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Posts posted by forkrentfitter

  1. Build a cage to MSA and FIA NOT ALRC FFS

    ALRC have some wierd ideas, much of their rules and regs are stuck in the 70s / 80s, and a ARLC Cage will fail MSA Scrutineering.

    Their CCV / Comp Safari Trucks are a good 15- 20 yrs behind everything else out there, and they are not a serious Competitive

    cutting edge organization so don't use them as any sort of Yardstick of exellence FFS.

    MSA is prob No 1 over here, FIA more 'international', an MSA cage may not be enough for FIA.

    An MSA or FIA cage will walk through any ARLC anoraky rivet counter scrutineer :) but may still fail it as the paint may not be a

    genuine LR Colour :D

    I shoved up the MSA / alrc Cage regs a while ago : http://forums.lr4x4....showtopic=14161

    Have a lookie at the tools and Fac Tech Index, sectioon all on cages :)


    the rac msa are so far behind fia regs in rally cars that they are introducing draconian measures from january 1 2012,many to do with roll cages,many to do with modifying fwd to rwd body shells,has rendered many perfectly good cars unusable,google andy burton 306,the car can no longer be used.

  2. living in felixstowe and knowing how many rrs and vouges get exported each week through the port the concept shown will no doubt sell,if it safeguards jobs and secures export orders then it is no bad thing,i have owned various lr products for the last twenty years currently both a 110 and a 90 and yes i think it is time to move into the 21st century.

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