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Paul Humphreys

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Everything posted by Paul Humphreys

  1. Ask Gwyn Lewis as hes got some with a very big offset on his Disco. Paul
  2. I usee to use a company called Norton Insurance services in Edgebaston Birmingham. Sorry do not have any other details. Paul
  3. Mine is never locked, I have left the keys in it as well. There is an immobiliser switch hidden on it, but I only found it by accident and the previouse owner did not even know about it. Well YES, I have left the keys in the front door more than once and they were still there the next day. Paul
  4. Following on from the success of last years attempt! See http://www.crag-uk.org//index.php?option=c...37&Itemid=2 The 2007 New Years Day Mountain Bike Jolly over the Gap will take place 1.1.07. Meet place is at Taf Fechan Forest Car Park (SO 042 164) at 10.30a.m. with kick off at 11.00a.m. Unlike last year the route will be from South to North this year (supposedly easier....we will see!) All welcome to enter AT OWN RISK!!! Just for FUN??? i.e. Non-competitive. Although there is a trophy!! Anyone interested??? Cheers Paul
  5. Thanks for that, its good to know its just me not been thick Paul
  6. Well HDD is wiped now, so the problem has gone . Just would have liked to know what it was and how to fix it. Paul
  7. I can do that, I keep all the updates anyway, but it will not get rid of the problem. Anyway got a stack of cds to back it up on and then its going to get wiped. Problem solved Paul
  8. Yes still dose it on every user (3 users). I have tried everything I know. It dose not happen in safe mode, but windows updates will not run in safe mode. I have run scanns in safe mode with system restore turned off. Looks like a clean reinstall Paul
  9. I have not come across this one before. I have a computer that when you open internet explorer it will open another in Task manger, but not show it on the screen. I have looked for programs running the back groung and the like. It seems like spy ware, but I have run Ad-Aware and Symantec AV 10 (dose spyware as well) on it. It works ok in safe mode find, even on the web. I have done a windows repair. I can not run windows update due to the problem. I have closed all non needed programs running the back ground in taskmanger as weel and the problem is still there. My only other thing to try is a clean reinstall of windows Anyone got anything else to try before I do? Paul
  10. As I remember it, the longer pair go on the front, with the longer of the 2 on the drivers side. Paul
  11. Can anyone help? We were in the Radnor forest over the weekend doing a event for the Powys 4x4 Response group. We set up a large white frame tent. By the time we get back on the Sunday morning some twats had pinched it. If anyone hears anything then please let me know and I will pass the info on. It has been reported it to the police. Here’s a list of all that was stolen. 1 large white frame tent 6m x 3 m with transparent panels to front and rear. 3 Assorted Ratchet Straps 1 x 10 ltr Water Carrier – White Plastic 1 x PVC Banner Approx 4m X 1m Yellow with Black logo and lettering – Muddy Millers 4x4 Club. The Muddy Millers banner was tied to the one end of the tent, it is of no use to anyone else so it would be nice if we can get it back. Paul
  12. http://www.warwickedu.net/cb/groups/eval.php Paul
  13. I run Gwyns kit and think its very good. But I am looking into changing the rears so I can fit longer shocks. As for the top mounting point. I have thought that it would be possible to use eye ones by turning the top 90 degrees so as the axle moved it will allow the shock to move more. Paul
  14. As far as I know (as I have nothing to do with Way Finder, other than being a user of it) then yes keep adding them. Paul
  15. No problem, Ian has said if anyone wants to put a link ona nother site, then just do so . Paul
  16. Mine did the same when I got it. All I did was to tighten the nut on the bulkhead that holds the screen upright. Stoped the leek. Paul
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