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Everything posted by simon_s

  1. Shut it! I'm at work! Get yer car going and stop chatting!
  2. oh well.... Beautiful bit of country anyway!
  3. I've got the same problem, got an ARB bumper on the front of my Jimny, very small space up front which limits my options when I finally go to get a winch.
  4. not sure whether an 8274 would fit on the bumper he's on about, but i could be wrong....
  5. Yeah I've seen that in action, it's a good piece of kit!
  6. Ebay is wonderful isn't it.... click if you dare. Like the bumper and rad Anyone seen this before???
  7. Chris n' Craigs isn't it?
  8. I'll get my pics up on my site somewhen this week hopefully.... got some good ones of you on the trials section John, interesting angles...
  9. Neil, are you sure letting these two marshal is a good idea?? I reckon there's going to be some low scores at the end of the day... You'll be lucky......
  10. Well I'm excited! Plus it's been raining for a good 7 hours today( ) , so levels will rise.... I'm just trying to work out whether I'll camp or not on Saturday, as it's only ten minutes from home... The pull of a fire and alcohol may mean I will...
  11. Theres a few pics on the site in my sig. Don't have time to move them across to here....sorry..
  12. So who were you referring to? Feel free to PM me if you don't want the world to know.
  13. I had a fun year, thanks to Neil for letting me tag along and you lot for being consistantly entertaining! Pics wil be upi on my site from Slindon asap, hope to see you all next year....
  14. Got some good'uns of you Chris, as soon as I get the chance I'll stick em up on my site. What's the asking price gonna be....?
  15. Pics are all up from Kirton now. The site looks fun....
  16. Is anyone else beginning to worry? Or is it just me?
  17. I am already excited. It better keep raining. Right up until Friday evening should do it. Oh, and I'm having issues with the uploader on my site at the mo, sorry pics still aren't up from the last one yet....
  18. You hoping there's gonna be lots of little bits of tape attached to trees at Slindon then Adrian???
  19. Just got my pics up onto my site. Not a huge amount (I was busy too!) but a few there. click here now!
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