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Everything posted by Dunc

  1. Hi everyone, Bit of a strange query, but i guess that's part of my raison d'etre! I'm replacing the exhaust on my 1985 2-door RRC, nothing revolutionary there i know, but i don't want to replace it with the twin pipe system it has as standard. The downpipes from the manifold, NRC4219 and NRC4220, seem to be identical for all RRC's to 1985 as does the 'Y' pipe, NRC4218. The differences at the supplier seem to be the centre silencer which joins to the 'Y' pipe and comes in single or twin pipe outlet, 594973 & NRC1973 respectively. What i'm after doing is fitting a single pipe outlet silencer rather than the twin pipe version. This will facilitate me putting my own rear pipe and back box on. Like i said, not the most radical of problems, but it will just save me wasting money (which is currently at a premium) buying bits that wont fit. I know i could cut and reweld everything, but i'm after a much easier solution with an amalgam of standard parts to make future replacement easier; one off bits always fail at the most inopportune of moments! So, is there any other difference in the single outlet exhaust intermediate silencer and the twin outlet intermediate silencer other than the outlet pipes? Cheers.
  2. Mine's a 2-door my mate, but thank you very much for the offer. May still try and blag a bunch of bits from you anyway!
  3. Don't keep us in suspense...
  4. That's almost exactly what i thought. I was trying to remember my old 3-dr Tdi, and how the tip-frame was welded to the floor vs the 'post' affair on the RRC, and you've more or less verified what i was thinking. Thanks very much, i'm grateful. Guess i'll just fix what i've got, eh?
  5. Yeah, Rob has an unmentionable amount of carp around down there, i'd thought of seeing what he could dig out. I worked for him years ago to help pay for a partial engine rebuild. 17:43, just woken up... if i can get up early tomorrow i'll nip down to see him. Uuuuuurgghh work in a couple of hours...
  6. Anyone know if seats from a 3-door Disco with the tip-up mechanism would fit into an RRC? If anyone would like to measure the base and runners of the Disco seat and post a picture up of same and the mounting plinth then I'm sure you'll be guaranteed some karmic goodness.
  7. Thanks Fridge. I've been through Nige's thread and on his website, and he very kindly pm'd me his phone number so i can ring him for a chat. Doing a conversion like this is about as far out of my comfort zone as i like to be. Engine swaps are easy, but this electronic work of satan is just a whole new ball game! Do i need to change the fuel tank for one that has two fuel lines so i can have a return fuel line?
  8. Like it says in the title really; interested in the feasibility of swapping from carbs to EFi. I did a search, but unfortunately EFi is an invalid search term! I'm guessing i'd need a different fuel pump, possibly a different tank with a return pipe? Then the brain, manifold, injectors, throttle position sensor and all the gubbins to megasquirt it. My truck has only done 45k from new, so it's an ideal candidate i guess... Hmm, sounds like a scary (and expensive) prospect though. Thoughts/comments/advice please.
  9. Cheers. Externally it's a belter, even the top tailgate is solid. The problems mostly lay underneath with the rear arches needing patches, which are only 5-minute jobs, and then the front body mounts and footwells. The sills i think i can get away with until after the winter. The doors i'll need to take off and patch at some point, and then they'll be A1. Front inner wings aren't too bad and will certainly last a few years, by which time i'll be able to just buy entire replacement sections and chop 'n' swap! I've done a roof panel before, hence my interest in swapping it rather than trying to fix it straight off, although i might have a look for Webasto bits and if they're affordable then i may just do the job properly first time around. If anyone knows where i can get front body mounts then please let me know!
  10. Never heard of YRM, thanks. Bugger all at Rimmers, all not available. Lots more at Famous Four, i'll go check that YRM and MM.
  11. Right, off to search Rimmer Bros site for repair panels. Any other favourites for repair panels (not just general spares) people can recommend?
  12. Yes mate it was a kind of reddish/orange colour originally, perhaps even the Allegro Russet? Currently it's been roller-painted with olive drab! I was there 5+ years ago when they bought it and professed my passion for 2-doors having not long sold the last of mine, so funny how their situation and mine kind of transpired together and now it's mine!!! Keep your ears to the ground for any bits that might fit! I have decided that the big purchases i'll have to make are roof, power steering and a big stinky zorst.
