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Paul Humphreys

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Everything posted by Paul Humphreys

  1. Its not a compleat file then. You need to sompleat the download before it will play. Paul
  2. Treebloke on here is a RTL for CRAG like myself. But If you join CRAG and do it under the CRAG name then you can use the CRAG insurance. Theres all the paperwork in place for this sort of project. Theres a few members of CRAG on now as well . The first thing it to find out if its a BOAT or UCR(ORPA) as BOATS are the ROW office and UCR(ORPA)s are Highways. Looking at the pics you would only need about 25T of stone. I will PM a phone number or send me one and we can talk. Paul
  3. Do you know the file the file type? the last 3 leters after the fullstop? Is it a compleat file? Do a search for a codec pack. Most packs have all you need in them. Paul
  4. Why not ask the council to give you some stone and get a group of 4x4 drivers to put the stone in the holes? It will show 4x4 drivers in a good light! Paul
  5. Best way is to use nero to burn it. To convert to other file types, convert it to xvid. Have a look at www.videohelp.com Paul
  6. I am looking at the Insa Turbo Special Track 265/75 16, I know a couple of people who have then and they are just over 33". I fitted a set of Machos the weekend and the sooner they come off the better. A lot less grip than the dirt devils I took off. Paul
  7. I have Gwyns fitten to mine, they work very well. Paul
  8. What stops the petrol/diesel coming out if you roll on your roof? Paul
  9. Will I missed the bit about Wireless in the top post . But never mind. Paul
  10. Try Aldi, they have them for £13 right now. Paul
  11. Try Gwyn Lewis www.gwynlewis4x4.co.uk as hes a forum member. Paul
  12. Best thing to do if you start to float is to open the door!!! Paul
  13. Yes, in Powys, the Disco was on full lock by the time it got across as the water was pushing it down stream. I have done the Car Wash at Corwen with the water line down the side of my 110 upto the body cappings, about 4 foot deep and thats about as deep as I want to go in moving water. Paul
  14. Heres one from Sunday, its a new ford we found, its not on the maps and is not on Wet Roads web site. Paul Edit, Before anyone says "why not use the bridge?" The bridge is a private one and not for public use.
  15. I have to say I dont have a problem with any of the pictures. I have in the past asked some people (not on this forum) to remove pictures on some forums as they did show users in a bad light. I am a member of a group trying to keep Green Lanes open for all users. I have seen bigger splashes on the M54. So keep posting the pictures. Paul
  16. Good joke, but yes it dose seem quite today. Paul
  17. its not just the Traders, but what about clubs as well? But it dose seem a bit far fetched as the both shows are only 18 miles apart. Paul
  18. Billing 2007? Well looks like its back on, this time run by LRM, www.billinglandrovershow.co.uk on the same dates, 20-22 July 2007, as the LRE show at Kelmarsh Hall. So its 2 shows on the same weekend. So whos going where?? Paul
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