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Everything posted by qwakers

  1. imho the perfect defender replacement would be based on the disco 4 platform, nice and roomy, good offroad and wouldnt be too hard to make a pickup version. ok so it wouldnt be modifiable in the same way as the old defender but it would work, be stylish and if they did a row version with all the toys taken off itd be affordable too.
  2. juat a quick bit of nit-picking before someone of less experience uses one to put his wheel nuts on cos he thinks it will set them to the right torque.. that is not a torque wrench its a impact gun.
  3. PLG stands for private or light goods, ie a van. youve said on the v5 it is 4x4 utility ie van. sounds to me it didnt start its life as a CSW so lancaster where quite correct in insuring it as a van.
  4. yes probably but that wasn't what i was thinking, i was more going for the fact that however little you use you will get some excess squeezed out into the fuel flow, and thats definatly not a good idea.
  5. no, that would contaminate the diesel, bad idea. if theyre damaged on the sealing faces then replace them, theyre not expensive.... at least compared to later injectors...
  6. for manoeuvring trailers down boat ramps. its much easier with the trailer on the front of the car
  7. and when you go to put it back together buy some 10.8 hardened allen bolts (m8 iirc) of the same length then you can whizz them in with a impact gun and a allen socket in about 10secs. saves a Lot of swearing. i got the idea from my kia which went one further and has no nuts just the flange is threaded. makes it a piece of tiddle :-)
  8. i went with angle grinder..... but i needed a new waterpump and fan anyway.....
  9. quite rifht, if you want a perfect repair then.... http://www.paddockspares.com/lr149-diff-pan-weld-on-with-hole-for-filler-plug-front-axle.html weld that on
  10. no you can get weld on diff pans, but you wont need one, rover axles arent made with such tigh tolerances that youll have any issues, just take the diff out and give the dent a clout from the inside.
  11. and i pay (or will be if i take the policy out) less than £100 for a very heavily modified discovery trayback on a classic policy.
  12. thatll probably work better than the original
  13. a thought that just occurred to me... use the chevy to tow the landy... or is the chevy a non runner?
  14. actually thats not strictly true, you can if you fit linked brakes (air brakes etc not electric) and have it re plated. however you would need to spend a lot of money, far more than it would cost to hire a lorry or pay for it to be shipped....
  15. seal in the pump is my personal bet.
  16. for that sort of weight your gonna really want a v8 and linked brakes....
  17. a friend of mine with a series 3 had the same issue (as did i in a discovery) it was a bit of metal broken off in the top of the selector housing, easily fixable in the car.
  18. perhaps it WAS a keeper but his wife left him and now he has to pay the lawyer?
  19. more likely you have a collapsing brake pipe or mal-adjusted servo.
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