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Posts posted by TripTrick

  1. The broken off piece I would guess is the threaded section of the back of the gearbox mainshaft. Unusual for that to break when an overdrive is fitted unless the overdrive bearings have disappeared. Unfortunately when a mainshaft breaks in this location it usually causes damage to the 3rd 4th synchro hub and sometimes 2nd/3rd gears because the shaft and gears slam forward on coast. You'd be better off trying to track down a complete replacement gearbox rather than attempt to repair your one.

    I always nearly throw up when I read in the Landrover comics about the '' very strong series 2a gearboxes'' when they are comparing series 2's to series 3's. For the record there is no such animal as a strong series gearbox. series 1, 2 and 2a gearboxes have weak layshafts and mainshafts. series 3 gearboxes except for suffix D models have weak synchro hubs. All have weak mainshafts. A modified series 3 layshaft can be fitted into a series 1,2 or 2a gearbox to cure the layshaft breakage problem without having the troublesome series three 1s/t 2nd synchros, but then the manshaft becomes the weak link.


    Thanks, I have the box out, Cleaned and stripped.

    I found, what looks like the remains of a Roller Bearing in the bottom of the gearbox. ?? :o

    I have reassembled the new Main Shaft with all the gears and goodies from the broken one.

    Only thing is I am not sure where this destroyed bearing comes from.

    Does anyone have a pic from a manuel on the exploded view of the Main shaft for me perhaps? So I can look see what is missing? Much appreciated.

    My Good Wife assisting me on the Landy


  2. Sounds like.

    The overdrive input shaft splines and /or the splines on the coupler gear on the back of the gearbox mainshaft, ( the bit that replaces the standard transfercase mainshaft gear) have worn fretted away. A very common problem with overdrives. Solution is a replacement overdrive or just fit a standard mainshaft gear and livewithout an overdrive.


    Hi There,

    Thanks for this info. Based on this and other info I have heard and read... I removed the OverDrive tonight. Not much of a hassle at all really.

    And there it was... A Broken off piece (Main Shaft?) in the Overdrive output shaft I think is the correct terminology based on the manual.

    The question is, What is this broken off piece stuck in the Overdrive... Is (Was) it part of the main GearBox? If so, I am hoping one can get these second hand or something so that I can try and replace it if possible.

    Is this even possible? or does a Gearbox Shop need to do this?

    Any suggestions on what to do now? Remove entire Gearbox from Landy and try remove the broken shaft from the front of the Box?

    Any advise and guidance would be greatly appreciated... Thanks Alot.

    ~Geez and I thought the 2a box was unbreakable?

  3. This part is a little confusing. Did the engine stall in 1st gear ? or was it revving away without the vehicle moving ? If it didn't stall then I would hazard a guess that the clutch thrust bearing carrier had stuck on its slide with mud or condensation build up and by trying the various gears it eventually freed up, and that it was just a coincidence that it freed upwhen you put it in low range. This of course is assuming your gearbox is series 3 or later.

    My other suggestion is a long shot, and that is you have a broken rear axle and your 4 wheel drive selector shafts inside the transfercase are sticking. By selecting low range you may have engaged 4wd, and when you shifted back into high it stayed in 4wd instead of disconnecting automatically as it should when all the shafts are lubed and free to move.


    Please HELP!!

    I have the same issue! I was just picking up my new Roof Rack today and the guy at the Landy Shop wanter to take my Landy around the Farm to see/hear what I was complaining about the Shudder from the front /prop or axle... He gound the 4High was engaged although it looked like it had popped out. After this the Shudder was gone but I was still in Free on the Hubs. Anyway he changed the Overdrive from In to Out and went around again to test. All seemed Fine. I loaded my Roof Rack and off I went.. .About 3Km up trhe road I heard a Grinding Noise from Below me in the centre (GearBox / OVer Drive sort of area) I stopped imediately on the side of the road....

    I checked that all gears etc were engaged.. (Over Drive, High Low etc...) All Seemed OK.

    As per this thread, I can select all the gears and it does not stall. However it does make a noise as if something is in Neutral and just on the edge of the gears so makes a slight grating noise...

    So I had to get towed back home.

    Now I have No Gears! Oh and mine does not work in Low range either. same issue.

    I replaced the Clutch Last Week. Had the Pressure Plate Skimmed aswell. Could it be any of these? Although I have driven about 300km since and all seemed fine.

  4. Hi All,

    After fitting a new clutch etc... I decided to replace the oild in both diffs as I was unsure when last the previous owner did this.

    The back diff seems fine but the front diff is now leaking a small river down my driveway from just behind where the prop attaches to the diff.

    Also where the Silver ball joint is it seems to be leaking from there but not as bad as by the prop.

    Any experience on this that can possible assist me? I am going to replace the Oil Seal (Gasket) but Should I replace the Bearing aswell. No abnormal noise is evident.

    Then maybe get the Guys at the Local Landy Shop (Rob Leimer) to fix the Ball Joint LEak as I hear it is quite a thing to do yourself?

    I used SAE 90 oil to refill the diffs and gearbox and overdrive.


  5. In Johannesburg, South Africa it is currently


    R 7.00 per litre or GBP 0.50 or $1 (93 octane Lead Replacement or Unleaded) 95 Octane is slighty more per litre


    R 7.30 per litre or GBP 0.52 or $ 1.04 (Low Sulphur) "Normal" Sulphur etc is around R 6.90 per litre

    Changes First Wednesday of every month depending on oil prices.

