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Paul Humphreys

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Everything posted by Paul Humphreys

  1. Well I have someone who is, he has said he will look at the welds if I cut the wheel and sent the bits to him. Paul
  2. It dose not say on the wheel makers site "Not for road use". Its a matter of safety. I was told by the maker that the wheels are rated at 750 kgs. So as a ex-army 110 is rated as 3050kgs I think they are not rated for then. But as mine is not an ex-army then it comes under the makers rating. Paul
  3. I have just sent an email to VOSA, but if you know someone there then please go ahead and ask. Paul
  4. If it dose run on, put it in 5th, with the hand brake on & foot on the foot brake, and let the clutch out quick and stall it. But it sounds like a rebuild. I have have it hallen on a diesel car, not nice, but you know the signs now. Paul
  5. From another forum Well if I dont weld them up at lease I can find what has caused them to crack. Paul
  6. Could be the oil is only getting pass the rings when its hot/under load? The time to worry is when you turn it off and it still runs Paul
  7. Have you looked for oil in the water? But could be rebuild time. Paul
  8. What gets me most is as I have said. Its on the same spoke on the wheels. Looking from the inside if the wheel with the valve at the top. Its the spoke to the right of the valve. So why the same spoke on both wheels? Paul PS If anyone wants to see the cracks send me a PM.
  9. Thats my only concern. Do I want to rist a lot more £££££ on new ones for them to do the same again? Or do I go for Wolf rims and a less offset. But a long lasting wheel. Paul
  10. Can you measure from the rim face to the centre face and tell me what it is? The ones I have are 110mm from rim to wheel centre. Paul
  11. Thats what I was thinking. But I will weld them and see. They take a lot to balance anyway as they are fitted with Bronco Dirt Devils. With a bit of luck when I have ground out the weld and rewelded it it should be about the same. Paul
  12. I will weld them up. Not a problem as I can do them. But I just wanted to know how long people would expect them to last. Paul
  13. I am not pointing the finger at you Les. I was not going to say I had them off of you, I have no regets swapping them at all. They are what I wanted. Just trying to work out if they should be good for a few more years thats all. I think they might not be up to a 110s weight. For some thing is designed for a hard life and for racing. For them both to crack in the same place on the same spoke is a bit bad. I have spoken to the man who made the bumper you had off of me and he said its not the frist time he knowed them to crack. Theres no need to say sorry, its not your fault. Paul
  14. Its not work fighting it, but its a shame. They have offered me a new set at trade price, but are they going to crack as well? Paul
  15. Not 8 spokes, but 5 spokes. The only way I knew that were cracked was a flat tyre. Paul
  16. Its the HAZ (Heat Affcted Zone) that has craked. Both times its been the front wheel. The drivers side now the other side. Paul
  17. What has gotten me is the fact that the welding has cracked in the same place on both wheels. I done mean almost the same place, but the same place. Paul
  18. Green Laning. Thats all I do in the 110. Paul
  19. I am asking as I have broken 2 wheels in the last 4 weeks. Well I have not broken them as such, just the welding has cracked, same place on both wheels. I was told by the maker "we are afraid that it looks like the whole set has come to the end of its life" So what would most people say the life of a wheel is? Paul PS I am not going to say what make of wheel it is or how long they say the life span is.
  20. Gwyn told me I might not need them when I lifted mine, and he was right. Stearing is fine without them. Paul
  21. Yes you can join online, paying with Paypal. But Yes you can join at the show. I will either be on the CRAG stand or the Muddy Millers club stand. Paul
  22. CRAG will be at the Land Rover World Show at Eastnor Castle on the 10th and 11th June. This will be CRAGs first ever time doing a show and it should be a good one. As most people will know the LRW show is one of the bigger shows of the year. Everyone is welcome to come along say Hi ask questions and maybe sign up for a membership. The show stand will be manned all weekend to answer the question the best we can. There will also be T-shirts and stickers to buy. There will also be vehicles on the stand for people to have a look at. Not sure if we can get the Toyotas on the stand as well, we will see.
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