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Paul Humphreys

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Everything posted by Paul Humphreys

  1. Just start ~MM up, go to GPS setup and set it to the right com port. Should be com 1. I dont have that one, but did set someones up for them. Paul
  2. Have a look at the Nokia N95. Paul
  3. I might be up for marshaling as its close to me. Paul
  4. Shropshire CC has received a claim to down grade down a lane to a Restricted Byway. This lane starts at SO 39800 84515 to SO 40165 84575 and is just north of Hopesay, Shropshire. Looking on the maps I have it looks like a UCR, but I will have to check with the ROW office. I have never used this road so do not know what its like. I will try to get some more info on it. But if anyone wants to object to the down grading then the person you need to email is lucy.mcfarlane@shropshire-cc.gov.uk Paul
  5. Fit another parallel port as some older printers do not like working thro a usb lead. But you can get a parallel to usb converter. Paul
  6. http://www.yrm-metal-solutions.co.uk/ Paul
  7. It was a good day at the trial on sunday, some damage (Chris ). I did not get there in time to enter but just watched the rest of the day. Paul
  8. Right heres goes!! Its not been tried in law as yet, but if its on the LOS and on the DM as something as something else it had NOT lost it right to be driven. As I and others understand it NERCa can not change a UCR (its a very long story and others and me are still working on it). This is why the GAP is still open, like others I know. I know of quite a few ROADS (ie RBs) that are listed on the DM but are also on the LOS and are still open to be driven/ridden. Some of this info came from a ROW office. This why I tell people to get a copy of the LOS in the area that they live, as theres lots out there that are NOT on the DM. Also you can STILL use pre 1930 evidence to get a ROW upgraded to allow motor vehicle use. But can not use horse and cart as use. This will only work for NEW (new found) roads. I still drive where I belive I have a right to drive, untill someone tells me otherwise. Paul
  9. Thats about it, you can not drive them unless you have a legal right to IE have a house at the end of/on it. Or the land owners permission. Not at all, "we" have till 2026 (I think) to get all the lanes on the DM. After that they will be lost. But have you had a look at the list of streets for you area? You will be suprsied to find lots of "new" lanes that you can drive. I know of quite a few RB (former RUPPS) that are still driven . I for one will still driving Green Lanes in 20-30 years time. Paul
  10. I will be seeing him again next sunday/monday if your still haveing trouble getting hold of him. Drop me a PM with email address and I will pass it on. Paul
  11. Glad to see you made it to the carwash!! Paul
  12. He will be still makeing the Spring lifters from what he said today. Paul
  13. TBH, I don't think it looks that bad But its a personal thing, if it was me I would live with it for a few months and see how it goes. You can do all the other things you have planned before you decide. Paul
  14. I have an AC with them, but can not remember the prices. I do not pay rental on the bottel. I got one from some one for free. I hire a full one for about a week or 2 then return the empty one. No rental till its empty Paul
  15. Did Neil break it again? Sorry I missed meeting you last night. Paul
  16. I have spoken to Richard of Mill Services today. He asked me to pass on this info. Due to poor health he is no longer going to be making sill bars. He is hoping to carry on doing mail order on parts that he just resells. Paul
  17. Thats the problem, a good S3 is getting harder to find. If it was me, a overdrive (if it's not got one) Disk brakes (cost a lot to convert), parabolic springs and a bigger engine. That should do it Paul
  18. No as I am with Green Flag as they were cheeper. I cover my can and me peosonaly so it covers me for what ever I am in. Paul
  19. Its was a good day, just a long one. all done on one tank of diesel Paul
  20. Well Mark and myself had a good day yesterday. We started with the Gap road and did lots of others. Pictures are here In total I did 283 miles in 15 1/2 hours, leaving home at 7am and getting home at 10-30 pm. Paul
  21. You need to cut all the rust out back to good metal to be able to weld it right. Other wise you will be doing the same in in a couple of years. Paul
  22. well looks like the wing will need to come off to make a good repair. You need to make sure you cut all the rust out back to good metal before welding in new bits. Paul Edit, the wind screen will have to come out as well.
  23. Glad to be of help . Put it on ebay Paul
  24. Pipes for the air springs/bags if it still has them. Paul
  25. Oh well. I am glad I have never used them then. Paul
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