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Posts posted by forkrentfitter

  1. i queery use in speed events,never fitted twin dampers to either gravel or tarmac rally cars,and they go a weeee bit faster and on equally damaging terrain,i am not critising gwynne lewis here,there must be a percieved market or he wouldn,t have developed the kit,i second the single quality remote resevoir shock.

  2. if you could make the rear doors to sit more over the wheel arch and therefore you sit more over the wheel arch, (like a disco) then surely its very doeable ! :) would allow a longer door aswell. like the dunsfold ones i guess....

    does that mean you want me to build another rear body grant?

  3. You're right MIG is not better than arc but it is a lot easier and as ARC puts a hell of a lot of heat into your weld it's not the best for in situ welding as distortion or thermic lance type operation is only seconds away.

    Mig is always a bit ugly cos it's not so well controlled hence the joy of spatter but it is fairly foolproof.

    personally i would only use stick on >10mm plate and TIG on <1mm hence i have a fairly underpowered clarke 105 MIG set. I reckon if i can't do it with my set then it's gonna be structural and i shouldn't be playing around. Just a thought

    4mm plate can be successfully welded with an arc welder,2.5mm rod at around 60 amps,having the right rod is important too.one of the test pieces i did at colege was a single v butt weld on six mm plate,that was a root with a cap on top.

  4. pa blanchard who are now selling via ebay as well as direct have new wolf type door tops for £99.99 which having spent a month looking for second hand ones,is a pretty good price,needless to say i have bought a pair.

  5. been with NFU since '95 for my 110, hopefully it won't go up when due at end of August, think I'll ring my agent & get some latest info.

    ralph,been with our local agent since 95 too,spoke to them last month when i added my son to the policy,was warned to expect up to a 30% rise in premium for no changes to the policy.

  6. This thread seems to be getting silly!

    I too make joses for £100k+ racing cars on a weekly basis. Last MkII Escort I did cost the bloke £1850 just for his oil / fuel / brake hoses.

    Last week was a few fuel hoses on a Group N Suburu ( only a £90k car )

    Does this mean I am too good to sell to Land Rover owners?? Not as I see it!

    Some jobs might take priority over a set of LR hoses but only as a business decision not one of 'below my talents'. The big money job is done first and then the rest is done as soon as poss so as not to let any customer down.

    Email me / PM me or call 01938.850382 / 07969.458958 and I will gladly give you a quote


    glad to hear you are busy david,having dealt with you i would not hesitate to recomend you.

  7. This is a good idea, Couple of things though, It requires the P38 doner axle to take a ring from (which would also yield you a diff aswell) or a new ring from somewhere? not sure if it's off the shelf? But secondly this needs to be welded in with super accurate precision or you'll be chewing side bearings and halfshafts up.


    bought a 4.6 rear axle from breaker for £75,all taclked up and level square,seriosly thinking of using tig to limit any distortion.

  8. just been down this route myself,i ended up buying an mta 201,which isn,t inverter based but old fashioned transformer type,why you ask,well they are built in york by technical arc,mine is 200 amp ac/dc,so will do all we require of it,the reason i didn,t go inverter is long term ownership,4 years down the line there are no circuit boards to go wrong,just a transformer and diodes/thyristors,they even include a circuit diagram in the manual,down side,it is huge and weighs 70 kg so not exactly portable.i have an oxford 200 amp mig made by the same people and i,me well pleased with that.

  9. i have known and dealt with the owner of britcar for the best part of 20 years,he is heartened to know the effort he and his employees put in is appreciated,as has been said he is not the cheapest and maybe not the fastest but he is efficient.

  10. i have used padocks for many years,when i had an issue with poor parts it was delt with efficiently,britcar,01206391350 are also very good for mail order,if you tell them no britpart they will make sure you get what you want.

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