  6. Just a Quick Update on Progress Made this week; (for those that are interested)

    Took the 4 brake Drums and shoes, Hand Brake Drum and Shoes and Pressure Plate to a place in Roodepoort to sort out for me (skim and re-line) Everything was R550.00 (GBP 40 or $79)

    Rear Brakes are Done. While the brakes were off I decided to do the bearings aswell. (Just have not refilled the Diff yet)

    All 3 Inline fuel Filters Changed. Both Big Filters Changed (Water Trap and Other)

    At Last found the Donaldson Agency here and what a HElpful buncg they were. I had this mess of the air filter being coinnected to the Engine. So they made me a small contraption with the correct fittings for the air filter and for the engine side. Just need to get a hole back inbetween the filter and the engine again as there was some kind of pipe inserted into the old effort. Breather or Blower of air of some sort.

    Tommorow night I will remove the old and install the 4 new Front Slave Cylinders. Can't Bleed yet as I need to put the Gearbox Back first. Dont know what will break should I try start it with no Gearbox attached.... and then Re Install the new clutch and skimmed Pressure Plate

    Saturday I will get some help from my Brother in Law to get the Gearbox Back and attached to the Mounting plate on the Engine. Hand Brake and Props etc aswell reattach.

    Will try start her but might need to bleed the diesel system first. Saturday Afternoon will be bleeding the brakes, Filling the Rear Axel, Drain and Refill the Front Axel. Warm Engine and Drain the Engine Oil, replace the oil filter and Refill. Then the small service is also complete.

    If no time on Saturday afternoon / evening then I will take her for a trip around the suburb to test and see if everything is in order. My biggest concern now is that I have a decent enough braking system after this.

    Oh and what I am going to do with all the "spare parts" (bolts and nuts and odds and sodds) that will inevitably be left at the end of this exercise? ;)

    Then If all is good with her, take her on a bit of a 4x4 track on Sunday Afternoon just for me to start getting to know how she behaves off road.... Cant Wait!!...

  7. Hey there.

    I can recommend some places for spares. Try Dover spares in Selby as they import Britpart spares for Landies. They are the cheapest. If they don't have Rob Leimer's in Honeydew will. They do mostly second hand spares.

    Hope this helps

    Thanks Gareth,

    I decided to pay Rob Leimer A Visit as I needed a few items to overhaul the brake system and fit a new clutch. Thanks for the info, Rob's place is absolutely fantastic. I have never seen so many Landy's and thier spares in one place. Was a nice experience walking around there this morning. Is there somthing that he does not have? :D

    Thanks Again for the advise.

  8. Hi All,

    Please excuse my Newbieness (to the forum, Landies and mechanics)

    I am receiving my Landy tomorrow and know that the left rear stap is worn and torn and is therefore not operational. The Right Strap is still fine.

    My Question is this: Do I need them and what for? If removing them, will the prop not touch the Chassis (hole it goes through) should a big articilation happen or am I miising the plot? So the straps are there to protect the drive shaft and universals?

    Some say that removing them will reduce the tip over angle by a degree or 2 but articulation will be better.

    Too much movement in the axle can cause the yoke and flange of the two sides of the universal joints to come in contact with each?

    Thanks for any advise or assistance in this matter.

  9. Hi Everyone, my name is Allen and I am a Landy Nut.... (read new Landy Nut)


    Seriously though... I am extremely excited as I have just paid for my First Land Rover. She is a 1970 (circ) Series IIA.

    Unfortunaltely I only get her on Saturday Afternoon. :(

    The Previous Owner rescued her from being a "break down" recovery vehicle before he bought it. He fitted a canopy and had it re-sprayed, effectively making it into a 109" three door station wagon. He had done a few mods to her to make her better and I am now going to be the Proud owner and am hoping she will bring as much joy to me and my family as she did to others beofre.

    I have been searching for over 4 months now for the perfect Series Landy. I have driven some dogs and I have beein in others that were not bad at all. Prices varied wildly from cheap to fair to over the top. But one gets whats you pay for.

    Anyway I was driving back from the western part of Gauteng (South Africa) feeling dispondent that I could not find a Series yet again... We drove past this Chaps house and saw this 109 Landy in the Front Garden and an 88 series Landy Inside the Garage. Slammed on Brakes and made a u turn right there and parked along side the house. We asked to see the owner of the Landy in the Garden and the Owner came out with a bewildered look on his face.... We asked him directly f he was keen to sell his Landy to which he replied, "Not Really, She is my baby" He uses it to go to the diving areas a few times a year etc. Well enventually he was taking us through all her enhancements and took us for a test drive etc. Which was quite impressive as she had not been started in over 6 weeks, She took First Time...

    To cut a long story shorter....

    HE did not really want to part with her, but I really wanted her...

    He had looked after her very well and would be saying goodbye to a chapter of his life with her that he really did not want to think about.

    Eventually he said I could have her as long as I will use her and not break her up for spares etc... Done Deal!

    So Now I cannot wait for the weekend!!!!

    Right now, She needs a Brake overhaul and perhaps a clutch a little later in December.

    Thanks Mr D. if you are on these forums somewhere. You will not Regret it. I will look after her, like you did.


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