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Everything posted by DC_

  1. The circumference of the adapter won’t go into the NATO plug. I’ve had a good search but all I can see is the same adapters. Unless I see a 7 pin (from trailer) and a male 13 pin (to landy)
  2. It’s too bulky, it won’t go into the landy’s 13 pin socket.
  3. Hi guys, so I’ve went and bought a Sankey and very nice it is too! Then discovered it’s a 7 pin socket that on it and my 110 has the 12 pin NATO socket. I thought I’d cracked it as I have an adapter up the loft but the 13 pin is too bulky for the 110 and won’t slide on. Does anyone know of an adapter that works? I don’t really want to mess about ret-wiring.
  4. The mate just took it off and gave it a good oil and tidy up and so far it’s ok
  5. I’m sticking to transfer to transfer. and lots of grease in the nipples 😂👍
  6. Very interesting stuff. here’s another book quote form the Range Rover book
  7. Here’s another interested “book” fact
  8. I think I’m sticking to sliding joint at transfer box then. 👍
  9. Must have been a long time ago in Bethlehem Ralph I couldn’t find it 😂 any reason? AND. Should all Landys be the same?
  10. That’s one vote for diff.... this will determine what I’m doing on Sunday 😂
  11. So after fitting new seals etc to the transfer box , and a new front propshaft. I’ve been wondering and searching as to which end does the slider section on the propshaft go? I put mine back on the way it came off which was slider to transfer and the same for the rear. My mates wolf front propshaft is slider to diff. Watching my guy in Canada on YouTube he was fixing a 300tdi and slider at front was to diff. So is my 1987 ok or should I swap it?
  12. Yes there’s a lot of info on the Facebook page about this. Also how to set up a heater so you can activate it via text message! Personally I just click the remote from the gable end window and it’s toasty in 15 minutes. They can also be switched from 12v to 24v depending on which vehicle you have.
  13. Not too cold no, about 3 degrees when we camped and about 6 just now. it’s an ARB 2.5m x 2.5m awning and honestly worth it’s weight in gold. Brilliant bit of kit 😊👍
  14. Just returned from our first camp of the year. I cannot fault this heater (Chinese) one bit! I’m definitely gong to sound proof the pump more. There are new cases on offer and also sealed boxes in foam etc. I think I’ve also proved to the mate in the wolf to get one. Every time he opened my back door (ooo errrr) he felt the heat and was very envious 😊👍 Happy New Year to all 👍
  15. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F201454282983 solution?
  16. Evening gang, ok so the mates Wolf 110 has a dodgy wiper motor. I though he was at the wind up saying it was a Grand 😳😳😳 for a replacement. Then I searched STC 3070...... wow. so the question is, is there another solution? It’s obviously 24 volt for the wolf but is there a more wallet friendly solution?
  17. Ok ok you have got me convinced! It’s getting it!! 😂👍
  18. Dave I tried the ratchet strap approach with no joy, I think it’ll be placed on the mantelpiece just to remind me of “that battle” 🤣😂 new one due tomorrow from Mr Claus
  19. Aye Ralph roger that.... pushed grease through the nipple also, (after re=threading it) and the rust coming out was unreal. Now I know why I’ve had to do The flanges and seals on the tranny... 🙄
  20. Thanks lads, as said above a new hardy spicer one has been ordered. I was just frustrated that the wee swine wouldn't come apart. I make sure they get a good dollop of grease every other month, I guess this one just wasn’t getting through enough to disperse any water. Lol @Tanuki 😜
  21. But they should separate? The plastic coating looked ok... it’s just down in the depths there’s so much rust coming out. It’ll be used for something for sure. But I don’t like it beating me
  22. Hi gang, another job to do was freeing up my front propshaft slider.... (haha I hear you larf) so I was thinking after 4 days of soaking it in penetrating oil. I’d get stuck in this weekend. A battered hand and knackered some hours later I’m wondering if this prop actually separates?? It moves but the stuff coming out of it looks very bad (rusty) it moves very slightly a bit at a time when I club it with a drift and hammer. so I’ve ordered a new one from Santa..... but I’d really like to know if it actually separates?
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