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Everything posted by DC_

  1. @CorwinB reading through your original post again, are you certain there is no leaks towards the front braking system? Even the slightest weep? Strange when you say in reverse it seems better. 🤔 others will be better than me to comment but it does sound like a ton of air in the system.
  2. There’s two types on rimmerbros site https://rimmerbros.com/Item--i-RTC812?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIppacq8jq3AIVh-J3Ch0P8wxMEAQYAiABEgJ34PD_BwE and https://rimmerbros.com/Item--i-STC493?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIppacq8jq3AIVh-J3Ch0P8wxMEAQYASABEgIfEfD_BwE im thinking the top one is for mine?
  3. I wonder if I could pull it out and seal it with gasket sealer?
  4. It doesn’t look too great on the servo, if I wiggle on it a little I’m sure air would get through. Also don’t see a part number on my allbrit parts 🤔
  5. I’ll give that a try, also put a new vacuum pipe on but didn’t improve it. The connection into the servo looks a tad wobbly 🤔
  6. @Bowie69 diesel 2.5na, for example if I go down the hill close to my home, I’m on the brakes for about 6-7 seconds. By the time I’m at the bottom I need to press a bit harder to get them stopping me. Checked vacuum and seems ok. It’s like it needs 5 seconds or so to recover then the brakes are very good again.
  7. Following with interest.... my brakes are great at first push on pedal but if you are on the pedal for a length of time, you need to push harder to get the brakes to work well. 🤔
  8. Very vague description 🙄
  9. Looking forward to the next update John, hope you get it done without too much hassle.
  10. Well maybe not live from John but as if he’s in debt... in instalments 😂 feelmfree to send your own work 👍
  11. Some nice pictures there ! This might go on the list.....
  12. Any pics? I always learn better from pics and I’ve just done a protective paint job of my tank guard on the 110. Hope you get it sorted John.
  13. Here’s when I need @western for a genuine part number ......
  14. So the second link above would suit?
  15. I’ve been looking at replacements, there’s a few out there stating TD5 hinges, would these be the new type? Also, any foreseeable problems with new type? Older? https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F291908453285 or newer? https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F221254688992
  16. For those who maybe can’t see the wee video .....
  17. Hi guys, decided on giving my door hinges new bolts and nuts. When I took the driver side off (UK), I’m now undecided what to do. Buy shiny new hinges and seals or refurb the originals? Do they loose strength etc? I was thinking Black finish.... 95D66362-CE31-46B8-80A5-E46F4C9D434B.MOV
  18. When I did timing belt last year I was advised to do water pump too as it’s seen as a “serviceable item” so I’m guessing they don’t have a great life span. 😊👍
  19. It’s good to have those comforts indeed Mo, over the years I’ve scaled down what to take, tent air mattress etc, some of the remote spot we choose there’s no room for a tent etc, so jumping in the back of the landy is ideal..... Pennan is our next adventure. Fingers crossed. 😊👍
  20. It’s like it was made for it Mo, two skinny folk could sleep in there on it 😂😂
  21. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B077TD45VF/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_M.9jBbE4ZW7ZE
  22. Evening gang, just thought I’d share my latest purchase for the landy for camping. I’ve had single blow up air beds, self inflating air beds.... etc. So my latest purchase for the back of the landy fits like a glove !! I’m 6ft and need all the space. Honestly the best bed/mattress I’ve found so far. Not too cheap at £70 but I reckon it’ll prove a sound buy 😊👍🔥🍺 I’ll find the link and put that up too, I got mine on amazon.
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