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Everything posted by Dunc

  1. Another update for you... A very early Series 2 109 may be coming to live with us. It's pretty much nailed in the chassis, engine and gearbox department but i think it may form a glorious union with my Rangey. Now, i know some of you are going to yell at me, but here's my plan; 1/ Notify DVLA of 109 engine change to have logbook with V8 on. 2/ Rebuild 109 body onto Rangey chassis, less a few inches to make 100" 3/ Insure on specialist policy so insurers know about coils, v8, galv chassis etc so cover not compromised 4/ Drive tax exempt hybrid Now as far as i can see, the insurers are happy because they know all the mods so there's no risk of me having a bump and not being covered and that's the important thing because it affects other people not just me. DVLA will know about the engine change so i'm all tickty boo with them as cc is the only bit they write down at the MOT, not whether you've got coils or leaves. I know if you go through the whole 'point scoring' thing then it wouldn't qualify, but i'm justifying my actions on the basis that the remanufactured Rangey chassis is 'new' and therefore simply a replacement chassis for the 109, disc brakes (and the associated axles) have been exchanged on grounds of safety (not like theyr'e portals or something, how many people do you know with Rangey diffs in Series axles for better cruising?) and the engine and gearbox wouldn't affect the tax exempt status because you only have to hit 8 points. Effectively, i could put all my rangey bits in the series axle casings and then convert them to coils thus maintaining those points on the score, so i have absolutely no issues with my conscience using my rangey casings. The suspension medium doesn't count on the scoring system, so what's the difference? I appreciate i'm applying my viewpoint to each of the regs, but it's all a bit daft anyway. If you replace your Series axles with one from another Series it's not original and would lose points according to DVLA. Load of old guff. Galv chassis also loses you points, as my mate has found with his SWB S2. I'll let you know how i get on. Oh, and save your fingers if you want to hurl abuse because i'm not going to listen.
  2. I agree. Unless you're climbing in and out or something equally daft, it all more or less stays in place in my experience. I recommend inner and outer sill sections from Paddock and you'll have the job done in a day. BUT... Check your dimensions with a tape measure incase during use there has been some distortion as the integrity of the shell has been compromised. My mate's 2-door had and we had to jack the body up into shape with a bit of wood. Once the new sill was tacked in it was all right as ninepence. Best of luck
  3. Right, mini-update for you. After 2 days of welding the Rangey has another year's MOT. OE bulkhead lives in our shed currently ready for the project. I've also got some lights and switchgear and a roof panel 'in storage' at my mates farm. Wife banned me from buying a complete 110 as a donor, so collecting panels. Let you know as soon as i get started and will also start chasing you for info!
  4. This whole SVA things really does seem to be a minefield. I think that when i build mine i'll drive it to the SVA station on the plates from the Rangey and drive it home on them too if it doesn't pass!
  5. Thanks Gaffer It's not helping me with either my decision to cut it up OR how to measure for the bulkheads if i do though!
  6. I wonder just how many bobs are out there that have been? Not many i bet.
  7. Dammit you had to bring morality into play didn't you Guess i'll have to do it properly when the time comes.
  8. If you repair a chassis, is it modified? All i'm thinking is, if i do a rear crossmember 'repair' then i haven't really modified it, have i? Daresay most of you guys (who've had a lot more experience than me) have tried most of the things i'm thinking of!
  9. Bugger! Still, as long as they don't mess about too much at the SVA i suppose you know you're 100% legit with a 'Q'. Was it difficult to insure once on a 'Q' plate?
  10. You're just trying to get me into trouble! Thanks, but if i do one it'll be with my Rangey otherwise i'll just get a 110. Interestingly though, the 'Q' platers are becuase of the 'new' regulations. What's to stop me building one and putting my normal numberplate on it and simply saying i built it before the regs came into force?
  11. Thanks Dude, much obliged. I've been offered a complete 110 which would be good for donor parts. I want a full roof so i can get the dogs in the back, and it will also have to be our daily vehicle. The wife has agreed to the Tangiers Orange too.
  12. That's enough to head me off into dreamland; Paint, V8, 100", crushing Novas...
  13. That'll be "Lang" then. That one is almost exactly what i'm going to build. I'd fortgotten about the build thread on it, but on reading through i thought it looked familiar and once i spotted my posts i realised why... Glad to see the Rangey seats fit. Mine are sooooo comfy. Checked out the more pics version on ORRP too. Well, rude not to register whilst i was there... B)
  14. Dear God, i see what you mean about the colour! Looks fantastic though in fairness. Impressive timescale too. I've been checking out some panels and found; New O.E. bulkhead - £184 110 rear tub - £150 110 hard top - £50 Seat box - £100 On the face of it, that's pretty cheap. Buying a 110 with knackered chassis is a good plan though. Going to search the net a bit tonight to have a looksee at prices. Oh, by the way, i reckon i'd go for Tangiers Orange on mine.
  15. Hi everyone, Just 'testing the water' a bit... Had a look in the tech archive, but couldn't see what i wanted so it's posted in here! My RR increasingly needs body patches; floor, sills, 'C' pillar etc etc and i'm all too aware that this will reach the point where i can't keep up with it. I like the idea of building a hybrid from it because the chassis is good, the axles have been replaced and the engine/gearbox is good. I reckon i've got a couple of MOT's left in it before i can't keep up with the welding, which is time i can use to amass body panels and parts for plonking a Defender type body on my Rangey chassis. The other thing that makes me hesitate is that for what it costs i could probably get a 110. I sold my 200Tdi for £3850 last year. I bought Tony Parrots book on hybrids and it wasn't much use. Mark Evans building his 4x4 is regularly on my dvd player but you can't base chopping up your daily driver on a tv programme! I know a lot of the bits i'd need, but i'm not sure about alignment of bulkhead and rear crossmember particularly. I guess rear bulkhead and where the wheelarch go would be a pain too. Read Les Brock's thread on his 88" build and SVA test. I'd rather keep my original plate and ID. Is it not possible with a Hybrid? After all, i'm only changing the body panels effectively, chassis and all mechanicals will be the same. Any help gratefully received.
  16. Hmm, i'll have to have a mooch at that.
  17. Stick an oil burner in it... then i can buy your LPG kit so that i never lose the glorious power, sound and flexibility of my V8! My last V8 went porous at 160,000 miles, didn't think about putting a diesel in, just tried to find the best 3.9 i could. With hindsight, i should have saved up a bit and got a 4.6. Hey ho.
  18. Bloody hell Jules! Just so you know, i've got a spare RR diff for when you lunch yours with that rubber! I prefer the 33s Oh, by the way, your dogs are looking well. Ours have grown a bit since you saw them last... Now i'll go and promise not to hijack threads again...
  19. Kinell. I think i'll just stick to demisters... Oh, i bought a bottle of 'anti-fog' Rain-X off eBay too. £2.99 + p&p
  20. That was brilliant. Totally loved every second of that. Bravo! (apologies for the thread hijack)
  21. Dunc

    Good news

    I got my lights from them too, cheaper than eBay even! Wiring is a bit of a b1tch, for an electro-phobe like me anyway. Thoroughly recommend maplins double-pole single throw relays though!
  22. Dunc

    Good news

    Sorry i've been so long in replying. My lightbar came from Greenlane 4x4 too, so we're obviously all chaps with splendid taste!
  23. Jim you're a superstar. Never thought of epoxy, i'll go have a butchers at the Frost site to see what they've got.
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