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Mr Noisy

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Everything posted by Mr Noisy

  1. Yep no worries pal just let me know, Saturday afternoons are best
  2. No mate I've got hedman headers fitted, 4-1. Disco twin downpipes are just ok if you match the entries and port the manifolds, but they're limited to 3.5 really. It's an MS relay board mate, basically handles all your in/outs with screw terminals. So you make up a loom to link the ECU to the FR board, then all your loom connects to the board, and it's all ready fused and relayed. Makes the job simpler. Tbh i was the same, no ****ing idea until I started building, did some reading, then started to understand!
  3. It connects the ECU to the fuse/relay board Complete exhaust was £300 in mild steel, manifolds back
  4. Just opened it up, it's filled with jelly. Its waterproof!
  5. What's the most important? Not running the coil wires with the loom. Not having the EDIS in the engine bay.
  6. Hmmmmm! Here's an option but It means running with the rest of the loom:
  7. Does it want to be in the box or mounted to a panel? Suppose best of both worlds is inside mounted to a panel?!
  8. Ahhhhh! So what are we saying here?! I'd rather put it inside as originally planned but I now learn it has to be fitted to metal to heatsink it. I'd much rather it in the waterproof box but if that's a definite no then everyone seems to say engine bay to keep the coil wires away. What to do?! Just messing about so far tonight, no work done!
  9. Cheers buddy, 'with a little help from my friends' and all that...
  10. Right I'm gonna go for it. Have done some googling and I learnt that: EDIS needs to heat sink on its mounting. SAW and PIP need to be screened and the screen needs connecting to pin 7 also. As such, EDIS will be mounted in the engine bay on the upper inner wing. Will crack on
  11. Hi Nige Yeah loads of heatshrink thanks Nothing arrived today though unfortunately Now I'm stuck with this EDIS problem. Need a decision cos I'm going to make the changes tonight, where applicable. I was simply putting the EDIS in the box because it can stay close, and dry. I understand that the coil power leads could cause issues with the low power circuits. For instance on opening up the EDIS stubby loom I noticed that SAW and PIP are in screened pairs, as was the VR cable. The screens we grounded to earth, not pin 7 as is in the MS instructions. So, options: • Leave it as it is because it will be fine, neat, tidy, easy and efficient to wire up. SAW and PIP cables will be 6 inches long. • Remove the EDIS from the box and put it next to the ECU like a lot of people do and run the cables along the loom as you would expect. SAW and PIP cables are not supplied as screened in the MS kit and in this case will be vey short anyway, barely 12 inches or so. • Mount EDIS on the opposite side of the dashboard, and run loom to the coils separately, reducing contact with MS loom considerably. Could even run SAW and PIP to the ECU with left over screened VR cable. Should I connect the SAW/PIP screen to pin 7 or to ground, or??? • Mount EDIS in the engine bay, as is often suggested/recommended, run screened SAW/PIP to the ECU, run cables to the coils reducing contact with MS loom where possible. Please let me know what is the best option! Thanks
  12. Ah ha! Right, that changes things then. EDIS will go elsewhere! Any ideas? Is it best to keep EDIS as close to the coils as possible?
  13. Bit of trimming required to achieve a few extra mm but you get the idea. Also note the rough position of the cable glands, these will be fitted as high up the box as possible so that the cable is encouraged to run over the components. The large gland will take the engine loom in its entirety. the small gland will take the Battery +, Battery -,Ignition +, EDIS earth, MAP tube and VR hopefully. i have a selection of glands just in case. The main loom almost in its entirety travels left out of the gland and the round and down to the fuse/relay board. Some wires will travel past it toward the EDIS. The small gland exits very close to the main power connection on the FR board and also the MAP port. The VR and EDIS earth will travel straight up the middle and direct to EDIS, to keep separate from the engine loom. The components will be screwed to the case and bracketed where necessary for extra retention. Not sure where the box will go yet but somewhere under the dash!! The D37 link will come out of the ECU, towards the box wall and then up over the ECU, coming around past the EDIS plug and down into the fuse/relay board. EDIS wiring will remain loose, some will go to the loom, other to the board. I will have a couple of junctions somewhere to join earths and also the various components on the fuel pump circuit. That's the plan anyway
  14. Lol, yeah maybe Nige is just employing his sense of humour
  15. And a huge thankyou to Nige by the way for his continued help and support so far, above and beyond the call of duty I'd say. Top bloke, lovely MS kit. Hats off to you mate
