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Everything posted by DC_

  1. The Landy was nice and warm after abiut 20 minutes. šŸ˜ŽšŸ”„ Personally I would try not to run too much ducting as it does lose heat the more it travels... but in the case on the Landy thereā€™s only a relatively small space to heat anyhoo
  2. So itā€™s -5 here tonight.... clicked the button on the remote..... leaving it 35 minutes to see what the outcome is....ā„ļøā„ļøā„ļø
  3. Or they make them all on a Friday? šŸ˜‚
  4. Thanks Bowie69, Iā€™ve ordered new shoes again that ā€œshouldā€ be non sh** part. So I know if I have any trouble Iā€™ve got the correct ones at the ready..... only the front seized propshaft now free up and itā€™ll be back on the road.
  5. Everything was checked and cleaned and still no joy.... UNTIL !! The grinder took about 1-2 mm off the end of the feet that clamps into the adjuster, took a skim off the edge of the brake pad section just at one lip. Bingo !!
  6. They do appear very similar, everything is loosened off for sure. Iā€™ve offered them up along side the old ones and they do seem to match. They are on the correct way going by the way they came off (I took pictures) and what the book says. Iā€™ll try the fitting them in drum in a bit....
  7. With you now... job for tomorrow. šŸ‘
  8. The drum goes on about half but itā€™s tight, the shoes pull away from the back plate.... Iā€™ve rubber hammered, no joy.... but... they are very close
  9. If you look at the curvature of these shoes, youā€™ll see thereā€™s a slight speed bump type shape in them... the blue part doesnā€™t have these. The ones Iā€™ve ordered for a second time (Iā€™m hoping)does
  10. @Eightpot the cable comes in through the back plate and pulls on the expander to the right in this pic (soiled) @Maverik I was thinking the same šŸ™„
  11. So getting on with the repair of the leaking rear output shaft seal on the LT230. One of the UJā€™S Needed replaced so thatā€™s been done. The leak has spoiled the shoes in the trans brake. So ordered new, thinking Iā€™m all done and time to reassemble I went to put the drum back on..... the bugger wonā€™t go on! Yes the handbrake lever is off, yes the adjuster is as low as it will go, Iā€™ve moved the shoes to centre them etc but still no joy..... so reading on tinternet someone has blamed the Britpart shoes..... I thought I was ordering better. New ones on the way but wonā€™t be here until through the week. Has anyone had the same issue?
  12. https://m.facebook.com/groups/146837062640024/ Get yourself on here and read read read.....
  13. No problem as yet with air in the system. The feed is at the bottom of the tank. As long as you prime it and everything is tight, then all is roasty.
  14. I bought this tank (5L) instead of the 10L supplied one. Last camp in 3 degrees in bridge of orchy it was full. Ran it on full pelt for an hour before bed, turned the thermostat down to 18 degrees, it used at Max, two litres.
  15. Hi Dave, Iā€™ve been watching ā€œMikeā€ for a couple of years now. 40 years ago he was a Land Rover apprentice. Many a weekend spent headphones on and watching..... brilliant videos. Check out his lighting tips for doing work on the Landy..... I just got a couple a few weeks ago and theyā€™ll brill ! aye brilliant and I hope I donā€™t need injectors šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢
  16. Itā€™s secured to the bolts above. Itā€™s recommended to suspend them for less noise from the ticking.
  17. So finally got round to some pics I hope theyā€™ll help.
  18. Same I went for the 5kw but..... and this is why the face book page is good. You learn that getting a 5kw or 8kw is usually the same heater! Itā€™s hard to get a 2kw but I just turn the 5kw down when itā€™s too warm. You canā€™t get any more heat from a 2kw if you need it. I mounted it in an ammunition box inside the rear tub on the shelving, cut a hole through into the Jerry can compartment. Send me your email and Iā€™ll post you some pics of you like. Or I can put them up here if allowed?
  19. Oh and the exhaust https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F173830804171
  20. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F192430531792 https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F202755389048 https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F221351489521 https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F223733742434 Hope they work.....
  21. The heater usually comes with carp clear green fuel line which lets air in which obvs isnā€™t great for the output of heat. The jubilee clips supplied again are carp. So proper eberspacher fuel line (white) I think itā€™s 1.4mm and the proper 4mm black (rubber I think) connecter pipe so it fits on the heater and the pump. You can get the fuel line easy and cheap on eblag or such..... jubilee clamps again easy to get on the sites. Iā€™ll have a look in my eblag history and see if I can get links. i bought a 5L tank as the 10L was too big for where I wanted to install it. In the jerry can side compartment on my ex MoD 110. The advantage of having it separate from your trucks fuel tank, is that you can run it on red diesel legally if you can get a hold of it. The best fuel to run them on is kerosene (central heating fuel) as it burns cleaner. As I say the face of books is a very good source of info. Thereā€™s lots of documents on installs etc there. Where to buy and spare parts. I put mine inside an old ammunition box and bolted it to the inside. Made a hole through and used a turret plate for better installation. I replaced the carp exhaust silencer with a Marine one as the one supplied rusts very quickly. I can send you some pics if you want.
  22. I wouldnā€™t rule out the Chinese version. Iā€™ve had one for a year and half now and itā€™s flawless. Get yourself on to the book of faces page for them. Thereā€™s lots of info. Replace the fuel lines and clamps that come with it for proper eberspacher ones and it shouldnā€™t have any problem. They really are great. I just press the remote from the window in the house and in 15 minutes the Landy s roasty. Iā€™ve also left it on all night camping in the Glens of Scotland and itā€™s amazing. šŸ‘
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