  13. Mini update for you with some better pictures. Need to explore the options for finding a replacement roof so that i can get her on the road in the short term. Long term i'll rebuild that wonderful folding roof. Anyone got any info on them; spares, manufacturer etc? Making a patch to weld into the rear arch where the seatbelt mounts tomorrow. Sills have been patched at some point in the past and seem ok currently. Floors are good. Tailgate latches are shagged, as you'd expect, but the frame is good so hopefully with a little luck and fabrication i'll revive them. Wont be the first time i've had to rebuild those latches! Gears feel a bit tight, which i'm hoping is just the fact that until yesterday it hadn't moved for a year so everything needs to loosen up. A good greasing wherever i can find a grease point should help too. I'm still buzzing. :D Getting some Disco 5-spoke steels from Chris Davies (our 'Wanted' section rules!) which will be blasted and powder coated black. Hopefully a set of Insa Turbo Trackers will be wrapped around them, possibly 235/85 but if not then 235/70 (std). Tangiers orange has always been a favourite of mine too, so i think now will be my best opportunity... Buzzing.
  14. Absolutely buzzing my end at the mo, after all the messing about with the Vogue 3.9 RRC i was trying to buy i then got offered an alternative out of the blue. I agreed to have it without seeing it and its previous owner dropped it off this evening. Apologies for the crappy photo, but it was taken on my phone in the dark!!! 1985, 2-door with a full length fabric sunroof. The sunroof doesn't close properly, so may have to buy a later model roof to whack on until finances allow the fixing of the big sunroof. Chuffed to bits, will post up as i do jobs and also as i ask for bits i need!
  15. Blatant resurrection of an old post, my apologies, but i just wanted to say how much i love that pic. There's something that makes me feel all warm inside when a Rangey does the "dog with a paw in the air" articulation trick. Fantastic stuff.
  16. You know how they say one door closes but another one opens? Well, looks like i may be starting another thread asking about the spec of mid-80's 2-doors. Yeah baby...
  17. Well, all by-the-by now. After my latest spell on the phone with the dealer it transpired he took a deposit some time ago and is waiting for the prospective buyer to collect. I guess i was his back up plan. My spidersense was tingling already, i should have listened to it and just left it alone all along. Thanks for the info anyway. Much obliged.
  18. 7"? Bloody hell... If i manage to get the one i'm after it will be remaining close to standard (famous last words) and a daily drive. Biggest mod i'll do will be LPG to make it perfectly cheap to run. The dealer it's at is not the easiest to deal with, it's like an old farmer who's got something you want but doesn't give a sh*t if he sells it or not...
  19. Ah, that would explain my understanding of the correlation between the airrival of air and the LSE. Many thanks, great info. p.s. I also love air suspension, when it's working right it's simply a whole new driving experience.
  20. If you fancy putting that chassis number on pm to me so i can use it to find the original spec i'd be grateful.
  21. Grrr... can't get an answer from the dealer at the moment. What the smeg is Microcat, Al?
  22. And RRR yield thus; In 1990, Land Rover gave details for the new model to be introduced in 1991: Other improvements include:- * Cruise control as standard on all Vogue SE automatic models. * Glass sunroof as standard on Vogue SE, emphasising a feeling of spaciousness and also providing increased headroom. * New fuel system, including a larger 18 gallon (81.8 litre) polyurethane tank which increases usable capacity (14 per cent on petrol/10 per cent on diesel). * Automatic anti-dazzle mirror, activated by light sensors on Vogue SE models. * Heated front door locks on all models. * Improved sound insulation. * Recessed rear seat belt floor anchorage points. * New speakers with improved bass response. * Four new exterior body colours. Unfortunately they then only give two other updates, one for the Brooklands and one for the final special edition to mark the end of the RRC. One thing i'm intrigued by is when air suspension appeared. The picture i've been sent by the dealer deffo looks like either the springs are all shagged or it's on air because it's very low in a boy-racer stylee!
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