  16. Just a pulse was required I guess! Maybe the other wire wouldn't have been so lucky???
  17. ANYWAY gennulmen, tonight's roundup! Spent this evening simply doing the first fix on the loom. All the wires are in now, I'm just waiting on engine parts so that I can put that back together, and then I can start fitting engine connectors and do the second fix on the engine itself, so I can then more accurately get the lengths right and tape them in place. Here's the pics: The wiring diagram was superb, very easy to follow, a nice little job this one. I had to choose one of my own colours for the lambda because the diagram only specifies for 3 wire sensors. Used blue for signal, white/purple for heater supply and black as signal ground as per the diagram. I had already run a main relay switched live supply at the weekend in red cable, so I had a coil of white going spare. I used this as heater ground seeing as it was similar to white/purple. Sorted. Also downloaded innovate lc1 instructions and made a plan regards how to wire that up, can use the same 4 wires for that also. I decided i am going to connect the orange colour pwm valve switched supply into the white/purple supply from the fuel pump relay when I come to that stage, it seemed suitable enough. I decided to run a separate earth from the battery for the EDIS unit after reading a few posts about keeping coil earth separate from ECU/sensor earths etc. basically I have a fat earth direct from the battery which feeds the fuse/relay board, and then EDIS will have its own earth. That is all earths then taken care of On a similar note, because i have the fuse and relay board, there is no dedicated blue/yellow supply from the main relay for the EDIS unit, so I will have to pick up the feed at the injector supply terminals on the fuse and relay board. Same circuit but a bit of a messy solution. I will see if there is any other option when I get to it. Regards the wiring loom kit, on the written instructions where the wire contents are listed, slate/orange is listed as "SAW on EDIS 8 to VR sensor" where I'm sure it should be "PIP on EDIS 8 to ECU" Likewise, pink is listed as "PIP from EDIS 8 to ECU" whereas I'm sure it should be "SAW on EDIS 8 to ECU" Also, slate/orange is supplied in 6 metres whereas pink is supplied in 3. I would say that slate/orange only needs to be 3 metres aswell. On the contrary, we have 12 metres of green/slate for injectors 1357 and 12 metres of slate/red for injectors 2468, but we only have 12 metres on brown/yellow to supply all 8 injectors whereas 24 is required as 4 cable runs are made and I only just had enough at 3 metres each whereas I've got loads of injectors negative left! I must say now the job is starting to come together I am really enjoying the build, looming up is something I am very fond of doing. Plenty of work to do yet though, I fear my switch panel the most I think!! Just wish the bloody post office would hurry up! Early night tonight boys, cheers!
  18. Yes I have wondered how it gets on with getting fired up when there is a very minimal reluctance at low speeds, but I guess it MUST be more than sufficient, it's pretty well tried and tested!!
  19. Hmmm yes true, so if it is analogue then basically you want the signal output to basically appear visually on a scope how the teeth look themselves, nice sharp on/off like you say. If the angle is not right it will be more of a zig zag, literally as it would feel if you ran a finger over the trigger wheel at an angle. However I assume the EDIS interpolates the results and decides what's on and what's off. IE it is either 100% happy or unhappy with what it "sees" at the VR sensor, despite the fact that the VR signal might be slightly undesirable. As above, will get it best as and see how it goes! In the middle of running loom right now, have taken a few notes along the way and will post up later Cheers!
  20. Bit of rust prevention on the exhaust. Might be a waste of paint! And MAF adaptor finished and fitted up: Cheers
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