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Paul Humphreys

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Everything posted by Paul Humphreys

  1. Good thinking. If people are going to Eastnor or the BORDA race at Ellesmere I can meet them. Paul
  2. They should be here monday. I will take cash (sent at your own risk), cheque, PO order or Paypal. I will post totals Monday when I know the weight and postage to give the total cost. Paul
  3. Works out like this. freeagent 2 pairs small ok GBMUD 3 pairs small ok Mark 2 pairs small ok Holyzeus 2 pairs small ok Fatboy 6 pairs small only 4 pairs MogLite 1 pair small ok Orange 2 pairs small ok Mark90 1 pair small 1 pair large ok headhunter 1 pair large ok pritch1 2 pairs small ok will_warne 2 pairs large only 1 large one left, sorry.
  4. I have just a letter from the Post Office saying I need to pay £45.23 vat. So I have paid it. Adding this makes the small ones a£7.50 a pair and the large ones £7.50 each. This plus P&P. I will work out the P&P on monday when they get here. But as before by the time I get Jiffy bags and post them it should be no more than £1.50, coulde be less. I will do a list of who wants what and post it later. Paul
  5. I think its a good idea that you have to have more than 20 posts. Paul
  6. I can do most of that for FREE, If anyone wants to come laning just let me know. I am sure I can find a Pay and Play site as well if you want to pay. Paul
  7. But pics would as I might be looking for one for my 110 HT. Paul
  8. I used Memory Map as you can change beween the 5 ways of reference. Paul
  9. I think its called "Parsect" paint, it changes colour as the light hits it from a diffrant angle. Paul
  10. Os Map Ref SP 15610 81565 Deg, Min, Sec, 52°25'54.6"N, 1°46'18.6"W 52.43183°N, 1.77183°W Dose that help? Paul
  11. I have run CRAG projects with peope who are not members of either group. We also had members of GLASS helping including an area Rep. I have also taken GLASS members out laning with me. I will not go into this in detail on here as its not the place. CRAG are not, as I have said just in WALES, we are spreading out. But I will say this, GLASS was formed from GLOW members, who before that were AWD club members. So it looks like all good things start in Wales . I personay have a long drive next week down to Northants to have a meeting with the ROW office to see what we can do down there. Any other questions I will try to answer, but please email them to me phumphreys@crag-uk.org as I have said forums are not the place to do it. Paul
  12. Hi Simon, The best way to find out about CRAG is to have a look at www.crag-uk.org We are trying to keep rights of way open for all users in the countryside, not just 4X4 users. We are a National group of users, some think we only cover Wales and the border but we do not. We have lots of members spread out all over England and Wales. Its only been 6 months since CRAG was formed. By the things that we have done & are doing I think that we have done well in that short time, others will disagree. As for Wayfinder (www.way-finder.co.uk). CRAG were given access for its members as a Web Enabled Body (WEB). Some disagreed with this and the second copy way born (www.wayfinderproject.co.uk). I am not getting in to who and why, what is the right one. But there is some ongoing talks about this matter. It has nothing to do with CRAG. Its is between Ian Boddison and the WMT/GLASS to sort out. I for one hope its sorted as soon as possible. As one copy would be better for all. Anymore question send me a PM and I will send my phone number and we can have a talk. You can also have a look at the GLASS website (www.glass-uk.org) and decide for you self on who to join if any. Paul
  13. I can recommend CRAG , but you do not have to be a member to help us of come out laning with us. Paul
  14. I can not say one way or the other, I have seen this posted a few time of late. Its up to you to decide. You could always join someone else. . But in the end its up to you where you put your money. Paul
  15. Hi all, I have just emailed for 25 Pairs of the small ones and 7 big ones. As soon as I get the total price I will pay for them. As I said I think its going to work out about £7.50 a pair including P&P(so I can post them out to you lot ) But I will know for sure as soon as I get the total. I have asked if they can put "Happy Birthday" on the box . If they do there will be no extra, but if I get caught for import duty then the price will rise a little to cover this. I hope I have ordered enough. Paul
  16. I will have a look here before I do the order to see if I need to order some more. So please post here before dinner time. Paul
  17. I will order some later today. I will order 20 pairs and 3 paire of the larger ones ($9.95 each) as I want a pair for holding my Jackall. I am not sure on the postage over, but it should be no more than £1.50 in a Jiffy bag. As said, I will sell on here at cost, depending on the exchange rate, I have not looked. But I think it should work out at about £7.50 including P&P a pair for the smaller ones. Any I have left will end up on ebay. Paul
  18. I have an answer. If I buy 20 sets I get free shipping. I will sell them on here at cost +what ever it cost to post them out to people. So who wants some? Paul
  19. I have just emailed endroad.com to find out how much shipping is. I want a possible 5 sets. I will post what they say here and if others want some I will order more. Paul
  20. I got it as well, but I did not have an email address to let anyone know. Paul
  21. The drive up to the lake is very nice. Sounds like there was a few misshaps that day. Paul
  22. Try these. http://www.greenlightinsurance.com/ Paul
  23. Thay are made from tube. I have some of these http://www.gwynlewis4x4.co.uk/page19.html coming later this week. Paul
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