looking at my new 3D view there were no dodgy high or low spots, nice and smooth looking throughout, which I thought mist have bee a decent place to start seeing as it don't have any variable valvetiming or lift, there should be no reason for any major jumps really, just a decent smooth curve (quite a flat curve as Nige noticed of course!) I then burned the tune, switched off ECU, saved tune to desktop and closed TS. Then I swapped back to NB lambda, in light of today's ScrapHeap Challenge I thought i better stick my cheapo NB underneath rather than all the posh WB gubbins. So, swapped the sensor, then opened TS and project properties (same as the configurator thingy in megatune) and switched back to NB sensor. Then in exhaust had settings reverted to narrowband, set 0.510 switch point and 10% authority. I also switched off AFR target table for VE table 1 in lambda AFR settings. Fired it up and it ran, always a relief And it's been blummin marvellous today! Will get on lappytoppy shortly and take a screenshot of my new VE table so that you can laugh at my tweaks and tell me I've done it all wrong
  8. Pin 5 on EDIS = Pin 1 on VR, which is rear pin on VR. Pin 4 on EDIS = Pin 2 on VR which is front pin on VR when fitted to car. Antoine, your VR plug is wired with red wire to rear pin, so red wire goes to pin 5 on EDIS. Hope that helps
  9. First observations are it runs and the cold flat spot is not as apparent, but I had to import my target AFR table again because it had reset to default. Another thing I forgot to ask, after driving tomorrow and noting how it feels, if I VE Analyze again should I choose normal or hard?? Thanks!
  10. Right! Going to read that post a few more times! Thankyou Nige for your help there, will get on with that on Saturday hopefully (night in the workshop tonight) and then see how it feels! Much appreciated!!
  11. Ah ha! That helps, thanks fridge! I need to get a wireless card for my old steam powered laptop so that I can easily get online at work without having to take it out of the car and plug it in!!
  12. hi bowie yes well thats what i assumed, the restriction of the intake/snorkel will be keeping the MAP low. i did think about removing the end cap from my air filter (i am running the original disco/rrc round type efi air filter box with the snorkel feeding into the side of the box) which would eliminate the snorkel and see if i could tune some higher MAPs temporarily. also would be interesting to see if there was an difference in performance. any ram air effect at motorway speeds would be decreased though which may not be ideal. Anyway, nige said he will give me a few pointers on the VE table which is kind of him. yeah i figured that any rogue cells should be manually smoothed. there was one at high MAP in the 600rpm column that hadnt been adjusted so i took care of that myself required fuel is 20.0 thanks for your help
  13. Also, this was after a few hours MLV and about 90 minutes TS. TS was changing things quite a lot!! The cell change was set to "normal" It will require more work probably but perhaps change to hard now after Nige has looked at it!? Thanks
  14. So, without further ado, here is my homework: Original VE Table My current table And the two compared and marked. I have visited most cells but have definite problems reaching high MAP at high RPMs Hope they look alright!
  15. Well, HELLO TunerStudio! Ahhhh, VE Analyze Live is awesome!! So easy to see what is going on, what with the cell weighting table so easy to see which buckets have been visited and which haven't, and the cell change table showing where adjustments have been made, tis bloody awesome! Also with auto update it sends the info to the ECU every 15 seconds, so you can feel the tune improve as you drive. Will get the tables posted up tomorrow, just that little bit too tired tonight for that job!! Well pleased with the new software though
  16. :D Hoping to get some real work done tonight!! Engine oil change would be nice, depends if I have time to warm it up first or if it just goes straight into the workshop cold though. Fitting front amber beacons, get that job boxed off. Will have a look at the LED work light situation. Also have ordered that tach fix thingy a few days ago, decided it simply needed doing in the most correct, reliable and "in a little box with little wires attached" fashion, so that I can open my ECU box and wire it in nice and easy. Hoping it will arrive today and then I can have my tacho back tonight. Going to a pay and play on Sunday for laughs, can't wait!!!! As such, few tasks tonight and then probably an evening of driving/tuning tomorrow to get some data for Nige to look at for me pretty please Cheers guys!!
  17. It is Came about through necessity more than bling, so much quicker to restart after a stall with a button rather than the key, plus if I have to turn the key off to restart it unlocks my diffs, not ideal on a knife-edge
  18. Thankyou Neil, most kind Yep, nearly gassed myself that night trying to rectify it but we got there in the end, huge pat on the back for you! Thanks again, Sam!
  19. Nige, sounds fantastic, thanks! Now unfortunately sir I may be delayed with my homework this weekend because im in detention all weekend painting my mates range rover! BUT I promise I'll catch up next week!!!
  20. Yes approx 105 kph at approx 2500 rpm, but remember I have oversize tyres so road speed is higher. I would just hope to have around 65kpa at cruising, mainly so that I can lean slightly on cruise and not have lean area in high map area of VE table!
  21. Hello It never used to worry me until I was able to check my engine data because of Megasquirt! I have a standard discover with 1.22:1 transfer case, 3.54 diffs and 32.5" tyres. Rpm cruising at a happy 65mph is 2000 ish. Also seems quite happy at around 2800 rpms making around 75 mph or so (have not checked on GPS yet) So my concern is that it is not easy to maintain map Kpa less that around 75-80 on most road. If very flat or slight downhill it can be 60kpa. Will cruise at around 14.5:1 so it's not too bad, I'm just surprised at the required throttle opening to maintain cruising, but of course it is a big car. Will have to make sure my tyre pressures are correct!
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