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Everything posted by lansalot

  1. I find it a little saucy that we are basically renting the extra memory per month - should be a one-off cost of upgrade, imo ! ;o)
  2. Or in other words, he didn't get enough for it and is trying to sell it again elsewhere, or someone made him an outside offer and sold it. Go the full dispute bit, and make his life difficult, just for fun
  3. Can we see these error logs ? Mentioning subselect errors sounds like badly written SQL code, which wouldn't affect how long the database took to backup (database could take a while to backup or drop, if some thread had a lock on it for example, but I'm not that familiar with mySQL). SQL either parses or it doesn't, so I'm curious as to what he means by subselect errors... Clearing logs - yeah, I've done that occasionally (when I had something to hide.. )
  4. Out of interest, anyone know if this is actually the case ? I'd be very surprised if so.. Virtualization would be my guess, and not at the hardware level...
  5. I'd say there's something more substantial than a loading issue going on. My experience is that the site works in one of two states: perfectly, as it is at time of writing, all quick and zippy - and "not at all" (IPS driver errors, timeouts etc). There's not really a middle ground (site works but is pretty slow) that I'm observing, and this leads me to think there's some other factor that Invision aren't telling you about. Whether this might be because you're sharing resources in a virtualized environment and some other customer is giving it a good hammering, whether a shared mysql instance that someone else is performing some major operation on, whether site maintenance (eg backup) or whatever, can't say. This is something that could be verified (to a degree) with some shell access and a bit of linux performance monitoring. What I do think is that a fully-controlled system would likely be preferable. Black-box solutions are pretty good - when they work. And a nightmare when they don't.
  6. Is this for a Mad-Max style landy then ? Youtube video when finished, please
  7. http://www.blueunplugged.com/p.aspx?p=121052 Above for an example, these are cheap and plentiful. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USB for more info.
  8. http://www.yabbforum.com/ Free. You'd need is a CGI-capable host, which are pretty cheap, and a method of converting the data over (there may be some tools for this) and ditch Invision carp forever. Just my 2c worth edit: out of interest, do the admins have access to the raw mysql database files ? Could be worth a little experiment with them if so... I see some other bulletin boards have importers for them. editedit: seems like phpBB can import invision database - this would make an interesting exercise, I'd be willing to have a go if moderators want to contact me ?
  9. Thanks Fridge, going by the condition and history of this one, I think it's worth more than 1k. Will have a crack and see how I get on Cheers
  10. Excellent website, but I don't have the number plate (it's a potential purchase). Anyone ?
  11. Anyone got an idea what a 1996 P-reg Discovery, 3.9 V8 Auto XS would be worth ? Immaculate, by all accounts, only 55k... Tried Parkers, but it won't go back that far without me paying for the info. Thanks
  12. Actually, Fridge, an interesting entry in the Volume table here : http://xkcd.com/526/ 200L - of what ?
  13. If you're unsure about the quality of your welding, get someone who knows what they're doing to do it. Don't take chances.
  14. Hotmail is Microsoft, nothing to do with the forum. Ditched it for gmail years ago and never looked back. Less adverts, cleaner interface, quicker load times, better spam filter. All round better.
  15. About £550 I think (damn Highland postage, cost for diff itself was £514 as with roy). My diff had blown so that included a rebuilt diff as well. Simple bolt-in operation, couple of new shafts (got the Ashcroft hardened ones, more money) and away. Really pleased with it. Fit and forget I asked Steve about the short-wheelbase issue, and he said he runs his in an 88" with no problems. I've certainly seen no downside as of yet, but it's still kind-of early days. My vehicle (though road legal) is only used to drive to the trials and sites and the off-road behaviour will likely outweigh any negative on-road in the future. I like the fit-and-forget nature - no more struggling through the stage before realising the lock wasn't in.
  16. If you have the actual transfer box out (or access to the mechanism plate), I'd check the following before putting it back in. Open the inspection plate for the mechanism: http://picasaweb.google.co.uk/lh/photo/r5j...feat=directlink Check the slider (and watch that the light indicator isn't too far screwed in) http://picasaweb.google.co.uk/lh/photo/_ct...feat=directlink On mine, the clips at either end of that spring.. http://picasaweb.google.co.uk/lh/photo/4Rb...feat=directlink ..the legs had splayed out, and so the spring wasn't pushing the mechanism along the chamfered rod - it was simply riding over the round rod section so the rod just ran in and out of the clip. The clip never gripped and so the spring wasn't being moved, resulting in the diff lock not engaging. A quick nip in the vice (hey, the shops were shut and I wanted it back on the road) and a re-assemble and it was back on the road. Something to check easily while it's out
  17. I had to do this on my old Manta on several occasions. As far as I'm aware, about the only risk is ripping the linings off the clutch plate or the brake drum. A whack on the drum sorted my 90 out when this happened though. The effect should be the same of course - movement
  18. I got a 24-spline detroit locker for the rear of my 90 and am delighted with it. Another option... Steve @ Crowndiffs sorted me out nicely.
  19. I get errors such as this quite a lot. Do the site admins have actual ssh/console access ? If so, some system accounting might show overloaded periods. I can help with troubleshooting if it's needed/warranted.
  20. cherry bomb if you aren't married. See my YouTube for examples
  21. Watch out for where the clasp holds through the seat box (check from underneath with a torch, or take the driver's seat panel out) - if it has slipped the clasp, the lever will push the cable back, instead of into the sheath. Simple enough to fix or jerry-rig if not. Here's hoping - simpler/cheaper than a new cable In below, where cable (2) meets clip (19).
  22. I didn't have a headlining (such luxury!), so got a cheap foam camping mat and a tube of no-more-nails. Job done
  23. As someone reasonably new to all this LR/off-roading malarkey, tales like this remind me that I'm not a mechanic/welding-god, and I had really better realise when it's best to consult/hand-over to the experts in some areas rather than just posting on a forum and "having a go" on advice received. I guess what I'm re-affirming is that there's a world of difference between fitting a component, and fitting it safely/properly, and the above puts this thought clearly to the front of my mind next time I'm tinkering. "A man's got to know his limitations" and all that. On a similar note, while it passed an MOT about 3 weeks ago, 2 weeks ago I got home from a pay&play day and noticed that my steering damper had been ripped off. A reminder to not only keep maintenance up on the vehicles, but to check them before leaving the site to ensure nothing critical has been damaged. I'd like to think I'd have noticed if critical steering/brake damage etc had happened before I left the site... Probably something that everyone else bar me already does, but complacency can affect us all at times. This tragic tale serves as a reminder to us all I think. edit: would just like to point out, the above comments are on what this means to me, and not any comment or viewpoint on Mr Gresham' situation.
  24. Also, check the wire for it isn't just grounding out somewhere. Maybe the wire has come off the sender and is grounding on the transfer box itself.
  25. Remember the spammy private messages we got in here a few weeks back ? Their website was pretty much the same. Would stick with someone known personally.
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