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Everything posted by DC_

  1. Aye Ralph page 288 on the pdf file gives the numbers of the parts too, great bit of info on there cheers Laddie.
  2. The thing is, when he ordered it last week they sent that part number but they were too short. Used RRC ones for the time being and they fitted ok with sealed drive flanges... I think he’s ordered the £300 one !! 😱😱
  3. They are defo not Salisbury. FTC4996 is the one he’s after, he got one on eBay..... said there was only one left..... thanks guys.
  4. Ok Ralph, i will pass those on. He can’t find dimensions anywhere to make sure they are the proper ones. Says his are 683mm
  5. Morning gang, so my mate has bought an ex UN wolf 1997. He’s looking at replacing the halfshafts as they re clunking. Upon receiving the parts he discovered that they are too short. Could someone shed some light on part numbers for the shafts please? He came across the all in one shaft and drive flange but only wants the shafts. Thanks guys
  6. Mines is mounted on the bonnet, the only disadvantage is lifting the bonnet, it’s heavy, I’m currently getting things together to put gas struts on the bonnet to make it easier. The vision IMHO isn’t affected. ...... oh, and it looks mean 😎👍
  7. I put them straight on out the wrapper... didn’t have to do a thing to them 😎
  8. Wow Stephen that’s very kind indeed.
  9. https://www.sentinel-laboratories.com/products/67-625-shieldskin-orange-nitrile-300-gloves-single-box?variant=12263194460261 or these ?
  10. Evening Gang.... So my nitrile gloves are running out, I’ve been using these. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F201617478179 Anyone got a better one? I used Edd China grease junkie ones before which were good. But expensive....
  11. I should have posted this a while back.... August 31st at the Kelburn Castle country park..... just search defenderjam 😎👍
  12. I got these a year ago and they never got painted, still looking good after a full season in Scotland. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Land-Rover-Defender-Front-Door-Hinge-Heavy-Duty-Kit-For-2-Front-Doors-DA1070/331256492822?item=331256492822&ppid=PPX000608&cnac=GB&rsta=en_GB(en_GB)&cust=6SB87613MD348803A&unptid=6180d5c2-8a5c-11e8-961b-3cd92bee8ddc&cal=7062670e567d&calc=7062670e567d&calf=7062670e567d&unp_tpcid=email-receipt-auction-payment&page=main:email&pgrp=main:email&e=op&mchn=em&s=ci&mail=sys&pageci=f21a4bf4-0747-490f-a06a-e26c3ac51339&redirect=mobile
  13. Ralph you’re a star for looking those out ! Hang on to them for the minute and if I have any problems with mine I’ll give you a shout. I’m determined to get to the bolt saga finale !! Didn’t have time today as the weather has turned and was also helping a mate get his diff back in on his truck 😊👍 his drive members are defo the thin type on his 2012 truck. So at least I know mines are thicker.
  14. Bought non genuine ones and would have been better keeping the very old genuine ones on as they did a better job than the new non gen ones. Bought genuine ones I think off the top of my head for around £55 per seal. Would defo buy gen, much better fit and quality without a doubt.
  15. They are the same as yours, the thing I don’t get is the original bolt slips in and out no problem but the new one won’t slip in past the drive member to reach the thread. I’ll have a hunt for a pack of bolts I’m sure I have somewhere and see if they will fit. Blooming engineers shop was closed early today.
  16. The picture with the chipped dust cap is the rear Ralph 👍
  17. Thanks @oneandtwo the ones I bought are actually 10.9 but don’t fit the rear..... at least the front is getting new bolts today 😂👍
  18. Was in a bit of a rush and it was hissing down. I’ll get it checked better tomorrow 👍
  19. The more I look at the pics the more I’m not sure what I’ve got. But BX110095M seems to bring up at least hex bolts. Trip to Fyfe & Mcgrouther tomorrow I think.
  20. Ok the width is 20 mm but I can’t measure the rear ones (they still look the same) due to the spacers. Both dust caps have the lip. So the big question is..... what bolts? I have the flange type somewhere in a cupboard somewhere in the loft, or is it the spare room 🤔🤔
  21. I’ll measure mine later and put a pic or two up. I remember having trouble getting the dust caps on when I bought new ones. So they might be the thicker type..... they might 😂 👍
  22. Thanks Ralph that would be great. 😊👍
  23. I’m not sure about the thicker type, it is Ex MoD though. I did see those bolts also. Just not sure
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